
Chapter Eighty Two - My ankle hurts

"I leave you alone for one day and this is what I return to?" Jin Li chided Sun with a sneer, his arm still wrapped around Leon's waist as the failing bullies ran down the corridor in their vain attempt to escape the Teacher's notice.

"But Jin Li," Sun whined, but was unable to finish what he was about to say.

Teacher Vane's eyes narrowed as he stopped before the remaining students, his eyes looking down his nose as he saw the large first year, Bullen spread eagled upon the floor and unconscious. "I want an explanation," he demanded.

Sun proceeded to give an honest, if not slightly embellished account of what had occurred, showing him proof in the form of the crack upon the stone wall.

"And how did he come to be like this?" Teacher Vane asked.

"T-t-t-tripped over m-m-my ankle," Leon's stutter worsened in the face of the sullen and intimidating teacher. That and his ankle really hurt. "W-when w-we were t-t-trying t-to g-g-get out of th-the way."

Teacher Vane recalled this student as one from the alchemy school, also remembering that he had been in this pair's company then too. He, himself, did not like Jin Li and Sun. He felt that they were too arrogant and brash with the eyes of other Teachers and seniors upon them in interest. He knew that it was only a matter of time until at least Jin Li, was transferred to the inner school and he personally could not wait for that day. However, he also knew that no matter how he disliked this pair, they also did not go around seeking trouble. The berserker, on the other hand, foolishly lived up to his reputation as being hot headed. Teacher Vane did not forget about the students who had fled the scene however. All of them would be receiving penalty chores for this misbehaviour.

"I will deal with this matter," Teacher Vane informed them. "However, if I find that there was more to it, do not expect to be unpunished." And with that, the man stepped over the prone form of Bullen and headed down the corridor.

"Let's go," Jin Li said, wanting to leave as well.

"W-w-what about him?" Leon asked, pointing to the berserker.

"What about him?" Jin Li returned and began to usher him along. Leon yelped as he placed his foot down, his ankle was just too much! Jin Li's eyes narrowed. "Show me."

Leon lifted his leg in order to remove his boot, but it was too tender and his eyes began to water. Jin Li knelt and carefully removed the boot instead, causing Leon to hiss. The ankle was quite swollen, even Sun winced and felt pity as he saw it. "I w-won't ever g-give them m-m-my p-pills," Leon joked as if such could be a retaliation against the ill treatment.

Jin Li sneered as he kneeled in order to carry Leon, insisting the boy get upon his back. "You should not be giving your pills personally out to anyone but me," Jin Li told him, lifting him as he felt the warm weight settle. There was a strange sort of satisfaction from having the youth rely on him once more.

"N-n-not even Sun?" Leon asked him as he held onto the other's shoulders. Jin Li felt that his ear had become itchy upon feeling the boy's breath close to it, but figured he could ignore it. He shrugged in response to Leon's query.

"I'll think about it," he allowed.

Sun's expression was that of someone wronged. "I'm not sure I want those pills," he said sullenly, crossing his arms as he followed them down the corridor to the portals. "Speaking of pills, can't you just take a blood pill or something to ease the injury?"

Jin Li's steps faltered slightly as Leon began to chuckle at himself for not thinking of that possibility. "No need for that now. We are already late. He can take it later," Jin Li decided half a breath later and continued to carry his alchemist upon his back.


A few minutes later, the trio were guided by Bowyer to a set of empty seats, where Pike was standing like an intimidating guard, scaring others who might claim said seats away. "What happened to you?" Pike asked Leon, who was still sheltered upon Jin Li's back.

"There was an incident," Jin Li said, dismissively.

"Some students were unhappy that we are lucky enough to watch the Standings here," Sun explained in more detail.

"Your seniors haven't been keeping the first years busy enough," Bowyer said, coldly as Leon was lowered into one of the seats.

"Maybe we should show them how it is done," Pike suggested with a slightly wicked grin upon his face, to which Bowyer thrust his fist into his palm in response. "But first, we have to show our own how it is." They waved a quick fair well and descended the steps into the arena, where around fifty students were lingering, waiting to participate in their first battles.

Sun quickly enquired of a neighbour what had happened so far, as they had arrived a little late. That person gave an overview; the first round of the Standings was a free for all. Points were given based on how many people one person knocked off of the centre stage with bonus points for those who remained with in the stage after the time limit has ended. Of course, this sort of thing could be exploited, so if no people were removed from the stage, no points were given. If only one person was knocked off of the stage, then the bonus points were set at one point. It was in the best interests of those on stage to not only remove a lot of people, but to remain standing at the end as well.

The groups were roughly fifty people big and one group had already fought. Ten managed to remain on stage, receiving forty bonus points and points for those they had removed from the challenge. The current winner was on forty nine points, tenth place had forty, having dodged many, but won against none. Eleventh place had racked up fifteen, before being removed as a threat.

In the next group, Pike and Bowyer would scramble. Leon placed a blood pill in his mouth, which melted upon his tongue and he swallowed the mixture while waiting in anticipation for the fight.

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