
Next Destination (2)

Rong Jian and Shen Tianyu set out after they had made their final rounds and checked their luggage. They walked out of the city gates like normal citizens before they broke into a run, flying past the carriages and caravans on the road. They didn't want to fly as that would certainly attract attention if two people just up and started flying in the middle of a crowd. As they neared the Forest of Death, people became more and more sparse. By the time they could see the Forest in the distance, there were no more people nearby, only barely functioning, desolate villages that probably only consisted of one extended family or so.

"We're going to your home aren't we? Do you know the direction?" Shen Tianyu asked leisurely even as they were walking at an increased speed. They weren't running anymore but they weren't lazing around either.

"Just cut straight through the forest. My country is on the other side, exactly opposite, of this one." Rong Jian replied.

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