
Conflict in the Catacomb

Jack kept pushing forward. He was lucky to only run into low-level undead so far, but he knew that soon he'd be facing stronger monsters.

He saw a few people every now and then inside the caverns. The catacomb was a natural underground maze. It was no wonder it would take the entire night just to explore it all.

Amidst his fast fights with zombies, Jack had found over one hundred gold's worth of coins and gems. It was nice, but Jack would never be satisfied with that. In his anxiousness to find the tomb, Jack retrieved the staff and saw that the glimmering red light was slowly getting brighter.

A soft yawn broke the silence, followed by a gentle voice in Jack's head. 'Jack, where this?'

Jack shook his head, in disbelief that Bowzer could sleep so much. Bowzer was currently hidden in his cloak and he wasn't allowed to show himself. 'It's about time that you're up! Here, smell this.'

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