
Thousands Of Deaths

Behind the man with the black suit was an old man. The old man had a long blue staff in his hand. At the top of the staff was a light blue crystal.

Zuhn's eyes widened at the old man. He was the same old man when Zuhn entered the colorless world. The man that was on the wall looking down at Zuhn.


Zuhn fell down to his knees gripping his chest. Zuhn's head started to pound, his vision began to blur. The people in front of him kept their cool and just looked at Zuhn.

Slowly Zuhn fell down to the ground, blood trailed out of his mouth covering the pavement. Soon the only thing Zuhn could see what blackness.


When Zuhn opened his eyes he was inside of a prison cell. Large metal bars covered the walls when Zuhn looked out all he saw was black. There was no light, Zuhn couldn't see anything outside of the walls.

Inside of the cell was a small metal bed that was hanging from four chains. Along with the metal, bed was a small hole in the ground with a small bucket of water.

Zuhn checked his body after looking around, he didn't have any of his main weapons on him. But when he first got into this world, back in Hencewood he had a dagger that kept showing up.

When Zuhn checked his pockets he found that the dagger was still there. The dagger that he had was very bad, it was enough to kill people at small cultivation bases.

Though the people Zuhn saw, they were several times stronger than Zuhn. The dagger that Zuhn had wasn't going to be enough to deal a lot of damage to the individuals.


Someone with quite a high voice sounded over Zuhn's head. Looking up Zuhn saw a young girl standing against the iron bars. She had a mask on her face with black clothing on.

Zuhn couldn't make out her age from just her voice alone, but from her height, Zuhn assumed she was quite young. Zuhn looked at the girl and showed no emotion.

"Having no face… Won't help you in here."

The girl snapped her fingers, large walls around Zuhn's cell started to raise up. Once the walls reached the top several more cells started to show themselves.

Zuhn wasn't the only person, there were countless others inside of the same cell Zuhn was in. Different people were by there cells looking in, Zuhn was the only one with someone this young.

Zuhn along with the others in the other cells got up and looked at the others. Zuhn was a slim person with a tad bit of muscle on his body. Most of his power comes from his cultivation along with the amount of mana Zuhn has.

Some people were bulky, fat, skinny, and not human. Some people had horns coming out of their heads, while others didn't have human body parts.

A lot of the larger people in the cells were looking at the smaller ones. What shocked Zuhn the most about everyone looking at one another was that no one was talking. The place was silent everyone was just sizing up each other, finding the weaker and stronger ones.

"Stranger, Listen to me."

The young girl spoke again, Zuhn looked down to her to see what she wanted.

"Stranger, everyone here is skilled in the art of killing. You yourself is also a killer. Even though I've never seen you kill anyone, my seniors believe that you are a very experienced killer."

"Anyway, Stranger. Your goal today is to kill everyone here if you are able to kill everyone you will be freed. Any questions?"

"Freed? Freed from whom?"

"Sorry Stranger, I can't say that."

"Stranger, Time to go!"


A large smoke cloud exploded from inside of Zuhn cell, the other people's cell also exploded in smoke. The metal bars that were once surrounding Zuhn's cell were now gone. Slowly the smoke around Zuhn started to clear up.

Once the smoke disappeared there was only a couple of others that were still in the spots where their cells were. A small laugh was heard throughout the arena they were all in.

"Ahah! It has begun! Everyone remember! The event will end when the Killer Of The Knights is killed!"

'Killer of the Knights?'

Zuhn pulled out his dagger and jumped away from his cell. Several men rushing through their smokes and moved towards Zuhn. The men that were moving towards Zuhn had all of their weapons out.

Many of the men had maces, swords and some people even had bows. When Zuhn pulled out his dagger the men in the back started to shoot arrows at him.

"Get him!"

The young girl that was next Zuhn was no gone, Zuhn looked around trying to figure out if there was anywhere to go. When he figured out there was nowhere to go, Zuhn launched at the men rushing him.

With his dagger in hand, Zuhn rushed into the ground of men. With a quick slash of his dagger, Zuhn killed three people. When Zuhn found out how easy it was to kill the men in front of him he was relieved.

Zuhn thought the people in front of him were quite strong, but they were weak Bronze cultivators. Zuhn laughed to himself before killing the rest of the people.



A large door opened in the dark, light seeped through. Zuhn smiled and rushed forward towards the door. When Zuhn got outside he saw tons of people waiting for him. With his knife covered in blood and a smile on his face, Zuhn was ready to attack.

Multiple knights in colored armor stood with their weapons out. Behind the knights were multiple soldiers with longswords.

"It's the end..."

A knight in purple armor looked devilish with his purple suit of armor. The knight in the purple armor had a large longsword. The longsword shined bright in the sun.

Zuhn was kinda worried when he saw all of the knights. There were multiple knights in front of him. The knight with the purple armor had a strong power coming off him.

"I am first of the Knights, Sir Wilson."

Wilson was giving off a strong aura.

"Martial Sky Emperor..."

Wilson was the strongest person Zuhn has even met since he got to the new world besides the man who created the realm. Wilson's strength was a new level for Zuhn, he didn't quite know how to deal with the knight.


Fu Len walked out from behind the purple knight. Fu Len was quite a different person, he had waves of power flowing off him. He wasn't a small level silver cultivator anymore.

Fu Len was at the peak of Gold, Zuhn raised an eyebrow at Fu Len. Zuhn knew that Fu Len had some sort of artifact on him that was causing him to have so much power.

