
To Fort Yano (19)

<Author's note: The things (racism, sexism, political views, etc.) depicted or mentioned in this story do not reflect the real world and are purely coincidences. If they do, please keep in mind that they are simply for world-building and are only work of fiction. Thank you for your understanding.>






Some of the passengers were clapping their hands and cheering, while others just looked on.

Nathan was one of those people who just looked on.

Vincent whipped the blood off of his sword before sweeping his gaze around the surrounding.

There were two [Blue] Treasure Chests and three [White] Treasure Chests.

"Young, mstatus mreport!"

"Myes, mcaptain! Mall mzombies mhave mbeen mneutralized, mno mnew mzombies mapproaching, mand mno mcasualties mon mour mside, msir!" the soldier behind the heavy machine gun mounted on the first vehicle said.

Meanwhile, on the side were the two soldiers who accompanied Vincent in charging and hacking the zombies…

"Sigh… Mstill ma mlong mway mto mgo mbefore mi mreach Level 27. Mi mgot mfour Rank 1s mand mone Rank 2. Mit mwas man S2. Mhow mabout myou?"

"Mdamn… Mso mlucky. Mi mgot msix mbut mthey mwere mall Rank 1s. Captain Lu mgot mthe mother Rank 2."

"Haha… Mdon't mworry, mthere's malways ma mnext mtime. Mwho mknows, mmaybe mwe'll mencounter manother mgroup."

"Nah… Mwe're malready mclose mto mthe mcamp. Mand meven mif mwe mdo mencounter manother mgroup, mit mwill mbe Silas mand mthe mothers' mturn mto mhack mthe mzombies."

"Lol… Mdid myou mjust mforget mwhy mwe mtook man malternate mroute mgoing mto Fort Yano minstead mof mthe mmain mroad? Base 3-C mwas mattacked mby ma mhorde mof mzombies mand --"

"Chua, Kalid, mhave mthe Hawkers mcollect mthe mloots," Vincent said before heading back to the first vehicle.

The two soldiers made a salute and said, "Myes, msir!"

Chua turned around to the third vehicle and made a hand signal.

The two Hawkers who were dressed in a different uniform climbed down the vehicle and immediately took out the Treasure Chests and the nuclei.


Nathan watched the two Hawkers extracting the nucleus from the zombie heads.

'Heh~ So they're taking the Nucleus...?'

'Does this mean they've been to the Divine Tower...?'

'However, I have yet to see a Black or White colored equipment, let alone an [Artifact] item or someone who has ingested the [Artifact] Divine Blood…'

'But then again, simply touching a Nucleus will allow the System to inform you that it's used for trading inside the Divine Tower…'

'But assuming that they've been to the Divine Tower, doesn't this mean they have an [Artifact] as well...?'

'Should I be concerned...?'

Nathan looked at his left hand, specifically his left index finger, which was covered by his [Grade D] Black Heavy Leather Gloves.

'Just take for example this [Artifact] Gold Spatial Finger of mine...'

'Just with the bonus stats alone, which is +5 to all attributes, it's already very OP...'

'And if you consider it's special effect…'

If I knew someone who has an [Artifact], I would definitely take it from that person, dead or alive -- well, dead is better because anyone who is able to survive inside the Divine Tower and get the [Artifact] or the two [Artifacts] is definitely a formidable opponent or someone with extreme luck…'

'They're really better off dead…'

'There's also the deathly pale white spots that cover at least 20% of my skin…'

'Putting aside my new height, after I ingesting the [Artifact] Divine Blood, these deathly pale white spots appeared on my body, another tell-tale sign that I've been inside the Divine Tower…'

'There's also that Transformation: 20%…'

'What the fuck am I transforming to...?'

'Anyways, I don't know what will happen if you killed someone who ingested the [Artifact] Divine Blood…'

'Will the bonus stats transfer to the killer?'

He formed a fist with his left hand.

'Ugh… Not only am I starting to have a headache from all this thinking but I'm also having second thoughts in going to Fort Yano…'

'Should I go or should I not go?'

'I have too many valuable items with me…'


The second vehicle started moving and Nathan, who was standing, almost lost his balance.

Fortunately, his right hand was holding onto one of the rails where the covers for the back of the truck would've been attached.

Nathan swept his gaze around his surroundings.

The Hawkers were done picking up the loots and the entire convoy resumed its journey back to Fort Yano.

'I really have to make a decision...'

'Will I go to Fort Yano or not...?'

