
Down Thorny Memory Lane

The night was quite cold and the moon was at its glorious peak. The moon was much bigger and brighter than the other full moon these past weeks. Tonight the Super Moon adorns the sky making the eerie night magnificently peaceful.

On such a wonderful night, the Emperor's Suite was filled with snores and mumbles, particularly coming from Yue Xiaoli's side. The earlier events didn't satisfy her at all and thus, she took the fighting in her dreams. The woman who was beside her chuckled when she heard all the curses and cusses coming out of her mouth. Whether she is awake or asleep, Yue Xiaoli's vigor in fighting never fails to amaze her.

Unable to hold her emotions in, Tan Jia bolted up with a smile. She walked towards the balcony before giggling at their current situation. Yue Xiaoli was taking up most of the space and on her left was Qiu Meixiu who had a contorted and annoyed look on her face despite her closed eyes. After glancing at them one last time, she turned her attention to the beautiful scenery in front of her. The light from the moon illuminated the magnificent garden filled with various flowers and decorations.

Because of such scenery, Tan Jia can't help but frown and sigh as an image of someone flashes in her mind. She glanced up at the moon and slowly closed her eyes, allowing the wind to whisper their tender lullaby. The melancholic emotions that she had kept hidden deep in her heart slowly resurfaced as the wind softly caressed her whole being.

"I miss you" she softly mumbled before her emotions swallowed her currently fragile heart.


10 years ago, Jingying Academy Main Gate…

A young woman with a beautiful mid-length rose-colored clasped her backpack tightly as she finally took a step toward her dream. After all the struggles she made to qualify and get accepted, she's finally entering Jingying Academy!

Jingying Academy is widely known for its magnificently wide and prestigious campus. Surely the rumors didn't do justice since the scenery in front of her is beyond comprehension. The area was like a kingdom in itself filled with architectural wonders and splendor.

She pushed her glasses up as her body trembled in excitement for the future that awaits her in this Academy.

"Xiao Jia!" a familiar voice called out from behind her. "Xiao Jia!"

Without hesitation, she abruptly turned around with a smile only to get tackled in her embrace. "Xian Xian!"

The brunette wearing glasses as well smiled as she buried her beaming face in Tan Jia's shoulders. "I missed you!"

"We saw each other last week. What could you possibly miss?" Tan Jia replied as she parted with the woman. She too was wearing a Jingying Academy uniform and her nameplate was clearly out in the open with 'Yun Xian' written on it.

While inspecting Yun Xian, she immediately noticed one of her buttons about to open up. Without hesitation, she drew close to Xian Xian and helped her button it neatly but her tie wasn't properly fixed either. She knew that she was quite a klutz so Tan Jia merely tsked as she reached for the tie. But before anything could be done, a person bumped into them causing both of them to fall to the ground.

Tan Jia's glasses flew quite far so she was forced to crawl towards it. Once it landed on her hand, she immediately wore it and stood up with a glare. To her surprise, the one who bumped into them was stepping on Yun Xian's hands.

"What in the world? Did you just bump into me?" the woman asked as she trampled on Xian Xian's hands. Yun Xian's face contorted in pain as she screamed for help.

"Xian Xian!" Tan Jia cried out before she acted on impulse and immediately pushed the woman away. She then grabbed hold of Yun Xian and firmly held her swollen hand.

"You're the one---" Yun Xian argued but before she could finish her sentence a loud slap was thrown right across her right cheek. Her head was flung rather harshly making the culprit smirk in satisfaction. It took her a few seconds before she could muster up enough strength to glare at the brazen woman. "What are you doing?!"

"How dare you talk back to me! Don't you know who I am?!" the woman shrieked making both Tan Jia and Yun Xian flinch. Seeing their frightened expression delighted the woman so she blew across her pink-colored nails and smirked. "Blocking my way, bumping into me, and talking back. That's three great offenses, you deserve severe punishment for it"



Another slap was thrown on Yun Xian's left cheek. The pain it brought made her involuntarily tear up. Tan Jia's eyes rounded in horror when she saw blood dripping from her best friend's face. "Stop it!"

