
There are no heaven's here today.

Liang Chen's head pounded and his blood boiled, an uncanny rage filling his entire body as he felt blow after blow land on his head. There was a familiar shout sounding out, but the sound became so distorted upon entering his ears that Liang Chen did not even know if there truly was anyone shouting. As another blow landed on his head, a slight cracking noise sounding out from his nose, Liang Chen sprung into action.

Liang Chen acted on instincts he never knew he had, his left arm stretching out and grabbing onto an oncoming attack. He was unable to see the attack, but he could feel where it was, the electricity running through his attacker's body letting him know how they moved. His left hand grabbed onto what seemed to be a wrist, and his right arm shot out and grabbed onto a soft throat, squeezing it tightly.

After he grabbed onto the wrist and throat of his attacker, no more blows hit him in the head, so he straightened his body and faced his attacker, his eyes narrowed and cold. Upon seeing the attacker, Liang Chen's lips curled slightly as he spoke.

"Qing Youyan, so it was you. What do you want this time?"

The person who had attacked Liang Chen was Qing Youyan, the same youth who had brought a group of children and beaten up Liang Chen earlier. Liang Chen held tightly onto Qing Youyan's wrist and throat, forcing him to gasp for air as he tried to breathe.

"...I told you... To stop spreading those... Rumors..."

Seeing that Qing Youyan had a hard time breathing and speaking, Liang Chen slightly loosened his grip, but he did not completely let go. His body had been tempered by Demonic beast blood and lightning, so it was a little stronger than most people at the early stage of the Mortal Tower realm. Because of this Qing Youyan had no way of escaping from his grasp. Liang Chen's lips curled into a sneer as he looked at Qing Youyan.

"You still believe that I am the one spreading the rumors?"

Did this Qing Youyan still seriously believe that it was Liang Chen who spread those so-called rumors? If he truly did, then Liang Chen could only think of Qing Youyan as a true idiot. Qing Youyan struggled slightly, glaring at Liang Chen as he spat out his words.

"Who else would? Let go of me!"

Looking at the Liang Chen in front of him, Qing Youyan could not help but shiver somewhat. He happened to spot Liang Chen as he entered the city again, and while he was slightly taken aback because of his hair and eyes, he still felt that it was a good chance to get some revenge for the time Liang Chen bit him. But as he looked at those cold golden eyes that seemed to be alight with lightning, he felt his knees go weak. Hearing Qing Youyan's words, Liang Chen's lips curved into a cold smile, his hand tightening around Qing Youyan's neck.

"Let go of you? After you attacked me like that? This place is quite deserted, I am sure that I could easily kill you here without anyone noticing."

Liang Chen once again felt like he heard that familiar shout, but the pounding of his heart and boiling of his blood completely drowned it out. As his hand tightened around Qing Youyan's neck, he also tapped into his Qi. His hand released a slight violet glow, the skin on Qing Youyan's neck slowly melting. Hearing his words and seeing his actions, Qing Youyan could not help but go pale as he hurriedly shouted out and tried to free himself.

"Kill me? The heaven's would strike you down with their furious and just vengeance!"

Qing Youyan's struggling only caused the poison on Liang Chen's hand to dig deeper into his neck, the pain intensifying as more skin started to melt because of the poison. Liang Chen's lips curled into an uncharacteristic mocking sneer as he looked at Qing Youyan, pulling his face closer as he spoke in a slow voice.

"The heaven's would strike me down? Just vengeance? Qing Youyan, you don't know the heaven's. The heaven's are not just, they are indifferent. People like us don't matter to them. There are no heaven's here today, there is only me and you."

Liang Chen continued to increase how much strength he put into his hand, Qing Youyan's face slowly turning purple as he struggled to free himself. When the pain became too much for him to bear, he lost consciousness and his body fell limp. But Liang Chen did not stop. There was something within him urging him on, telling him to squeeze harder, to make sure that all life was drained from Qing Youyan. Just as Liang Chen was about to increase the strength in his hand, he heard a loud shout again, but this time he could hear it clearly. Following the loud shout, Liang Chen felt something hit him on the cheek, forcing him to let go of Qing Youyan.

"Little Chen! What are you doing?!"

Qing Youyan fell to the floor, his neck bloody and purple, but he was still alive. Liang Chen felt his entire head spin, but his mind felt much clearer, the realization of what he had almost just done hitting him. He quickly turned towards the one that had hit and shouted at him, Qing Chun. Seeing Qing Youyan fall to the ground, Qing Chun quickly kneeled down next to him and placed her right hand on his neck, water flowing out from her palm and covering the wound. While she focused on healing Qing Youyan, she also turned and glared at Liang Chen.

"Are you insane?! What would you have done if you had actually killed him?! There would no longer be a place for you within this city, they would probably even try to kill you! Did you even think about the consequences?!"

Seeing the furious expression on Qing Chun's face, Liang Chen could only lower his head. He had indeed not been thinking, his body practically moving on instinct. It simply felt so right, as if Qing Youyan truly deserved to be killed for what he had done. Since there was nothing else he could say, Liang Chen quickly spoke an apology.

"I'm sorry, Big Sister Chun. I don't know what came over me, I just suddenly felt so angry."

Qing Chun's expression softened slightly when she saw Liang Chen's mannerism, heaving a slight sigh of relief. For a second, she was worried that Liang Chen had completely lost himself. But she still made sure to scold him in a loud voice, reaching out with one hand to flick him on the forehead.

"You dumbo! Even if you got angry, you should have made sure to control yourself!"

Liang Chen could only keep his head lowered. Just like she said, he should have made sure to control himself. After all, he had been able to perfectly hide his hatred for Qing Lan Yong, hiding it behind a warm smile. So there was no reason for him to not be able to do the same here. He could only utter another apology.

"I'm sorry."

Qing Chun let out another sigh, glancing at Qing Youyan's neck. The skin on his neck had already healed, the blood vanished, but there was a violet handprint on his neck, a reminder of what Liang Chen had done. Qing Chun removed her hand from his neck, checking his pulse and making sure that he was fine. Once she was certain that he was in no danger, she grabbed Liang Chen's hand and pulled him out of the alley, the two quickly heading towards his house.

"Come, we have to leave here now. I have healed him, so he is going to be fine."

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