'I mean, I have too many valuable items with me…'

'And it's not like I just picked these things up…'

'How many times did I almost die inside the Divine Tower just to have these things…?'

'That time when I was bombarded with bullets and [Fireballs]…'

'That time when the bitch Rose was filling my head with her magnum bullets...'

'That time when she almost decapitated my head...'

'There are many more...'

'However… I also need to go to Fort Yano to see if my family is there…'

'Fuck me sideways…'


'Think, fucker...!'

'Think, you goddamn stupid fucker...!'

'A disguise...!'

'Yes, I need a disguise...!'

'For my [Artifact] Gold Spatial Finger, at least it's covered by my gloves…'

'For my height… There's nothing I can do with that…'

'And for my white spots, well, it covers 20% of my skin…'

'I don't know how to cover for this…'

'Maybe I can just use the excuse that I have that skin disease where you have white spots…?'

'I can't remember the name though…'

'I think it was vertilo, vertigo, velinqioust...?

'Wait, why do I feel like I'm making up words...?'

'Anyways, as long as it starts with the letter v..."

'That should cover it for now...'





'Yes, makeup!'

'Oh shit… I don't have makeup…'

'I mean, I'm not gay so why would I even have one with me…'

He looked at the passengers.

'I can't tell if anyone here has makeup...'

'Well, I can ask...'

'But when will I have the chance to put it on...?'

'Well, I just have to find one when I reach Fort Yano…'

'I also have to make sure that no one would find out that I'm wearing one because I will literally die from embarrassment…'

'It's social suicide here in Muwin...!'

'What about baby powder...?'

He scanned the items inside his [Artifact] Gold Spatial Finger.

'Of course, why would I even have one...?'

He looked at Zita.

She was having a conversation in Regisian with the woman holding a child on her arms and sitting next to her.

'Hmm... that booty warrior said that Chosen Ones or Prophets are treated well...'

'They're living a luxurious life under the government's care...'

'However, in exchange, they have help in fighting the zombie threat…'

'But let's say it's true...'

'Can I really trust them when they find out that I have an [Artifact]...?'

'Just with the stats alone, it's already OP...'

'Not to mention Chosen Ones are also targeted but some people who just want to vent out their anger and frustration to that being claiming to be god for unleashing this zombie apocalypse...'

'But then again, at the same time, I can also take their [Artifact]...'

'That is if they even have any...'

'But what if my parents or family is there and they hold them hostage...?'

An image of a dead Amir as a human-dog lying down on the floor with its head cracked open and brain matter scattered all over the floor flashed inside his head.

He shook his head and looked away.

He saw a puddle of mud.

'Hmm... If not makeup or baby powder, what about dirt?'

"Excuse me, are you Muwinian?" a person suddenly asked in Regisian.

Nathan turned to the person.

It was a man in his early 30s and he was also standing just like Nathan.

'This guy… Wasn't he one of the men who helped Zita in climbing over to the truck earlier?'

"Myes," Nathan replied in Muwinian.

"Oh, I see. Nice to meet you. I'm Duke. And that there," he pointed at the woman who was holding a child in her arms and talking to Zita, "is my wife, Dhalia, and my daughter, Delilah."

Nathan squinted his eyes.

'Why is this person speaking to me in Regisian, not Muwinian?' he thought. "Ah… Mi msee. Nathan."

"Nathan? Good name. Can I ask how tall are you?"

"Maround 2.2m."

"Around 2.2m, huh. So at least more than 7 feet?"

"Msomething mlike mthat."

"Are you a professional basketball player or a celebrity or something?"


"Oh, I thought you were one because of your height."

Nathan didn't answer.

"By the way, how many years have you been living in abroad?"


Duke flashed a knowing smile and said, "Well, you see, I can tell by your accent. Although you're definitely a native speaker, it's a little stiff. And if I were to guess what country you've been to… Womania, right? And that little girl you're with, she's Iskaldian, right?"


"Haha… I'm right, right? Well, I've been living in and out Muwin for many years. So I've been exposed to many people. Met so many people from different walks of life."

'My accent is a little stiff...?'

"And if you were to ask me, it's just better to live outside of the country, especially in first-worlds.

"In countries like Muwin, you can work and work all your life like a horse. But the money you can save? Unless you have the devil's luck, you have a high-paying job, or you're someone who's already born rich, the money money you could save worth pennies only.

"But in first-world countries, it doesn't matter which background you came from. You can work, even simple jobs, and can still actually save some money.

"You know what I'm talking about, right? So I can't blame you for wanting to live in Womania.