Seeing the nerd's angry face somehow irked the living light out of her. "You want one too? No problem"

The woman raised her hands again, about to slap Tan Jia who merely stood up for the injustice her best friend received. She was prepared to receive the slap but halfway through, the woman's hands stopped for it was caught by another hand. All of them immediately glanced at the little lady holding back the woman's hands.

It was Liu Jiayi, her beautiful face filled with disgust and anger at the crazy woman creating a scene on their very first day in class. "Who brought the trash in?"

"What did you say?!" the woman shouted. She flung her other hand to try and pry Liu Jiayi's hair.

Without her knowledge, someone had already entered the premises making all the other students uninvolved to take a step back and make way for her. Because of what they did, the chaotic scene playing out immediately caught her attention and she almost had a heart attack when she saw who was involved. "Fe Chungsa! What are you doing?!"

Fe Chungsa abruptly turned around and glared at the brunette woman who always stood in her way. "Hou Wei Yan"

"Pay respect. She's older than you and the Big Miss of the Hous" Chu Jin blurted out, his face devoid of any emotions. He never liked Fe Chungsa and her brazen attitude makes her unbearable. "As a mistress' daughter, you should know your place"

Hearing the word, 'Mistress daughter', made Fe Chungsa's anger rise to a dangerous level. If it wasn't for Hou Wei Yan's birth and her bitch of a mother, she would have been the Great Young Miss of the Hou Household. What Hou Wei Yan has today was supposed to be hers in the first place so if there is a thief amongst them, she thought that it was most probably Hou Wei Yan.

"Shut up! You're merely a servant!"

"Watch your words" Hou Wei Yan called out, her voice no longer happy with her attitude towards Chu Jin. True, they aren't related by blood but he is her older brother and their relationship runs deeper than blood. "Chu Jin is important to the family and he, in fact, holds more importance than you"

Seeing her seething anger, she decided not to pursue such matters anymore and decided to handle the current problem. When she saw the crying woman and Liu Jiayi in tears, she couldn't help but harden her gaze towards Fe Chungsa. Of all people, she decided to mess with Liu Shan's sister.

"What are you trying to do with Ah Yi?" she asked. When she didn't get any response, she turned toward Liu Jiayi.

The Lius are people no one should ever underestimate. When she saw Hou Wei Yan's inquiring gaze, Liu Jiayi immediately acted pitifully as she looked behind her. There, beyond Hou Wei Yan's gaze, she gave Tan Jia and Yun Xian a knowing wink.

Together, the three of them allowed their tears to flow creating quite a messy scene. Liu Jiayi sniffed hard before she pointed at Fe Chungsa, her eyes bearing both hatred and fear which immediately caught Hou Wei Yan's attention. "Big Sister, she hit them hard. You taught me to act kindly and always uphold justice, so I interfered and tried to stop her. But she slapped me instead!"

She already expected what Liu Jiayi said but hearing it straight from her made her blood pressure rise. Not wanting to do something indecent in front of the children, she began to compose herself by imagining her little sibling's adorable faces.

Luckily, it worked out well!

Else Fe Chunga's face would have been destroyed like a punching bag.

"Where's your sister?" Hou Wei Yan immediately asked in fear that Liu Shan will appear out of nowhere and karate chop Fe Chungsa. She managed to control herself from damaging anyone's face but Liu Shan is a dead case. She's uncontrollable when she gets triggered.

As much as possible, she wants to avoid the disaster they call 'Liu Shan's Uprising'.

"Big Sister went in already with Sister Xie Na" Liu Jiayi assured. She knew very well what concerns Hou Wei Yan for she's always out on the lookout for her sister's rampage every single day of her life.

"Thank God" Hou Wei Yan mumbled with a sigh of relief. After reassuring herself that everything is fine on Liu Shan's end, she turned toward her step-sister with an expressionless face. "Chungsa, apologies to them"

"Why should I? They were the ones who offended me!" Fe Chungsa shouted in anger. She who is born of noble birth would never apologize to anyone. Even if she's in the wrong, as someone born of high status, she has the privilege of doing whatever she can.

