
Things Just Fall into Place

'Sorry about that, Bowzer. I was busy looking at some new skills.' Jack reached out and pet Bowzer after ignoring the fox's questions.

'New skills? Like what?'

'Well, I have more to learn now, but I only got one new spell,' replied Jack. 'But this one spell is about to make our job a lot easier. First, let's reach the canyon wall.'

The duo trekked to the canyon, reaching it before noon.

Once there, Jack smiled and his eyes turned bright white while emitting an ethereal cloudiness. Bowzer was confused, unsure of what kind of skill Jack had picked up or what it did exactly. The fox didn't feel any kind of power coming from Jack's eyes, so they didn't feel as strong as the appeared.

Jack was too busy enjoying his new skill to see the strange look that Bowzer was giving him.

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