
Chapter 12 : Class 11-8F (Part 2)

In the classroom 6755, there was a standoff between two groups. To one side were the students and the other was Astrea. She looked around to see who could be the culprit. She couldn't identify him but she knows one thing... this class wasn't united. They wouldn't protect someone who caused them trouble. She raised her voiced and questioned :

"Who did this?"


"I repeat myself. Who!?" this time with more pressure like Janus did during his speech.

She could see some shake but still determined to say nothing.

'Hmph! As expected of problematic students.'

Those who were put in this class aren't considered weak. Be it in combat or studies, they may as well be in class A or even S. The truth was they were considered failure. Failure at being part of society. They secluded themselves into smalls groups and don't try to cooperate with others. But in today world, it doesn't work.

' They found no other solution than putting them together. Not like I have any better.'

"Seems like no one want to talk? Well, let me remind you. I am Astrea Elysium. I will be your school teacher for the next school year. We will see each other every week for one hour. During this one hour, I can do whatever I want to you after I am done with formalities. I thought I could just let you finish earlier but seems like you are uncooperative. I guess I will just have to break you."

She ended her sentences with a brilliant smile. The students were blinded by this but when they heard her finals words, they shuddered. They remember who she was.

The Madman's disciple.

Some remembered their experience of being caught in his lesson. It was so painful mentally and physically. When they finally thought they could see hope, it was immediately crushed by him. But remembering the words of the one in charge of the accident, they wiped out the thought of revealing his identity.

Observing this, Astrea finally found the culprits.

A small group of five were pretty relaxed in the back, next to the window. Among them, she could see the one who could be considered the leader. It wasn't hard to see, he was the only one who dared to stare at her challengingly.

'Look like someone really isn't afraid of my reputation of being Teacher's disciple. He even wants to take me on? Sure.'

"Before I begin my plan, I still need to make the roll call. Let's begin then."

Aelius Argyros, a western phoenix

Reis Freud, a behemoth

Bion Pelagius, a hydra

Li HeXin, a kun-peng

Chen QingYu, an eastern dragon

The names of the bullies. Of course no humans in this class. Moreover, they are all older than her.

"Everyone is here but the three injured students. We also need to choose for a class representative. "

"I volunteer."

She looked up to see the phoenix, Aelius, raising his hand. He looked like to be the serious type. But why would he be with this troublesome group?

"Anyone else?" No one raised their hand.

"Okay. Then you will be the class rep. Who will be the vice?"

"Me." said the kun peng, HeXin, while raising her hand.

"Mm. Okay. Now that we are done, let's begin the punishment. As every one of you seem to prefer to obey the culprits instead of your teacher, I will let you experience true FEAR."

They didn't take her too seriously. In their eyes, she was only a puny human. Even if she managed to instill some fear, their instincts made them submit more dragons than humans.

"Everyone stand up."

No one moved.

"Heh! No one wants to stand. THEN KNEEL!" Her voice brought a powerful pressure to everyone and as if weights had been added to them, they fell from their chairs. They may be the last of the last, but it wasn't because they were weak. They stood up from the ground and tried to maintain a straight back. It only made Astrea suddenly increase the force. No one could stay up and all fell violently. The weakest even had all of his orifice bleeds.

Seeing everyone on all four, she stopped the pressure and the students could finally breathe. The less hurt were the dragon, kun peng and behemoth. The three had incredible physics capable to endure more. The phoenix and hydra had much weaker bodies, but they had incredible regenerative abilities. The rest of the class were a notch weaker than them, but still excellent compared to the average students.

'I heard from Janus that legendary beast only obey the strong. I wonder if I did well...'

Astrea really did well. The majority of the students were beast that lived with the rule of the jungle. Out of the five rebellious students, three bowed to her strength. They the hydra, behemoth and kun peng. Of course, not everyone was convinced.

The dragon and phoenix were not affected by her. They were extremely proud of their lineage. She may be stronger, but she didn't earn her their respect. She would have to work harder to make those two listen to her.

Another one of them was a demi-god. He was isolated from everyone but no one dared to touch him. His father was a high ranked War Lord. They would have to be crazy to provoke someone who was born to fight. Well, Astrea did...

His name is Bahadur Kadir. One of the many illegitimate children from the Kadir family. His mother may be only a human, but she was a woman with a special constitution. He inherited the best of both. He was raised by his father's servants after his mother died while giving birth. He had to suffer humiliation by his siblings because of his human's blood. Even if he showed a lot of talent, there was no one to cover for him. So his family sabotaged him everywhere they could, be it school, social occasions, and his reputation.

That was until he was 14 years old, he made a breakthrough and became even stronger than his own father. He punished his family and cut all ties with them. He continued to go to school as it was mandatory. But he beat up his former bullies and almost killed them. No teacher dared to reform him or they just didn't care. Their only solution was to send him to class 8F.

The four students sent flying were in reality caused by him. They managed to get away from him during all those years, they managed to run away from him. But they couldn't stop their bad habit of bullying the weak and fell together in the same class as Bahadur.

When Astrea read this after her class ended, she had cold sweats on her back.

'Ack! God! Why did you do this to me!?'

A certain god heard the cry and got shivers.

Next chapter