Or so she thought.

"Did they?" Hou Wei Yan asked before looking at the pitiful trio on the sideline. "In what way did they offend my sister, Ah Yi?"

"In no way!" Liu Jiayi yelled with conviction. She entered at the same time Tan Jia entered the premises so she pretty much saw everything that happened. She had always liked observing people and staying at the back to enjoy such a hobby. To her utter surprise, Fe Chungsa entered with an obvious intention to trample over the weak.

"I saw everything. Fe Chungsa purposely bumped into them and accused them of bumping her instead. She then slapped them as punishment when they did nothing wrong at all"

"Apologize right now" Hou Wei Yan muttered as she looked at her sister. She gave her a warning glare to make her realize just how pathetic she was acting right now. Flaunting one's wealth is something that should never be done inside Jingying for everyone studying here is of high status, wits, and talent. Everyone here treats each other with respect and equality is their main value.

For Fe Chungsa to act in such a manner is a disgrace to the family and a threat to their principle. What she's doing is practically declaring war against everyone who abides by their rule of equality. "You're in Jingying Academy. Your actions here need to be more cautious and controlled. Wreaking havoc in your first day as a Lady of the Hou is making our family lose face"

Jingying Academy has a lot of students and everyone tries their best to suppress their attitude because of how prestigious the Academy is. If someone breaks the custom, some people might follow and create havoc in the system they tried so hard to maintain. It is human nature to rise above others but they managed to suppress it by establishing a well-mannered Student Body.

Fe Chungsa is a freshman in the High School Department and Liu Jiayi is a freshman in the Middle School Department. If word spreads of their actions today, some people might use this opportunity to damage the Student Body's defense mechanism against people who wish to use their status and power to manipulate the school.

As the Senior amongst them, she needs to establish where their boundary lies as an heiress and as a student. They need to differentiate well what identity they need to use inside the campus.

"I will not apologize" Fe Chungsa remarked as she crossed her arms. Her actions only made Hou Wei Yan smirk.

In Jingying Academy, the Student Body has all the rights to discipline a student once proven to be guilty of breaking their laws. They are respected for their great achievements in the Academy and for their unparalleled wits.

Hou Wei Yan is, of course, a part of the said Student Body. She was included not for her status but for her undying devotion to the school and the students. She brought them great honor by winning plenty of awards in the singing division both locally and internationally. Her greatest achievement however that pushed her to be one of the Academy's guardians, is the Yudeng Project which opened up orphanages and placed forests under Jingying's protection.

"Fe Chungsa, your punishment will be handed later by the Student Body" she blurted out making the other students gasp. A direct summons from the Student Body Vice President is a big thing to them. Since no one dares offend the Student Body nor act out in fear of grabbing their attention, those who receive a summon and punishment is a rare occurrence.

Of course, Fe Chungsa knew what it implies. She grated her teeth in vexation as she turned around in humiliation. The Student Body is hailed by everyone in school which means going against them is going against the whole school. If she goes down that path, she will only ruin herself.

Seeing her unapologetic behavior stirred something inside Hou Wei Yan. Her attitude is beyond redemption. As a warning, Hou Wei Yan called out for her attention again. This time, her voice was much deeper and bearing a great warning. "Remember, this is Jingying. Everyone here deserves respect. Don't go flaunting your status because you don't know who you're facing here. If you try to bully others again, I will personally handle you myself"

Unable to take the mockery in everyone's eyes, Fe Chungsa immediately disappeared from their sight. When she finally saw everyone proceeding to their tasks, Hou Wei Yan turned to the trio and gave a bow to the two who received a fright from Fe Chungsa. "I apologize on behalf of my step sister"

"You're not the one who should apologize" Tan Jia blurted out and helped Hou Wei Yan to stand straight again.

