
Another Goodbye

"Eliza, can you bring out her casket."

The warmth of the moment began to fade as everyone understood what they were about to do and Maynard put away his barrel of alcohol.

Eliza nodded. She silently walked to the center of the room and placed the casket there. Running her fingers along the side, Eliza was reminded about the letter that Keela had left her and now she was asked to never share all of its contents, only portions.

"Eliza, can you open the casket and say a few words," Jack asked. "I think you're the one most fit for it."

"Yeah… I'll do that." The enchantress carefully unlatched the coffin's lid and lifted it. 

Once opened, everyone could tell that the coffin's enchantment wasn't perfect, only slowing the decomposition of Keela's lifeless body. But even with a slight stench of death and the beginning signs of decomposition taking effect on Keela's body, everyone could still make out her final smile that Keela left them.

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