
Collin part 1

The hotel staff is preparing the meal inside the dining area of Presidential suite. Ben is in hurry to purchase the new outfit for his boss and his madame boss. He can not have any choice from the brand as if the only shop available is inside the hotel with the branded from Italy. 

However, his boss never used that particular brand. As the storm keep on going in the city, he did not have any choice rather than purchase the brand available in the mini mall in the hotel. It is not a bad an infamous brand, but he needs to try his luck by presenting this pair of clothes to his boss.

Ben ran back to his boss suite and knocks to his room. Madame Shin is opening the door and let him inside the room to place the couple of bags inside the walk-in closet area near the bathroom. Jun is reading some work email on the iPad. He sat down elegantly on the couch inside the bedroom.

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