"I know. I apologize anyway" she said as she smiled at Tan Jia's gestures. Noticing their uniform that belongs to the Middle School Department, Hou Wei Yan immediately looked at them in concern. "The entrance ceremony is about to start. You three are all middle school freshmen so you should hurry to the auditorium or else President Xing will whip you"

The current head of the Student Body is her cousin, Xing Zemin born as the youngest son of her First Uncle and about the same age as her. Like his older brother, Xing Zemin is quite a hard man to handle. He never compromises and is someone hard to please. If one wants to be approved, they must produce great quality proposals that will never disappoint.

Even though they are cousins, he never listened to her selfish requests in letting some students off lightly. Xing Zemin would always tell her that he will never change his principles even if they are blood-related. He bestows severe punishments when they deserve one and sings praises to someone for their merit.

"Thank you for stepping in, Miss…"

She smiled her way. "Hou Wei Yan"

"She's our senior and the Vice President of the Student Body" Liu Jiayi proudly stated with a smile. She adored Hou Wei Yan to the core. Ever since she was young, she had always looked up to her because she was the only person who was able to handle her sister and made her open up to others. She was even the one who suggested to Liu Shan to hold a campaign for Hou Wei Yan which turned out quite well.

Her appointment even made the College Student Body ecstatic. Hou Wei Yan was such a sweet lady that she even managed to capture the hearts of the college seniors who were quite far from their department.

After knowing her identity, Tan Jia immediately bowed down to show respect. "Nice to meet you, Senior Hou. I'm Tan Jia and this is my best friend, Yun Xian"

"Nice to meet you" she replied back before making way for them. Chu Jin, knowing fully well how talkative Hou Wei Yan can get during first meetings, decided to step in and whisper to her about the time and what their tardiness will bring. He was from the College department and thus had no trouble with being late, but the head of their Student Body is a scary person. "Hurry along. Even I won't be able to help you if Zemin finds you late"

"Thank you again, Senior!" Tan Jia and Yun Xian yelled out at the same time before they went running alongside their newfound friend, Liu Jiayi.


"Xian Xian?" Tan Jia called out when she saw her hissing as she entered the classroom. It's been a month since they entered Jingying Academy and their stay is nothing but great. The lessons are progressing well and everyone is treating them well. "Where did you go?"

"Nowhere" Yun Xian said as she bit her lower lip to suppress the pain in her abdomen. "Let's go and eat lunch"

"Wait" she called out when she saw a purplish spot on Xian Xian's arms. She immediately grabbed hold of her arm and looked at her worriedly. "What's with the bruise? Where did you get this?"

"I slipped in the bathroom. I didn't know it got bruised" Xian Xian replied. She tried her best to act normal because she didn't want Tan Jia to notice anything. Lucky for her, Tan Jia was someone who believes whatever she says.

Tan Jia glared at her and flicked her forehead for such a mistake. Her clumsiness will be the death of her! "You klutz. Let's go to the infirmary first"

"No. It's okay" she frantically replied. If they were to enter the infirmary, everyone will know what happened and she will be doomed once more. To divert Tan Jia's attention, she purposely blurted out Liu Jiayi's name. They've been hanging out for a long time now that she became a part of their group. "Let's go, Jiayi is probably waiting for us"

At that time, Tan Jia didn't bother to check what was really going on. She believed whatever Xian Xian said and proceeded to the canteen without any hint of suspicion. This young Tan Jia never once bothered to read people and that is her biggest mistake in her lifetime.

"You got another bruise? Seriously, where are you getting this?" Tan Jia yelled out when she saw Xian Xian with another bruise the next week.

Xian Xian laughed it off. She had somehow grown accustomed to the pain that she can easily fool Tan Jia and the others without a hitch. "I slipped"

Tan Jia's brows twitched because of her nonchalant attitude.

If this continues, Xian Xian will become a purple alien because of how clumsy she is. Always bumping and slipping and even limping from time to time!

"You're so clumsy. You should bring a medical kit all the time" she grumbled as she started walking, unable to take her behavior. Being clumsy sometimes is okay, but doing it every day is seriously a big problem.

"I know" Xian Xian replied before looking behind her. There stood in the shadow, a woman whom she detested and feared with all her being. When she saw the smirk adorning her face, Xian Xian bit her lower lip and turned around in fear before she jogged towards Tan Jia in hopes of escaping her nightmare.

