



Jack and Eedaj had mixed reactions. One shouted in disbelief while the other wanted to learn more about the unheard-of stimulants.

"According to the gods, all they know about is the forced contract. They don't know about the stimulants that Halmut forced onto her," Sterfen explained. "That was the first time that Daruun intervened in private, forcing Halmut and Skaryn to never force someone into a contract or forcibly feed them stimulants. If anyone dares to try it again, they were threatened with immediate extinction."

"But what are stimulants?" asked Eedaj.

"Those are something foreign to Kartonia, something that a foreign power once gave Halmut and Skaryn, though Daruun forced that foreign power off the planet. Stimulants offer a boost in strength while destroying that person's potential growth. It's hard to explain without explaining the power structure of the universe outside of Kartonia."

"But how--"

Next chapter