

A group of armed guards was running towards Nathan's last known location.

"Attention all units. Target is a 6ft male, brown skin, wearing a police vest, and is a Chosen One capable of disappearing. Once you encounter him, inform him immediately the boss has his cousin and wants to talk. Out," a radio from one of the guards said.

"So the enemy is a police officer and is a Chosen One? The world has gone nuts," one guard said.

"The police have been always been corrupt even before the zombie apocalypse. Police brutality isn't a new thing," another one said matter-of-factly.

"Stay focus, guys. Remember, the orders – "


The third guard wasn't able to finish his sentence as his body ran a few steps before finally crashing to the ground, while his head fell to the ground and rolled over.

The scene caused all the guards present to abruptly stop running, some even almost tripped over.

There they saw a man 6ft tall, wearing a police vest, and holding a sword.

The man was looking at them and his mouth curled up, revealing a smile.

And before they could even process what just happened and decide what to do, the man already disappeared.


Another head was sliced off and they saw the man again.

Finally realizing that the man was the target that they were instructed to look for and was extremely hostile, some quickly aimed their guns while others started shouting.

"Stand down!"

"Requesting to talk! The boss has your cousin and wants to talk!"


But the target just ignored them and disappeared.

The next time he appeared, it was followed by a scream of agony from a guard who was cut in half.


The man quickly disappeared.

The firing of bullets and spells began.





Unfortunately, none of them were able to hit the target. Some of them even ended up engaging in friendly fire.

When the firing finally stopped, only 3 people were left standing. However, the target didn't appear, leaving them in total despair.

"Where is the target?" A male voice suddenly entered their ears.

The 3 looked at where the voice was coming from.

It saw Derek who was currently in [Maximize] mode and just arrived with six other people.

And among the people that Derek came with was Freddie.

Seeing the massacre, many were filled with anger and sadness.

They wanted to beat the living hell out of Nathan. Some even wanted him dead.

"Answer me. Where is the target?" Derek asked.

"W-we don't know. He disappeared," said one of the surviving guards.


They suddenly heard gunshots from far away and looked at its direction.

"Inform Rose about this!" Derek told one of the people he came with.


"Yes, sir! I will contact her now," said a guard and pulled out a radio.

"No! Go to her and tell her to drag her ass out!"

"But… sir. You know the Boss. She –"

Derek grabbed the guard by the collar.

"Go to her and ask her what her plan is! Is she planning to abandon everyone?! Does she have an admiral-level purple hair disease?! Tell her to act now if she doesn't want to end up with a base nothing but corpses!"

Derek released him.

"Ye-Yes, sir!" the guard clumsily put away his radio and ran towards the manor.

Derek looked at the remaining guards.

"Follow me!"

He ran towards the direction where they last heard the gunfire.


When Derek and his companions arrived at the area where they last heard the gunshots, Nathan was already long gone.

All that was left were corpses – some sliced in half, while the others had their heads separated from the body.

Derek gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. Memories of the fight back at the bridge flashed through his head.

In truth, he was against the idea of Rose wanting to talk to Nathan, but she insisted and so he had no choice but to follow.

'People like Nathan should've never been given such power! There's already the threat of the zombies, yet there are people who do things like this!'

As for the people who came with Derek, aside from anger and sadness, some were now starting to feel a little fear.

Truth be told, when they first heard what happened to Derek and his team, they thought Derek was just exaggerating. Sure, Derek was strong and all, but they still believed that they could take down a Chosen One with their numbers. However, now, upon seeing what a Chosen One is capable of and especially facing one that isn't bound by morality, their view started to change a bit.

Some were even secretly glancing at Freddie.

Among those who were starting to feel fear was Freddie. However, he wasn't afraid for his life but instead for the people he cared about. He clearly remembered what Nathan demanded.

Looking at the corpses around him, a sense of guilt weighed heavy on him. He also noticed the quick and silent glances that the other members were giving him.

A strong urge to offer his life to Nathan and ask him to spare his loved ones and stop killing tightly gripped his heart and soul.

He looked at Derek and swallowed hard.

"Sir –"

But Derek cut him off immediately. "Don't you even think about it!"

"But sir –"

Derek stepped forward and grabbed him by the collar.

"Everyone here that's been killed by that murderer had family and friends! They deserved to be avenged! That's the least honorable thing we can do for them…"

He let go of Freddie.

