
Police Station

Nathan wanted to perform more test regarding the zombie virus. But to do that, he needed a better place.

This basement was too unfitting to conduct experiments.

What he needed was something like a prison of some sort where he can keep them separate. However, he was well-aware that prisons are a go-to place in zombie shows because of how the place is set up. Take for example the TV show The Walking Dead.

But does he have any choice?

What about pet shops? Nathan quickly dismissed the thought. The cages in pet shops are usually too small and can be easily destroyed.

What about a zoo then? There were no zoos nearby. It would be a hassle to travel a long distance to transfer them to the location.

What about hospitals? Nope, too many looters. People would most likely go there to look for medical supplies.

Nathan finally decided to pick a local police station. He remembered seeing one a couple of blocks away.

He got up from his seat and walked towards Josh and grabbed him by the neck with one hand.

"What are you doing?! Let me go!" Josh asked with a panicked voice.

"Josh! Josh! Please no!" Sarah cried out.

"Please! Please stop it!" Erica begged.

"Let go of him, you bastard!" It was Rick's voice.

'Heh~ You're still awake?' Nathan was surprised to see Rick up and shouting once again.

He punched Josh on the jaw.


Josh fell on the floor and was unconscious.

"Josh! Josh! Babe! Answer me!" Sarah called out to Josh.

"Josh!" Rick called out as well.

Erica was crying as she said, "Mama, help! Help me, please! I don't want to die!"

Nathan looked at the unconscious Josh.

'He's not dead, right?'

When he beat Rick earlier, he only used 30% of his strength. The last thing he wanted was to accidentally kill his test subjects.

Nathan then set his eyes on Sarah and walked towards her.

Seeing Nathan heading towards her, she wet herself and squirmed on the floor as she tried her best to get away from Nathan.

"Don't you fucking touch her! I swear to god I'll fucking kill you! You hear me?! I'll fucking kill you!" Rick shouted as he tried to stand up. But because his hands were tied behind his back and his feet were also tied, he tripped and fell on the floor, hitting his face first.

When Rick looked at Sarah, she was already lifted by Nathan by the neck with one hand.


Sarah fell on the floor and was unconscious.

"Sarah!!! Mama! Mama, where are you?! Please help! Anyone! Help!" Erica cried out.

Nathan looked at Rick and Erica and said, "Two left."

Rick tried to forcefully break the rope on his wrist with brute force. His face was so red and veins started to appear on his forehead and neck. But it was all useless.

Realizing he couldn't break it, his heart was devoid of hope and he could only curse at the current situation they're in, "Damn it! Fuck! Fuck..."

Looking at their miserable face, Nathan couldn't help but roll his eyes and thought, 'My god, these people are so over dramatic! I'm just knocking them out before I head outside to check on the police station. It's not like I'm going to kill them.'

'And plus,' he looked at Rick, 'didn't this guy used that woman named Sarah as bait earlier at the convenience store? What a self-righteous hypocrite!'

He proceeded to knock out the remaining two before heading outside.


Nathan was currently invisible and was standing in front of a police station which was a one-story building. It took him about 20 minutes to get here because he was clearing out the zombies along the way.

After killing 18 Level 5 zombies, his experience points was now 87.5% and still Level 10. Meanwhile, his [Grade D] Scimitar was 4/12 and [Grade D] Short Dagger was 7/11.

Regarding the test subjects, before leaving, he found an extra rope and tied the four test subjects together. He also found some duct tape to cover their mouth.

'Gotta make this quick.'

He stepped inside the police station.

The lights were on.

In front of him was the reception area with a row of chairs on the right side, while on the left was a bulletin board posted with pictures of wanted criminals.

At the back of the reception area was a spacious corridor. On each side was a row of desks with glass walls.

At the end of the corridor, there were three ways. In the middle was for the comfort rooms, the left led to the holding cells, and the right to the armory and locker rooms.

Nathan chose to go to the armory first.

When he got there, he was surprised that there were still a few items left.

He picked up two hand grenades and four handcuffs before leaving the armory. He kept them on his fanny pack.

He headed towards the holding cells.

When he got there, there was a corpse of a policeman with a hole on his head lying on the corner just outside the holding cells. His brains were splattered all over the walls and was holding a Revolver on his right hand.

Nathan went over to check the corpse.


There was a bite mark on the corpse's left forearm.

He took the Revolver and found some bullets from the corpse.

Although weapons not part of the System won't give any exp, and shooting a gun will only attract noise, he still took it just in case. Who knows, he might need it.

He checked the holding cells. All five holding cells were open.

The one in the middle was a large cell enough to hold up to 15-20 people and had a single open toilet. Meanwhile, the other remaining four were enough to hold 4 people each and also had its own open toilet.

Despite checking the cells, he still couldn't find the keys. He even checked the policeman's body.

'Fucking hell. Where is it? Do I REALLY have to check the entire building?'

He facepalmed himself.

He was pissed. It was already 5:45 PM. He needed to find the keys as soon as possible. The last thing he wanted to do is to move at night. If only he had a night vision skill or gadget.

Couldn't he wait for tomorrow? No, he wanted to continue doing the experiment and finish it as soon as possible. He wanted to take a bath so bad because his scalp was already itchy as fuck.

<Author's Thoughts: Sorry, I was late in posting. Well, this is embarrassing. I just promised yesterday to release 3-4 chapters a week but here I am, just releasing the 2nd one (Chapter 24) on a Sunday. I'm very sorry, I was so busy. I will post the 3rd chapter (Chapter 25) later -- probably around 10-12 hours from now. I'm so tired and I haven't yet eaten dinner T_T.

Anyone wants to join me to have a cup of coffee and cigarette? Haha~ I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.>

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