
The Wasteland World - Arrival

The monster's skin was too resistant.

After a full hour of fighting, evading, and taunting, Daniel and the rest had only managed to keep the monster's attention on themselves, but hadn't been able to cause any sort damage with their own power.

The only damages they had managed to cause, were the numerous severe burns caused by the low level life spheres, which after getting in contact with the monster's body, caused its skin to melt.

Unfortunately, the spheres would be corrupted after a single use, and would fall apart in a matter of seconds after coming in contact with the monster's death-like essence.

At first, the life spheres mounted into the main chains which blocked the double doors shut, were a hundred.. But after an hour of failed attempts, only ten had remained.

Jerigh, thanks to his impressive movement speed, was able to stay between the legs of the large monster and hit the junction of his body hard enough to make him stagger, and fall a few times.

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