"Derek! I don't mind dying. I just… I just can't carry any more of this guilt knowing that these people died because of me and many more people will die! All I ask is for you to take care of my family. Please, sir!"

Freddie knelt down in front of Derek.

Derek understood where Freddie was coming from and could somehow relate to it because he too was carrying a heavy burden which he acquired years before the zombie apocalypse and it took him years just to let go some of the guilt.

He grabbed Freddie by his shoulders and raised him up.

"Don't you ever kneel to anyone else ever again, especially to a murderer! If we tolerate his actions now, what makes you think he won't do the same thing next time? What about the people you care about? Did you consider their feelings? And most importantly, do you honestly think that a murderer like him will even listen to your requests?"

Freddie was silent and looked at the corpses. He opened his mouth but no words came out. Ever since the zombie apocalypse began, human morals quickly started to deteriorate, though there are still some people who chose to remain civil.

Derek took a deep breath and looked at everyone.

"Take a look at our fallen comrades! If we don't stop him as soon as possible, many more will die!"

Everyone remained silent.


The sound of gunshots was heard from another area.

"I'm going to put a stop at that murderer once and for all. Who's with me?!"

Derek ran.


"Stay close together and keep your eyes open! Fire immediately the moment that bastard appears!" said a man who was carrying a [Grade D] Sword and [Grade D] Shield.

Beside him were two people: a female on his left and a male on his right. They were also carrying a [Grade D] Shield but had a pistol on their other hand instead of a [Grade D] weapon.

They formed a triangle defense with their backs against each other.

Around them were the corpses of their companions lying on the street.

Sweat poured down from their faces. Their hearts beating so fast and loud that they could barely hear any external noise. But their eyes were as sharp as ever. Each of them was like a wolf ready to pounce at any minute the moment their prey appears.

Unfortunately, what they were facing right now wasn't an ordinary prey. In fact, it would be more accurate to say that in the current situation they were in, they were the prey surrounded by a ferocious predator that's capable of vanishing.


One of the male guards was shot by a rifle in the head and immediately dropped to the floor.


"Gary!" shouted a female guard as she gave a quick glance to her fallen comrade who was no longer breathing.

"Leah, stay focus! Don't drop your guard!" said the other remaining guard.

She turned to the remaining guard and lashed out, "THE ENEMY IS SHOOTING US FROM AFAR!!!"

"Pull yourself together! The leader and the others have heard the gunshots and are already on their way so stay fo –"


He was shot in the head.

"LARRY!!!" Leah screamed as she saw Larry fell to the pavement.

She quickly dropped her [Grade D] Shield and held her pistol with two hands.

With her only remaining, her arms and legs began to shake uncontrollably while she aimlessly pointed the gun on her hand.



A cold steel laid on her left shoulder and close to her neck from behind.

"You know, back in my country, it's considered poor manners when a woman curses. Now, I—"

"THEN GO BACK TO YOUR FUCKING COUNTRY!!!" shouted the woman as she tried to move away from Nathan's blade.

However, she was immediately kicked from behind.


She fell to the ground on her stomach and dropped the pistol.


Nathan moved closer and kicked the pistol away before pressing his knee against her back.


"Relax, sweetie. I just want to talk~"

She thrashed around.

Nathan pulled her hair and slammed her face to the pavement.



She lost of few of her front teeth and broke her nose.

He raised her head close to him and saw that her face was bleeding because of what he did.

"I'm so sorry about that, sweetie. But I had no choice but to do that to calm you down. Now, do you know a guy named Freddie? I'm looking for his family."

She spat on his face.


Nathan closed his eyes and took a quick, deep breath before opening his eyes once again.

<Author: Does anyone know how to write the facial expression where a person "thins" his lips from anger or irritation? I was looking for it at Google but I can't find it. If you know, please tell me in the comment section below. Thanks.>

He let go of her hair and wiped off her blood and saliva on his face.

He grabbed her neck and twisted it.


He activated [Coward's Way] and surveyed his surroundings, trying to decide where to go next.

The idea of staying near the manor, let alone going inside was out of the question.

He also thought about Amir.

'Does that bitch really have Amir? If yes, then what about that bimbo? Wasn't she considered an important member? What's she doing about it? …That fucking traitorous whore.'

A memory of someone he used to care about appeared inside his head.

'Wait… I need to think this through first.'

With that, he decided to kill a few more people just to blow up some steam and also think before deciding whether to meet Rose or not.


Author's thoughts:

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading!

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