"As a matter of fact, when the zombie apocalypse happened, my family and I were just here for a short vacation. Our home address is back at Wellington Street, St. Maria City, Regis. We just moved there like a year ago."

'Maybe it's because I've been living in Womania for 8 months and I just returned yesterday...?'

"And you know what, I'm pretty sure that if we were in Regis, things wouldn't have reached like this. The zombie threat would've dealt and contained already right from the start. Don't you agree? I mean, you've lived in Womania. That's also a first-world country like Regis. I'm sure that country is already free of the zombie threat. Sigh… We were at the wrong country when the zombie apocalypse happened."

'And oh my God… he's one of those people…'

Here in the northern region of Muwin, people like Duke wasn't rare.

The reason behind this is because Muwin was colonized by Regis for 250 years and it's been 50 years since it got independence.

During the 250 years of Muwin under the rule of Regis, the northern region was completely conquered while the southern region wasn't.

Because of this, the two regions developed two very opposite mentalities.

The north developed a colonial mentality.

The south developed an anti-colonial mentality.

In fact, the Trinity religion was one of the tactics used by the Regisians to tighten their control over the natives in the northern region -- basically, forced-conversion to the Trinitian faith.

Another tactic was the first and last names. Which is why today, northerners typically had Regisian first and last names.

And when Muwin finally gained its independence from Regis, the country undergone a few civil wars within the first 30 years since its independence.

Now, although 50 years have already passed since Muwin finally gained its independence and there are no more civil wars anymore, there are still some tensions between the north and south, or to be specific, between Muwinian-Trinitians and Muwinian-Iklasians.

The thing about Asians, they are very family oriented. And because of this, the elders have such a huge influence in the society. So 50 years is peanuts because there are literally still Muwinians walking around alive and kicking when Muwin was still a colony of Regis.

Take for example Nathan's grandfather, Sakhr, from his father's side who was 90+ and is a Muwinian-Iklasian.

He has definitely seen and been through a lot -- colonialism, WWII, and the civil wars in Muwin.

This is one of the reasons why Muwin is infamous for being the third or fourth most racist country in Asia.

"Sigh… If only Muwin was still part of the Regis Empire, we wouldn't have to suffer like this. And not only that, we would've also been a first-world country a long time ago already..." said Duke.

Nathan looked away.

'Oh my God, please stop talking to me and just leave me alone already...!'

Given the issue about the deathly pale white spots on his body and also the fact that Zita was with him, Nathan didn't want to cause any trouble at the moment.

At least with him, he could always just disappear and run away if ever things become too much to handle for him, just like that night when he left Haven Town after falling out with Rose, Ashleigh and Derek.

But now that he had Zita with him, he had no choice but to be a little more careful with his temper.

The other passengers heard everything what Duke said. Some were looking at them in disgust while the others in pity, because one was a self-hating Muwinian while the other was a grown man wearing a leather medieval costume in a tropical country.

Prrr… Pshhh…!

The truck shook and made some exhaust sounds.

The convoy started moving slowly.


Author's thoughts:

Hello, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading!

By the way, this former Grandmaster Immortal who failed months ago in keeping his sacred immortal oath and is now nothing but a Lowly Shameless Immortal is shamelessly going to open once again the path of Power Immortals and Immortal Patrons.

To the people who voted with their power stones, this Lowly Shameless Immortal would like to thank these Power Immortals:

• TheAntiSimp

• zlBlade

• pea_one

• Pillastre

• Badz_Baddy

• Kamil_R

• Darth_markentof

• Gossen_Di_Vietri

• Shikla

• Yerby7213

• Tense_Beagle

• Kelv_Anne

• Top_Dawg

To the ones who want to help this Lowly Shameless Immortal in his path to immortality in writing his First Immortal Book, you can consider becoming an Immortal Patron by supporting him at P-a-t-r-e-o-n:

• https://www.patreon.com/Immortal_Shades

There, you will have access to this Lowly Shameless Immortal's "chapter drafts" for $5 a month.

Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when this Lowly Shameless Immortal will publish them here in the First Immortal Book, there will be some edits.

And at the moment, this Lowly Shameless Immortal posted the draft of Volume II: Ch. 121 - 130 there.

With that, this Lowly Shameless Immortal want to give his special thanks to the Immortal Patron(s) for May 2021:

• Виталий В

• Teltaios

Thank you once again Power Immortals and Immortal Patrons. This Lowly Shameless Immortal will see you in the next chapter... *Kowtows 300 times*

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