"Xian Xian. Why aren't you coming to class anymore?" Tan Jia asked worriedly as soon as their morning class ended. It's been a week since Xian Xian started missing their classes. She tried going to their place but no one was there so she assumed the whole family went on a sudden vacation. It should have been fine if she went absent for three days but a week and more is something Xian Xian won't do and certainly something her parents won't tolerate.

Yun Xian wiped the tears flowing in her eyes and tried her best to sound normal despite all the pain swelling in her heart. "I had some family emergencies"

"Are you okay? Is something troubling you?"


"When you say nothing, I know there's definitely something going on" Tan Jia said, her face contorting in anxiousness. Yun Xian never lies or keeps secrets. So why in the world is she doing it now? "Tell me. We're Bestfriend's aren't we? You can tell me everything"

"I don't want you to get involved" Yun Xian replied before she hung up the phone and buried herself in her blanket. Tan Jia should never get involved. Her parents raised her like their own daughter, involving them would only bring torture to her best friend.

Tan Jia felt bewildered by Xian Xian's behavior. [What in the world is she hiding?]

"Where's Xian Xian?" Liu Jiayi asked as she jumped at Tan Jia's back. It's sad that they weren't classmates but at least they are friends and spend lunch together.

"Home" she replied as they began walking. Yun Xian's actions were still in her mind so she cannot help but blurt out her worry. "I think there's something wrong with her family. But my parents won't tell me what's wrong"

"Maybe I can help" Liu Jiayi immediately remarked. "Big Sister has many connections"

"Will you?"

"Sure. I'll tell you when I get the information" she said with a smile on her face. It feels good to be relied on. Ever since she was young, she had always relied on Liu Shan and her friend's kindness. This time, she wants to do something for her friends.

Two days after their talk, Yun Xian miraculously came to class making Tan Jia run to her in excitement. She hugged Yun Xian tightly but because of her ecstasy, she failed to notice the grim on her friend's face. "Xian Xian! You finally decided to join the class!"

"Yeah" she replied as she parted with Tan Jia without even returning her embrace for a little bit. "Sorry if I made you worry"

"As long as you're okay now" Tan Jia beamed as she pulled Yun Xian to walk faster toward their classroom. Yun Xian silently hissed before she bit her lower lip and allowed Tan Jia to do as she wants. "Let's go"

"Why don't you go first? I need to check something in my locker first" she suddenly remarked making Tan Jia halt.

"I can go with you. Class can wait"

"No. The teacher will get angry if both of us get late" Yun Xian argued as she slowly pried Tan Jia's hands away from hers. She then pulled her long sleeves to hide once more the bruises on her arms. "I'll do it in a flash"

"You sure?" Tan Jia asked which was only replied by Xian Xian's smile and nod. Not wanting to pester her too much on her first day of school after such a long absence, she merely let it go and accepted her arrangements. "Okay"

There was something that tugged Yun Xian's heartstrings when she saw Tan Jia's back. She had always walked alongside Tan Jia and had always admired her brilliance. Just one time, one last time, she needs to remind her of their friendship. "Xiao Jia!"


Yun Xian beamed her a smile. "I love you. Thank you for everything"

Tan Jia can't help but chuckle at what she said. Between the two of them, Xian Xian was the one who likes to express her emotions without restraint. This wasn't something new so she failed to notice anything wrong.

"So cheesy!" she shouted before she walked away, leaving behind Yun Xian with tears in her eyes. She allowed her tears to freely flow as she held closest to her heart a piece of paper that will save her best friend's life.

"Xiao Jia! Xiao Jia!"

"Jiayi. What's wrong?" she asked in worry when she saw Liu Jiayi with sweat all over her face.

As soon as she reached Tan Jia, she immediately held her shoulders and shook them. "We need to find Xian Xian, fast!"

"What's wrong?" she asked worriedly.

"The information just arrived. Their company plummeted because of Fe Chungsa's grandfather. Big Sister Wei Wei is fuming and now heading towards Fe Mansion" Liu Jiayi blurted out anxiously. She never expected that things would turn out this way. They managed to do something so vicious without their knowledge. "I heard she came to school?"

