
Getting Known by the Guilds

"Are you just going to look at me like that or are we going to fight?" The blue robed person, Princess Hailey said while having a wide smile over her face.

Princess Hailey just looked like Queen Auburn, the only difference was the color of her hair which had a silver color and her height since the queen has the body of a child.

Just as Jay was going to stop his stretches and make a move, Lord Marvin suddenly shouted from the sides.


And just like that, the melee tournament was finished due to some unexpected events.

"Eh? Why? I want to fight! Let me fight!" Princess Hailey cannot accept such and ending and complained like a child.

"Sorry princess. But we have to bring you back to the castle now. (Seriously, this is the 3rd tournament she participated in.)" The black knights beside Lord Marvin suddenly appeared in front of the princess and grabbed her by her arms as they took her away.

"No! Stop! I demand a trial! Just one more fight! Please! No!" Princess Hailey just kept on screaming and begging as she was dragged away.


After that happened, Jay and some of the participants who were conscious got out of the fenced area since the melee tournament was over. As for those who got knocked out cold, like Fiery Gallows and Axel, they were dragged by the spectators who were hired by Lord Marvin to do the hard labor.

When no one was left inside the fenced area, Lord Marvin handed over a silver coin to each of the spectators who helped dragged the unconscious people out and he went inside the fenced area to announce the results of the melee tournament.

"Thank you for participating in this tournament, may it be the spectators or participants. I know that melee fights usually do not get that much attention or glory unlike the other events. But anyways, I know everyone is excited to know whom the rewards will go this time." After saying this, Lord Marvin took out three medium sized boxes from his storage ring.

"These three boxes each contain a random rare item. As for the one whom these rewards go to, it is to the one who got the most kills, I mean knock outs." He then beckoned Jay to come forward before announcing his name. So Jay did as such and went back inside the fenced area.

"Jay Castle, for knocking out 56 people, these rewards go to you."

Jay did not hold back at all and immediately stored these boxes to the storage orb and pretended he stored it in the silver ring he was wearing.

"Thank you my lord."

Just as Jay was going to head back, Lord Marvin grabbed him by the shoulder and spoke up.

"Where are you going young man? The rewarding is not finished."

After saying that to Jay, he took out a blob of monster essence from his storage ring. The monster essence was a bit large and he had to hold it with both of his hands.

"The next reward is this. This is a rare breed of a horse called a Midnight Warhorse. For being the last one to remain in the melee, Jay Castle shall receive this mighty beast."

Lord Marvin activated the large blob of monster essence after speaking and suddenly, a black horse appeared. It was a bit larger than the average horse. Its hooves were emitting small cinders of black flames. Besides its eyes, everything on it was pitch black like a starless night sky. And just like its hooves, its crystal clear and white eyes were emitting small cinders of black flames.

Right now, the participants were really feeling helpless and sad the moment they saw the Midnight Warhorse. Some even started to get really envious and devised their own plots to steal it from Jay later, as if they forgot the ball crushing pain they experienced from Jay earlier.

Just as they thought the rewards won't get any better, Lord Marvin spoke up again.

"Jay, I know this is a bit much. But you deserve it for winning this melee tournament. I also have a special reward for you."

Lord Marvin suddenly took out a gold crystal and placed it on Jay's right hand. After that, he took out a flare gun from his storage ring and fired it.

"The melee tournament is hereby concluded!"

Lord Marvin was expecting shouts and cheers from the crowd. Sadly, since it was an unknown kid who won the melee tournament, most of the crowd just left silently while a few clapped their hands.

As for Jay, he thought, "Hahaha!!! It is a bit anticlimactic, but who cares! I still have four other events to win. (Or should I let Lydia win the sword fight and magic combat? Hmmm...)"

Not giving a crap about what others think, he turned the Midnight Warhorse back into monster essence and stored it in the storage orb. As for the gold crystal, he just kept it in his pocket since he cannot be bothered with such a 'small amount' of wealth.


Meanwhile, inside the guild hall of Soaring Skies, somewhere in Greengarden's common area...

Soaring Skies' guild hall looked like a pub. People drinking, telling stories, and doing random stuff were pretty common. But that was just the first floor of the guild hall. The second floor was a bit more decent to look at since it looked like a conference room due to the long table in the middle and was surrounded by a lot of chairs. Currently, there were five people talking to each other here.

"That blockhead got defeated? By a single punch? Are you sure you're not drunk?" A lady with a curvaceous body asked. She was wearing a purple dress and was currently talking to the other four people.

"Yes. I even managed to grab a video footage of it after paying a large amount of money to 'that' snitch." A guy in leather armor with a green scarf said while he took out a blue crystal orb and placed it in front of everyone.

