
Wisdom Fights

Artemis and Apollo is in Atlantis. Apollo is being tended, preserving a flicker of flame of the Sun

Artemis on the other hand is scouring the entire Atlantis to seek her Uncle. Right now, as the Olympians galaxy is being besieged by two great divine civilization, two of the most powerful Elder Gods seems to be missing

Some heroes and champion of the Gods tries to enter the Underworld to have an audience with the Lord of the Dead, but even before they could meet Charon, all of the portals leading to the Underworld is shut tight

The Underworld is closing its doors and no one knows why

While all of this is happening, the heavens and the mortal realms is still engaged in a clash of divine force

The forces of the Olympians and the Eternal Horizon pantheon erupt into a war that has never seen before

It is like the Gigantomachy or the Titan War. One would argue it is even worse

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