
Latif City (3)

<Author's note: The things (racism, sexism, political views, etc.) depicted or mentioned in this story do not reflect the real world and are purely coincidences. If they do, please keep in mind that they are simply for world-building and are only work of fiction. Thank you for your understanding.>

The sky started to become gloomy once again.

Meanwhile, down on earth, the scars inflicted by the zombie apocalypse seem to mirror its gloomy atmosphere.

The streets were devoid of life save for the zombies and their occasional roars. In addition to that were the abandoned vehicles, half-broken and looted buildings, and trash lying on the ground.


An abandoned car made a loud noise as if it was stepped by something heavy, causing a few nearby zombies to turn in its direction.

Unfortunately, they couldn't see anything out of the ordinary so they chose to ignore it.

Of course, the "thing" that caused that loud noise was Nathan.

He was invisible and running at full speed, on his way to where Latif High School, Latif State University Campus 1 and Brown Sports Complex were located.

His first stop was Latif High School because it was the closest.

'My God, the feeling between traveling alone invisible versus traveling with someone without invisibility just can't be compared…'

'Traveling alone with invisibility is just more free and relaxed…'

'I literally have nothing to worry about…'

'I really miss this feeling…'

'Sigh… I hope that kid's really worth it when the time comes we need to enter the Divine Tower…'

A few minutes later…

Nathan was standing in front of the main gate of Latif High School.

The school had 3 gates and each gate was divided into two sections -- a larger gate for vehicles and a smaller gate for people.

The first gate or main gate is where people can enter and exit the campus. But for vehicles, it's only used for entering.

The second gate is used for vehicles to exit.

And lastly, the third gate, it's where people can enter and exit the campus. But for the vehicles, only school vehicles and special guests are allowed.

'Hmph! My alma mater…'

The gates were left opened and he entered.

Entering the campus, the first building one will see is the Main Building which houses the main office and the classrooms for senior-level students.

He entered the Main Building first but didn't bother to check the rooms. Instead, he went through it to see what's behind.

And what's behind the Main Building is…

To the West were the Trinitian Chapel and the Juniors Building.

To the East the Gym, Clinic and Sophomores Building.

To the South were the Canteen and Freshmen Building.

And in the middle were the ball field used for football and softball games, and an open-air basketball court used for basketball and volleyball. There were also bleachers on the sides.

Nathan swept his gaze around the area.

There were about 12 zombies loitering around the ball field.

'Doesn't look like it was used as an evacuation shelter…'

'The ball field is empty and its grass is unkempt…'

'Well, aside from the unkempt grass, it looks like nothing much has changed ever since I graduated from here…'

'God, I feel old…'

'Is this what it's like to visit the school that graduated from?'

'I mean, I never bothered to pay a visit to the schools I've graduated from except for getting a transcript…'

He shook his head.

'What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I getting all sentimental all of a sudden? There are many far more important things I have to deal with right now.'

'Anyways, back to the reason why I came here in the first place. Just to be sure, I have to check the rooms...'

'Who knows, I might find a person or two camping here…'

He searched around.

10 minutes later…

Nathan was invisible and walking along the corridors of the Sophomores Building on the second floor.

Up ahead, there was an S1 zombie standing in the middle of the corridor.

He casually went up to it and summoned a [Grade D] Kris Sword.




The head of the S2 fell from its body and rolled over the floor.

Nathan immediately activated [Coward's Way] and summoned back his sword into his [Artifact] Gold Spatial Finger before resuming his search.

He didn't bother extracting its nucleus.


He stopped because he noticed something inside one of the classrooms.

'Let's see.'

He entered the classroom.

Inside, there was a makeshift tent made out of blankets and had two mattresses and pillows inside. There were also and some empty bottles, pots, canned goods, wrappers and other things like used batteries, a broken rechargeable lamp and touchpad, and etc. on the side.

He approached the tent and crouched down.

His eyes wandered around before he noticed a print on the blankets, mattresses and pillows.

Property of Latif High School Clinic.

'When I checked the clinic earlier, it was ransacked and there were a few missing items. So this is where they went…'

He summoned a [Grade D] Long Dagger from his [Artifact] Gold Spatial Finger and used it like a stick.

'No bloodstains or any forced entry that could suggest there was a struggle…'

'However, it looks like whoever was or were camping here left for good…'

'The only thing worth using here are the blankets, mattresses and pillows…'

'But who knows what kind of disgusting people used them…'

He summoned back his dagger, got up and then resumed checking the rest of the buildings.

20 minutes later…

Nathan stepped out of the Freshmen Building.

It was the last and final building of the campus.

'There's no one…'

'Back at the Chapel and two classrooms at the Sophomores Building I was able to find some sign of human habitation but they looked like the people who lived there left for good…'

'There was no bloodstains or any sign of struggle or a battle whatsoever…'

'No point in staying here any longer...'

'On to the next location…'

He left Latif High School and went to Latif State University Campus 1 which was just next door.


Nathan was walking along the hallway of one of the buildings in Latif State University Campus 1.

He didn't attend college here and it was also his first time here so he didn't know the layout of the campus and which building is which.

Nevertheless, he decided to check them…

His eyes wandered around as he passed by the classrooms.

'Look cheap…'

'Not all classrooms have an air-con…'

'What the fuck… They're still using wooden chairs here?'

He felt pity for the people here.

'Well, it is a public college after all and the tuition fee is free here…'

'So I guess it's understandable…'

'But still…'

'I mean, I can understand the not having an air-con, only ceiling and electric fans. But wooden chairs full of vandals and so worn out that they looked like they going to break in any second? Seriously? If they can't even afford those plastic chairs, can't they at least repaint them?'