The blue crystal orb showed the events that happened in the melee tournament. The whole video recording took around 5 minutes before it ended. The part where Jay punched people in the balls and how Fiery Gallows got defeated. But some parts were a bit blurry, like the part where princess Hailey took off her hood or the part where Axel, the guild leader of White Fang got his ass kicked.

"Impressive. I remember this kid from before. Fiora, we saw him already during that time when Purgatory Saberlord surrounded his friends right? Or was it him at that time? I was pretty sure he was just a weakling back then." A guy wearing a scaly black armor set said.

Fiora, the lady in the purple dress nodded her head.

"So troublesome. If our guild was not busy right now I might have to put a bounty on this kid. But that does not matter right now. What matters right now is the 'Kindred Soul Orb.' Patriarch Yulong, Elder Fang, may I know what's the current situation with this matter?"


While Soaring Skies were having an important discussion, somewhere else in Greengarden's common area.

White Fang's Guild Hall.

This guild hall was a bit smaller compared to the one Soaring Skies had since this guild hall had only one floor. It just looked like an NPC's adventurers guild. A female receptionist behind a wooden counter, some furniture, a few paintings hanged on the walls, and two long wooden benches at the sides. Besides that, nothing else could be seen.

But that was just how it looks like from the outside. The basement of the guild hall was where all the commotion and guild members were doing their stuff. It just looked like a restaurant with all the food and people eating or drinking. There was even a small swimming pool here. Right now, a large and muscular guy was currently taking a dip in the pool while Purgatory Saberlord, the one who Jay and co. met earlier back in time, was drinking beer like a lunatic.

"Why?! I trusted you Axel! When did you become this weak? Big brother! Why?!" Purgatory Saberlord cried and shouted while he kept chugging down bottles of beer.

"Shut up. That 'Jay' kid just got lucky. If Axel took it seriously, he might have killed everyone who participated." The muscular guy said in a frustrated tone.

"Jay? Sir Graxton, are you talking about Jay Castle?" A lady in a red leather armor set said while she almost choked on her drink.

"Oh? You know him Crimson?" The muscular guy, Graxton, asked.

"Is this Jay you're talking about have black hair, neat haircut, has a tiny scar on his left cheek, and talks like an adult? Does he look like a chicken?" Crimson Lotus asked while she was suddenly filled with anger and clenched her fists.

"(Looks like a chicken?) Well, I am not sure but I have a video recording of the melee tournament that happened. Go check it out for yourself."

Graxton suddenly took out a blue crystal orb and tossed it over to Crimson Lotus. After watching the video recording, in her anger after seeing Jay, Crimson Lotus broke the blue crystal orb and turned it into dust.

"Hey! That cost me a fortune you know...umm...Crimson? You alright?" Graxton asked since he suddenly saw Crimson Lotus having a scary and distorted look on her face. It was as if someone killed her family and she wanted to eat a whole person.

"I am totally fine. I have never felt better. (I will kill you bastard! Just wait and see!)" Crimson Lotus said and started laughing like a crazy person. This action of hers caught the attention of everyone in the guild.

"Crimson? What's wrong with you?"


Oblivious to the fact that he was now being observed by the two guilds, Jay went back to the Meat Madness restaurant to check if the chaos that happened is over. But as he walked and passed by other people, he overheard something strange.

"Oi. Look. Isn't that the 'Ball Crushing Kid' Jay? Hurry up and get away from him!"

"Balls Crusher! Son, go and hide!"

Jay heard a lot of people talking about him as the 'Balls crusher' and noticed a lot of people avoiding him.

"What a devilish title! Hahaha! Its your fault for not punching them in their main head! Hahaha!" The Chicken Lord laughed at Jay while trying to get over the stuff that happened at the restaurant earlier.

"Shut up! It's not my fault I have the body of a child and cannot reach someone's face unless I jump or leap! Don't you know how tiring it is in my human form?" Jay tried to reason out his fighting style earlier. But the Chicken Lord just laughed at him.

"Fine. If I am done with the tournament, guild business, and our important talk, I will go learn a spell to increase my growth rate."

Then after walking for a while, Jay arrived at what was supposed to be the restaurant.

"What the f**k? I was just gone for around 15 minutes..." Jay said helplessly as he saw a pile of rubble and smoke rising from it. He then saw a couple of black knights and Sir Rayne patrolling around the destroyed restaurant walking towards him.

"Excuse me. Are you related to a lady named Lydia and that drunkard Philson?" Sir Rayne asked while the black knights surrounded Jay.

"(What the f**k? How did the situation escalate this much?) Lydia is a guild member of mine, as for Philson, he is a friend. May I ask what happened here?"

"Men, take him to the queen. Knight One, stay here with me and check for any casualties. Knight Two and Three, go and compensate the restaurant owner and those noble brats." After giving out his orders, the black knights immediately took action and ignored Jay's futile resistance.

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