
Chapter 17: First One

He jumps at me with a push from his wings and raises his sword overhead. I pose to block it like before. This time instead of bringing his sword down on me, he lashes out with his wings from his sides and strike at me.

And just as his wings get in range, I make my armor expel out micro explosions from my right sides. As those micro explosions are positioned proportionally over my right side, impacts from those micro explosions propels me toward my left side.

And with that I get out of the range of his sword and the wings. After that, I use micro explosions again to propel myself forward and comes next to him.

I slash at his right side with my katana, he blocks it with his shield. I expected that. After that, I propel my self again and get behind him. This time his wings turn around and strike at me again. Those wings are way too mobile. I need to take care of them first.

So, I block them with my katanas first. While I was blocking his wings, he tries to turn around and face me. But I simply propel my self with my micro explosion to stay behind him.

But even though I'm behind him, his wings manage to protect his behind from me as if he got eyes on the back of his head.

"Face me, you barbarian."

Idiot. Anyway, to kill him I need to take care of those wings first. And to do that, I start to use my left hand. While blocking his wings' strikes, I infuse my left arm with vitality and it starts to cover my katana in my left arm.

And next time his wings collide with my katana, my branches latch onto his wings. At first his wings cut through my branches. But my branches still latch onto his wings.

"You think you toothpick can imprison my wings, you barbarian?"

"I know they can."

After a while of getting my branches cut, I pump even more vitality into it and add a mana into the equation.

As I do that, my branches start to grow sturdier. After a while, his wings start having trouble with cutting my branches. As time passes my branches start to entangle his wings whole. And after taking care of his wings I go to town on him.

My katana slices through his back armor like slicing through a tofu. And strangely his blood is same color as his wings. Blue.

After a while of slicing and dicing he loses strength and falls on his knees. I wanted to hone my katana fighting technique. But that goal got derailed.

Anyway, I managed to win.

"You fight without honor."

He tells me while lying in his own puddle of blood.

"Honor is a luxury for those who are powerful."

I walk up to him and hold onto his wings. I always wanted to do it. And pull.


He screams as I pull his wings out. With a little bit of strength, I manage to pull his wings out of his shoulders. He dies as soon as I do that.

I'm sure it hurt from the way he screamed. That was an interesting fight. Now, where is the mist gate? I look around and see it floating where the house was.

Once again, I touch it and same crap all over again. This is getting monotonous. I need change. More time I spend in place like this, more mad scientist in Alex emerges from within.

It's not like I will become him. Just that more it comes out more it will affect my actions.

Anyway, I wonder what awaits me next.

I see light again and the same fucking open field. What is different this time is that there no mist gates anywhere and only table with four indentions on it.

I'm guessing four something is supposed to go in there to make the mist gate appear. And to get those four something I need to kill four something. Simple enough.

Now, question is: where are those four something I'm supposed to kill. And as if this fucking dungeon can read my mind, as soon as I thought that four mist gates appear around me.

I go to the closest one and touch it. But this time, instead of me going somewhere, one of the four something I'm supposed to kill appears before me.

Mist gate turns into three meters tall giant spider with a rocky carapace. I'm sure it will hard to break that rocky carapace. Just as I was thinking that some kind of ball drop from who knows where.


Bitch is loud as hell. It charges at me as soon as it finishes roaring at me. It accelerates like a rocket at almost crashes into me if I didn't manage to propel myself with my micro explosions.

Bitch is fast for a giant spider. I run to the ball that drop from somewhere. There is nothing special about it. Whatever.

I direct it toward the spider and hit it as hard as I can with my charges first technique.


And with a boom the ball rolls toward the charging giant spider and hit it.


It actually explodes as soon as it hit the spider. That was unexpected. And as soon as it got hit by the ball, the spider falls on its side. And I see a pink flesh under its belly.

I think that will be much vulnerable than the rocky carapace. I come close to it and jam my left arm into its soft underbelly. After that, I start to pump vitality into my left arm. As it gets pumped with vitality, my left arm branches out inside the spider.


It roars in pain but still fails to stand up. After few seconds of excruciating pain, it finally kicks the bucket. It disintegrates into dust and leaves some kind of round medallion with a spider on it.

I take it and put in round indentation on the table and it fits perfectly. So, one down three to go.

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