It was not possible for one person to become so powerful in such a short amount of time without an artifact. Fu Len had a large smile on his face.

"Zuhn… Remember when you almost killed me?"

Zuhn stayed calm and watched Fu Len.

"Well… Let's have our rematch."

Fu Len walked forward and pulled out a longsword. The long sword glowed its original shine, no magic came off the sword. Zuhn normally would be okay with fighting a gold cultivator, but Zuhn didn't have a proper weapon on him.

Also, Fu Len was being too cocky. Fu Len wouldn't calmly walk in front of such a strong knight and ask for a duel.

The knights walked back and created a circle around Zuhn and Fu Len. Zuhn had his small dagger out, in a defensive stance up against his face.





Fu Len jumped forward with his longsword forward. Zuhn dodged to the left barely missing the sword strike. Zuhn was slightly shocked by the speed of Fu Len.


Fu Len turned around and looked at Zuhn. When he saw that Zuhn dodged his attack his eyes glowed bright red. Fu Len rushed forward again, trying to attack Zuhn in the exact same way again.

This time Zuhn was ready, he slashed his dagger in the air and hit Fu Len in the right eye. Blood exploded from his face, in slow motion, Fu Len dropped his sword and grabbed his face.

When Zuhn saw Fu Len drop to the ground, he took this opportunity to push forward. Before Zuhn could cut off Fu Len's head a longsword blocked his path.

Zuhn looked up at the sword's wielder, In front of him was the purple knight. The knight was looking down at Zuhn. Zuhn jumped back causing multiple sparks to splash off the two swords.

The purple knight brought his sword into the air and launched an attack at Zuhn. The waves of energy coming off the sword flew towards Zuhn. The tremendous power from the attack sent Zuhn flying into the air.

When Zuhn hit the ground he rolled a couple of times before he was able to get up. Zuhn was a couple hundred meters away from where he was once standing.

Cuts filled his body, blood soaked his clothes. The purple knight brought up his sword and faced towards Zuhn. Slowly the knight walked over to Zuhn.

The knight was calmly walking towards Zuhn. Zuhn was covered in blood and breathing heavily.

Zuhn rushed forward towards the purple knight. The knight quickly brought up his sword to defend, but Zuhn jumped onto the knight. With quick speed, Zuhn jumped onto then off the knight.

Zuhn flew into the air onto a nearby house. The purple knight whipped his head around and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"You Little Rat!"


The purple knight sent out a huge burst of power towards the house Zuhn was on. The large wave of power hit the house exploding it into a million pieces.

Zuhn was already gone before the knight sent his power wave towards the house. Zuhn wanted to leave, but couldn't because of the other knights and soldiers that were around him.

After the house exploded Zuhn turned back around to look at the scene behind him. The power wave from the knight kept going after it hit the house. The wave of power killed thousands of soldiers that were sitting behind it.

After killing the two thousand soldiers the wave of power stopped moving forward and went away. Zuhn let out a soft laugh before running towards the purple knight.

Zuhn stuck out his tongue and let a small drop of blood fall on to his tongue. A fresh power rushed throughout his body causing his strength to reach a whole new height.

Zuhn's power flooded into his body, Zuhn brought out his dagger that newly turned bright red. With his power now higher than ever, Zuhn rushed towards the purple knight.

Zuhn had a huge smile on his face, he found it very funny that the purple knight killed his own men and wanted to have some fun. Zuhn brought his dagger close and picked up his speed.

When Zuhn got close to the purple knight he was ready to attack. With multiple quick slashes, Zuhn hit the purple knight. The knight was slightly out of mana from the quick burst of power he used.


The purple knight used another small burst of power and pointed it towards Zuhn. Zuhn couldn't react to the power in time and was hit directly by it.

This sent Zuhn flying backward and hit the ground with a loud boom. The fire spread all over his body and scorched all of his clothes. The cuts that were once on his body were now burned shut. Zuhn let out a small scream from the pain he was in.

Zuhn's vision started to blur, blackness filled his eyes. Seconds later Zuhn fell to the ground. Blood flowing from his body, seconds later Zuhn woke up.

Only it wasn't Zuhn who was controlling his body. Zuhn's body was controlling itself. Zuhn's body brought out his dagger and rushed forward at a blue colored knight that was in front of him.

Zuhn ran past the blue knight and second later the blue knight fell to the ground. Blood poured into the streets, next Zuhn killed all of the other knights.

The last person that was left was the purple knight. At this time the purple knight was watching Zuhn kill everyone else. He was the only knight left.

Thousands of soldiers along with the other knights have all died in the hands of Zuhn. The purple knight couldn't believe what he was looking at.

Zuhn's body rushed forward with blood covering his whole body. Zuhn's body wasted no time and found the best place to attack the knight. Slashing and stabbing at the knight, the knight was able to block most of the first attacks.

Though, after a couple of seconds, the knight started to get hit with small attacks. Zuhn's body smiled and pushed forward increasing it's attack speed and cutting into the knight's body.

Soon the knight was pushed down to his knees and almost fell to the floor. Zuhn's body backed up and jumped into the air, with the dagger in hand he fell from the sky.

Zuhn dropped on to the knight's head. Impaling the knight with his dagger, killing the knight. Fresh thick blood flowed out of the knight's armor. Zuhn smiled slightly before falling on top of the dead knight.

5 days later...

Kotremcreators' thoughts
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