
Chapter 07: Being you

A lot of people asked me how i chose my dress/outfit, everytime there is a event

Normally, I'll just asked them to choose what they think they feel comfortable, but there is a law of fashion in every fashion enthusiast that is "Bear with it, for Beauty" lol.

They always find a really hard path even if they can just simply wear a comfortable one.

my mom and dad used to tell me some useful tips when i was young that every person has they're own style. like a lover in one heart but two souls

Find who you are, what you are, what you want thats what my mom tips for me. When i get older i slowly understand what she mean that they're own.The clothes a person wears tells us many things the dress can't be chosen if you just want it, the thing is you should complement it so that you two, the dress and the person blend and produce a wonderful fashion. In short there is no ugly, or unfashionable dress in the world

you should just find what you are, then live it. It projects your mood, your personality and you as a whole, reflecting your personal interests, life style, inspirations, and your past.

When you find your personal style you know you look great and feel confident when you leave your home. Whether you prefer bohemian, street, high fashion, minimal or clasic, you can make your style look classy when the occasion call for it.

For example my bestfriend kaori, she looks small, but at the same time have supple white smooth skin. Anything will be looked cute at her except pants since she's short, it will make it more obvious thankfully she like cosplaying. Her style and personality blended when she's wearing lolita outfits, she rarely wears sexy dress or pants but sometimes she does wear them with the right blending of accessories.

Second example Maze, she have a boyish haircut typical for military or police occupation but she have her own style. Even if she wore simple shirt and denim pants, partner with watch, its still looked pretty good since she have a boyish personality and quite comportable at that kind of dressing. She still looked stylish and cool!

i also know someone whom looked good at gotic style but can't be rate or can't be looked good at some other styles like high fashion and street fashion.

in short just be you, if you know you are uncomfortable with the outfit you put why push it? why make it hard?

example when im in a party in NY someone wore a conservative turtle neck dress to make an impression of a pure like lily personality like she was detached from the chaos of the world but when they seen who was the girl is, she was a well-known liberated Actress. Probably she thought there is no one can recognize her since where in another country, but the result is she became a big joke that night.

as i was saying, don't dress casually if its not you. anyway why am i even rambling here about fashion? its not like it's my problem if they became rainbows or exotic looking.

i took a magazine in the table and browse through it, while waiting for Ah-ream since the dress i ordered has been personalized by her. hays the querk of having a fashion designer as a friend.

"Here you are" Ah-ream brought back a huge box from her mini office and gave it to me.

"Seriously, i can't even know what you have been doing everyday to lose those calories you've been chugging on but you still have the same size not even getting a little fats?" she pouted as i looked at the dress that im going to wear later.

It was an off-shoulder white dress up untill above the knee, red roses have been embroidered from the left side until right side of the shoulder, a top the skirt laid a redsilk flowing like waves giving a feeling of flower fairy. i gave a satisfied sign and put it back.

"So, thanks for the gown girl" i smiled as i looked at her thoroughly "is something bad...happened?" i asked hesitantly as ah-ream looked seems a bit distracted and at loss.

"Should be?" she asked, clearly deep in thought

i sign and got up to sit beside her "Alright, girl tell me what is it? is he being jerk again?" i asked as i know, only that guy can make ah-ream crumbled

she sign and looked at me "aren't you tired of looking for thar guy melody? is it worth it to wait?" taken aback, i looked at her and took a deep breath. i didn't know how she find out that I've been looking for a guy, looking for him, my special someone.

i know they felt weird as i always distance myself to other guy, even though its just for friendly small talks i always avoid being involved. so it not really surprising that she knew, its just made me taken aback because of how she was certain i was waiting not looking for

i looked at the window of her office, looking at the clouds in the sky, moving and forming shape slowly "Tired, but still hoping." after i said that i stood up, putting my bag in my shoulder and embrace the box. without looking back i said a one word, i know both of us have in our hearts "Because he's worth it" and so i walked out of the room.

both ah-ream and i have been waiting for a guy, but different situations. She(Ah-ream) have a chance to have the guy but me..... did he even remember me?

'Brother Yi, do you still remember me?' i mumbled as i make my way to the parking lot.

Milktea's! (^^)

How are you doing??

Ahahahaha, i hope you still reading because we are nearing for the meeting up of our FL and ML so the childish fight are about to come ^_^

I'm counting on you to read it Milktea's :'*

SilverLightTwincreators' thoughts
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