"Yeah. I just had a conversation with her"


"Locker" she immediately answered. Hearing this, Liu Jiayi pulled her by the arm and started running towards the lockers. Her frantic actions made Tan Jia's heart convulse in fear. "What's wrong?"

"Xian Xian's parents died early this morning. They got in an accident and Xian Xian knows" she yelled out as she fastened their pace. They have no time. Before anything could happen, they need to find Yun Xian and stop whatever she was planning. "She came here for revenge!"

"No!" Tan Jia blurted out as she stopped. All of Yun Xian's weird actions played out in her mind and made her realize just how dumb she was for not noticing anything. When her last words came to her, Tan Jia can't help but feel her heart stop.

"That's not it" she mumbled before she started running towards the rooftop. She wasn't here for revenge, she was here for something else. If she wants their crimes to be known, she needs the make the public know.

Her heart dropped when they saw the usually locked rooftop door open. Without hesitation, she runs out and saw her beloved best friend standing at the end of the metal bars.

"Xian Xian!" she called out as she ran towards her. She reached out her hands in hopes that Xian Xian would listen to her pleading calls and grab hold of her hands. She wanted her not to do such a foolish thing and trust her once more. She wanted her to listen and have enough courage to tell her everything so she can help her. She wanted her to rely on her and not abandon her.

But it was futile.

Yun Xian knew Tan Jia was there and she didn't want to give in to her calls. Her parents are gone and if she continues to live, Tan Jia and her family will die as well. She no longer wants to taint her hand red and above all else, she can no longer live without her parents.

Tan Jia cried out as she tried to reach her, but Yun Xian decided it was time to give up. She allowed gravity to take the lead and fell before Tan Jia could reach her. Tears fell from her eyes like waterfalls and the pain in her heart crushed all of her systems.

"Xian Xian!"

That was everything that could come out of her mouth when she saw her best friend lying on the cold floor bathed in her own blood. Like a broken cassette, she could only call out for her name despite knowing that the person she's calling will no longer reply. It pains her that she will no longer hear her name coming from her with a huge smile on her face.

She will wake up every day without her greeting and her care.

She will wake up every day knowing that her beloved Yun Xian is no longer with her.

"Xiao Jia" Liu Jiayi called out when she saw her roaming the corridor soullessly. It's been a month since Yun Xian's funeral but Tan Jia still mourns heavily. She was wearing black clothes and carrying with her the files she needed for transferring schools.

Jingying Academy once made her happy. The very thought of the school made her ecstatic.

But now, it brings her nothing but pain.

"Jiayi" she replied without emotions. Ever since Yun Xian's funeral, Tan Jia acted distant and devoid of emotions. She was like a robot: soulless and cold.

Liu Jiayi held her hands and asked her once more if she was fine with transferring school. "Are you sure about this?"


"I'm sorry I didn't do anything" she blurted out as she allowed her tears to flow. She was so engrossed with enjoying her life that she failed to notice anything suspicious around her. "I should have acted faster and fastened the information gathering"

"No" Tan Jia said as she looked at the distance. "You did plenty enough"

Still guilty, Liu Jiayi didn't dare look her straight in the eyes. "Big Sister Wei Wei wants to see you in their office"

"Thank you"

Her cold response made Liu Jiayi cry even more. She doesn't like this. She doesn't like it at all.

Wanting to return back the emotions she lost, she pulled Tan Jia into her embrace and cried on her shoulders. "I...I'm always here for you. If you need me, just call and I'll be there"

"I know" Tan Jia said as she patted Liu Jiayi's back and walked to the Student Body office. There stood Hou Wei Yan gazing out in the window with melancholy marking in her eyes. "Big Sister"

"Xiao Jia" she called out warmly before she guided her towards the chair.

"I'm sorry about what happened to Xian Xian" Hou Wei Yan said as she held Tan Jia's hands. She felt her heart clench when she saw the state she was in. No matter how great they praise her, she's still a failure for not noticing anything. What happened to Xian Xian will always be engraved in her heart. It will always remind her that her inability to act could bring danger to others.

