
An Couple wicked plan-part 1

Jun was happy to see Bella smiled all the way back to the car. Bella and Linda bought some souvenir at the shop. Bella glare to Jun at the cashier and he obediently walked toward the cashier to pay everything. He opens up his wallet and paid with his credit card. The cashier girl processed the payment and asked him to sign it. He signed it with nobility gesture and it made the cashier girl blushes to see Jun. He didn't take any notice before helped Bella to carry all the shopping bag. Tony take it over from Jun's hand and carried it until in the car.

In the car, "I am hungry Jun. can we have some Balinese food?" Bella demanded to Jun. "Wayan, did you hear the boss?" Jun directly asked Wayan. "Yes, Mrs Shin. I will drive to a nice Balinese restaurant. Do you eat fish?" He asked her. "Yes, Yes, Yes, Wayan. I would love to eat fish dishes for lunches." Bella was giggling to hear Jun word calling her boss.

Wayan took them to have lunch in the local Balinese restaurant. They have to sit on the floor at the small cabana on top of the man-made giant fish pond. It created illuminate ambience of traditional village life in Bali. They served them one type of local fish that has been cooked on a different type of cuisine. Bella ate so much with Linda as the food was delicious. Jun and Nathan have difficulties to eat spicy food, so they ate only a little bit. They enjoyed their blissful time together. Jun has been considerate enough to limit his phone called. He diverted it to his work email and text message. He wanted to spend quality time with his wife, as Bella pout her lips as soon as Jun answer his phone. "If you are really needed in the company. You can go back first Mr Shin." Bella told him in her sulking tone. Nathan smiled to see Bella cute reaction. His heart still aches to see Bella every time, but he has to move on with the new chubby girl next to him. Linda is not having a perfect body as Bella, but her face is quite cute and her beautiful heart mesmerize Nathan most of the time. She has the most beautiful inner beauty. Nathan started to fall in love with her.

In Imperial City, Father An got a really bad headache. The company shares price was worth nothing overnight. His phone was ringing non-stop since in the morning. The share-holder arranging emergency meeting to ask for his explanation. The An Corporation is not the same as Shin Corporation, that owned purely by Jun Shin. The An Corporation is a public company who list their share for sale in share market. An Si Hao still on his honeymoon trip, so he couldn't bother his son for help. All the project needed to stop as the price for material hikes as there was no stock available. Shin Corporation is the only player in the construction industry that still able to continue their work. No one else willing to paid the prices as it will make their project value down. Finally, Father An made a phone call to Mother An. "I need help here. Because of the tax officer lurking into our company, our share worth almost nothing." Father An hopelessly voice. "Xue Fan, what else do you wanted me to do? Called your son to sort this mess." Mother An got another headache. She still remembered her daughter-in-law made a phone call and everything was sorted. "At the moment, all the Construction Company apart from Shin Corporation put a halt on their project. The material cost went skyrocketing. How I would explain to the shareholder? They want an emergency meeting next Monday." Father An spoke in a discomfiture. "Let me asked our competent daughter in law for the input." Mother An assured to her husband regarding the matter. Father An rest assured about his wife method because she is the person who actually run and gives direction to the company. Father An put his phone down and continue to make out with his secretary. Father An was a playboy and womanizer for a while now. He has been scattered all his mistress outside of his family house, as he scared with mother An.

It was hot and humid in Bali. Shuei Lan regretted to come to Bali. She preferred a place with colder temperature. She kept her fan and tissue pack every time. She clings tightly to Si Hao arm, and it makes everyone envy them. The AN couple was liked a cover magazine model if they would pursue a modelling career. It was almost sunset time, and their guide asked them to walk to the audience seat outskirt of the stage. "Why we don't the VVIP seat in there?" Shuei Lan complained to the guide. "I am sorry, but that reserved place is not for VVIP. It is reserving for guest from official government." The guide explained to her. At the moment, she has to satisfy with the guide arrangement.

Shin Corporation notifies the economics ministry, who wants to meet with Mr Shin, that the President is on his holiday in Bali. When She heard about his visited to Bali, She directly contacted the local tourism board to arrange a special welcome for him. Ben got notified about the special treatment from the official. They arrived on the cliff temple south of Bali where the show would take place. The audience heard that it would be more grand than usual because there would be an official special guest. The Governor of Bali and the Ministry of Economy were presenting in the area. Jun phone ring as the car stop in front of the entrance. "Speak, Ben," Jun answered him impatiently. He knew Bella was sulking because of his workload. "Boss, The ministry of Economy lady has arranged something for you. She wants to make a good relationship with you, and I think you knew her well. She was the president of the world bank we met in the US two year ago." Ben notified him before ended the phone. Jun walked outside to help his wife when he saw a couple of crowd welcoming them on the entrance.

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