

He came back and from his expression, they could guarantee that everything was alright. 

Black Martial Sect was the only rival of these Golden Masters. 

It was not a sect in actual sense but a group of twelve masters. 

"Senior, what should we do to prevent it from stealing?" The second golden master asked concerning over the safety of the golden lotus. 

"We have to keep check on every disciple we accepted in this batch, it is possible the Black Martial Sect has sent someone to take it or destroy it," the first golden master spoke. 

Their initial plan happened to get hold on it but if they were stopped by these masters, they tried their best to destroy the golden lotus to disperse the blessings in their eyes. 

"You are right, and let's keep strict eyes on our concerned territories to avoid sudden attack," the second master suggested.

They nodded.

This was unknown secret to the disciples of this mountain. 

Next chapter