"What are your plans now?" she asked which made Tan Jia look up to her.

"I'm planning on finishing Xian Xian's dream" she mumbled as she looked out the window. Even with all the pain overriding her system, she could still vividly picture Yun Xian's image and it made her melancholic once more. She's so beautiful and she wanted Xian Xian to remain smiling as she watches over her. "Both of us wanted to become actresses. I will fulfill it for her"

"Then let this Big Sister cheer you on" Hou Wei Yan remarked as she slightly smiled at Tan Jia. She will always look after her even if she's far away. This was something Hou Wei Yan promised in her heart for the great friend who lost her best friend because of her crazy step-sister.

"Thank you, Big Sister"

After giving Tan Jia a short moment of silence, Hou Wei Yan stood up and pushed a box filled with things towards Tan Jia. "The student body emptied out Xian Xian's locker. We were planning on sending it to the household but no one is there to receive it anymore"

"Would you like to take possession of it?" she asked nicely. Tan Jia looked at the box and felt her heart clench.

She didn't want to accept but she needs to have a look and at least understand why she chose to die when there was another option for her.

"Yes" she replied as she pulled the box and hugged it. "Thank you, Big Sister"

"Don't forget to contact us from time to time" Hou Wei Yan mumbled. She feared that Tan Jia will exact revenge and get lost in the turbulence of anger. She didn't want her to fall into depravity and live her life filled with negativity. "We'll miss you, Xiao Jia"

"I'll miss you too, Big Sister" she said as she hugged Hou Wei Yan. For the first time, Tan Jia showed human emotions in front of someone else as she cried her heart out. All the pain and anger she was suppressing came flooding in. Her cry was unrestrained and this made Hou Wei Yan's heart clench. "Thank you for everything"

"Be strong and don't ever lose hope" she whispered in her ear as she hugged Tan Jia tightly. She wants Tan Jia to live happily again. Of course, she cannot do it today nor tomorrow, but someday, she hopes that Tan Jia will live normally like she used to." If you need help call me and I'll try my best to help"

"Thank you" she cried out as she continued hugging Hou Wei Yan. They remained this way until Tan Jia's driver arrived.

That evening, despite her eyes still swollen from her crying session with Hou Wei Yan, she decided to go through Yun Xian's things. Amidst all her school necessities, there was a letter neatly folded with her name written on it. Without hesitation, Tan Jia opened it and slowly read through her best friend's last letter.

"Dear Xiao Jia,

First, I want to say sorry for breaking my promise of staying by your side till we grow old. I'm such a failure of a friend for not fulfilling every single bit of promise we made.

I promised you I will tell you my troubles and keep no secret, but I even failed to keep that. I wanted to at least make it up and tell you everything that happened these past few months and why I had to resort to this ending.

Our family had always been inferior to anybody here in Jingying but I forced myself in using my wits because I trusted in their policies. I was confident I won't get in trouble here. I never thought, my wits weren't enough to escape such a path. Chungsa found out about my family circumstances and secretly used her grandfather to pester my parents. In order to keep them safe, I had to obey everything she said and allowed myself to be her punching bag. I was willing to endure but it wasn't enough for Fe Chungsa.

She didn't like my relationship with Jiayi and Sister Wei Wei. She hated everyone who dare come close to them and because I refused to implicate them in her plans, she harmed my parents in such an unforgivable way.

I thought I could live on even if I lost them, but Fe Chungsa threatened me. She wanted to harm you too using me and as the remaining family I have, I wouldn't allow such a thing. My death is equivalent to your safety. This way, she would no longer have any way to call for you or harm your family.

Listen, get away from Fe Chungsa. Fulfill your dreams and forget whatever happened in Jingying. She's vicious and she will kill if necessary.

Please, I'm begging you. Forget and let go. Head my warning and get away from Fe Chungsa"

After reading, Tan Jia's eyes were filled with anger as she crumpled the paper. She was forced to kill herself! She had no choice but to kill herself and the reason behind it is none other than Hou Wei Yan's step-sister. "Fe Chungsa!"