He shook his head and thought, 'Corruption at its finest…'

30 minutes later…

Nathan exited a building.

'This is the last building here in this school…'

'It's just like back at my alma mater…'

'Just zombies and abandoned makeshift camps...'

'But at least I was able to find some medicine and vitamins at this school's clinic…'

'I already have a lot of medicine with me but no vitamins. It's better to have more than less, especially with that kid with me…'

Rain began pouring from the sky.




'Hmph… Great. Just my luck! Thank you, Lady Luck. You really love me…'

'I'm going to get wet and my invisibility would be useless under the rain…'

An image of Zita collapsing flashed inside his head.

'I hope that kid would not be too stupid to relax because it's raining…'

'She doesn't have invisibility and it makes it harder to detect sounds because of all the noise that the rain is making…'

He shook his head.

'No point in worrying about that…'

'If she can't even survive if something like that happens then that's her fault…'

'Time to check the last location -- Brown Sports Complex…'

Brown Sports Complex was closer to Latif High School.

However, between the Brown Sports Complex and Latif State University Campus 1, the latter was closer to Latif High School.

'Sigh… Please, please, please, let me finally find some good news or anything useful…'


The rain continued pouring when Nathan arrived in front of the Brown Sports Complex.

Although he was invisible, the rain pouring down on him gave his location away, making him look like a 2.2m-tall silhouette of a man.

Because of this, he had to kill the zombies he encountered along the way just to be sure.

He swept his gaze at the gates of the building.

They were large steel pipes -- some were as large as an adult's forearm while the others were as large as an adult's thigh. Even the D2 zombie who had 62 points on STR and Nathan himself with 70 (+5) would have a hard time breaking them.

The Brown Sports Complex is actually an indoor basketball court. However, it's also used as a volleyball court, cheer dance competition, martial arts competition, mini-concerts and many more.

'The main gate is locked…'

He decided to check the other gates.

After one minute…

'All the gates are locked…'

'In addition to that, all the passageways are suspiciously covered with boxes and tarpaulin. Normally, those passageways give outsiders a peek of what's happening inside…'

Growing up, Nathan watched some of the events held at the Brown Sports Complex. Some were for school requirements while others were for entertainment.

He also used to pass by this building because there were many street food stalls near the area.

There was also a public swimming pool, football field, race track, tennis court and gym nearby, and not to mention the two schools -- Latif State University Campus 1 and Latif High School.

Because of these things, the street food stalls here were actually pretty good, making it a great place for buying cheap but tasty snacks and also a popular dating spot for students and people who don't want or can't spend that much.

And of course, he, Karen, Vincent and Nikki also used to spend some time here as well.

'There only two ways I can enter -- either find a thin wall and destroy it, or climb over to the rooftop and find a passageway or make one…'

'I'll try to check if there's a thin wall first…'

He circled around the building.

He found a back door and grabbed the doorknob.


'Of course, it's locked…'

He summoned a dagger from his [Artifact] Gold Spatial Finger and destroyed the lock.


He pushed the door.


The door only managed to nudge a few centimeters.


He was about to forcefully open it but stopped.

Although it was raining so it was noisy, if he forcefully pushes it open, it could still make a loud noise which could attract unnecessary attention which he didn't want to.

Also, what if his parents and relatives: Amir's father, mother and sister are here? He didn't want to cause them any trouble.

'No choice but to climb…'

He circled around the building once more to find an ideal spot for climbing.

He found it and he immediately started climbing.

When he got to the rooftop, he found a couple of things that caused his lips to curl up into a smile.

There were empty cans, bottles of beverages, buckets and folding chairs.

'There's really people here.'

He saw a door and grabbed its doorknob.


It wasn't locked.

He entered and found a staircase leading downwards to another door.

He closed the door behind him before climbing down the stairs and opened the other door.


He found himself inside a booth where the announcers and technical staff will be stationed. It was on the top floor, giving them an overlooking view of everything happening at the basketball court.

He approached the windows to see if there were really people inside this sports complex.

When he reached the window, his eyes became wide like saucers.

"What the fuck…?"


Author's thoughts:

Hello, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading!

By the way, this former Grandmaster Immortal who failed months ago in keeping his sacred immortal oath and is now nothing but a Lowly Shameless Immortal is shamelessly going to open once again the path of Power Immortals and Immortal Patrons.

To the people who voted with their power stones, this Lowly Shameless Immortal would like to thank these Power Immortals:

• ratking

• Swiftescape

• Naufal_Arc

• darklord12332

• Muman125

• PSYcho_72

• ShinGreyrad

• Pillastre

• Marc_Gaborieau

• Ramvox

• PSYcho_72

• Maria_Diez

• Maou_Sama_1774

• Elizabeth_P

• ThatMaskedWarrior

• K_Out

To the ones who want to help this Lowly Shameless Immortal in his path to immortality in writing his First Immortal Book, you can consider becoming an Immortal Patron by supporting him at P-a-t-r-e-o-n:

• https://www.patreon.com/Immortal_Shades

There, you will have access to this Lowly Shameless Immortal's "chapter drafts" for $5 a month.

Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when this Lowly Shameless Immortal will publish them here in the First Immortal Book, there will be some edits.

And at the moment, this Lowly Shameless Immortal posted the draft of Volume II: Ch. 54 - 58 there.

With that, this Lowly Shameless Immortal want to give his special thanks to the Immortal Patron(s) for January 2021:

Thank you once again Power Immortals and Immortal Patrons. This Lowly Shameless Immortal will see you in the next chapter... *Kowtows 300 times*

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