Before she could even walk out of her room to make Fe Chungsa pay for her crimes, her phone rang endlessly forcing her to answer it.

"Xiao Jia! Xiao Jia!" Liu Jiayi frantically called out from the other line. There were obvious anxiety and fear in her voice making Tan Jia's heart race. What is it this time? "Do you know where Big Sister went?"

"No" she answered worriedly. What happened to Hou Wei Yan? "Why?"

"Junshen called!" Jiayi cried out, her voice now certainly strained from crying and worry. "He said he's sister is missing!"

"What?" Tan Jia yelled out as she runs out of their house. There was one thought in her mind, Fe Chungsa was involved again and she will make sure she pays for all the crimes she committed.


"Xiao Jia?" someone from behind her called out which halted her train of thoughts. She inhaled some fresh air before she turned around and faced the one who called for her.

She beamed her a smile and made some space for her on the balcony. "Big Sister Wei Wei"

"Why are you still up?" Hou Wei Yan asked as she accompanied Tan Jia outside. Her eyes twinkled in delight as soon as she saw the wonderful scenery playing out under the bright moon.

"Hmmm, just reminiscing" she mumbled before she glanced up at Hou Wei Yan. It's been 10 years since that incident and after her abduction, she heard Hou Wei Yan lost some of her memories. She didn't want to ask and reopen some wounds, but she needed to know. Is Xian Xian still alive in their hearts? "Do you still remember Xian Xian?"

"Of course" Hou Wei Yan answered sadly. No matter how many times she gets hit in the head, in her heart, she will always remember the comrade they lost because of her failure. "I would never forget my inability to protect her"

"You know that wasn't your fault and Xian Xian won't blame you for anything" Tan Jia blurted out as she looked at Hou Wei Yan with pity. It wasn't her fault. The one at fault is clearly Fe Chungsa who took advantage of Yun Xian's weakness. She was forced to apologize but it was clearly insincere.

Her insincerity towards the event was further proven when she didn't recognize her at all during their first meeting. Sure she had changed a lot but she even forgot her name and the woman directly linked to her name. If she forgot Tan Jia, she certainly forgot about Yun Xian!

Despite killing someone, she still forgot about it and lived a normal life!

"If I watched over Chungsa, that wouldn't have happened to Ah Xian" Hou Wei Yan suddenly said which took Tan Jia's attention. "If only I forced my position and placed Fe Yunxu in place, the Yun family wouldn't have suffered"

"What they think and how they act is all out of your control that time, Big Sister" she replied back. "I fulfilled one of her wishes. She must be smiling from up there because of what I achieved and because our relationship remained strong"

What she said was the opposite of what Yun Xian wanted but she cannot follow what she said. Hou Wei Yan and the others became her pillar of support when she lost her. She cannot stray away from them, especially from Hou Wei Yan who went through so many hardships for them.

She found out after a few years how hard Hou Wei Yan worked to bring Fe Chungsa's grandfather---Fe Yunxu down. Her father, Hou Guanyu tried to stop her but Hou Wei Yan forced herself and asked for help from the Xing causing quite a chaos in the Royal Families. But after what she did, she was abducted and forced to a dead end. She wasn't at fault but she did everything to bring justice and patch up the mistakes others made to bring peace in Yun Xian.

Fe Chungsa remained unscathed because of Hou Guanyu but her mother's family took a heavy blow and up till now, could not rise up from such a fall.

[I'll continue ruining Fe Chungsa until she grovels to the ground. Until I see her buried 5 feet below me, I will never stop] she thought with anger as she looked at the moon. She will be the one who will collect Fe Chungsa's debt. Yun Xian's death will have a heavy price to pay and she will use all means she can to finish her. With this, she looked back at them who were sleeping and sighed. [I feel bad because I'm using them, but this is for Xian Xian and for their safety]

Hi guys, follow me on Instagram and Twitter, @milesaguanta. I'll post some random scenes with the characters and you can ask me anything there. If you have any arts or whatnot with the story then please don't hesitate to post it. Thanks.

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