
Ricardo Vs The Twin Brothers!

Bob was knocked out of the stage but he did also help us by eliminating their masked puppet master Ricardo out of the stage. "Well done Bob." I say. "Take him to the infirmary." I say to Ashley. Ashley picks up Bob in her arm and nods. I see the twin brothers stepping in. "Let me fight this battle, master Henry." Ricardo says to me.

"I think so we should save Ricardo until he is desperately needed." Sophie says to me. "Ricardo, go in there and show them what you are of." I say to Ricardo ignoring Sophie. "HEY! ARE YOU IGNORING ME?!" Sophie angrily questions me. "Thank you, master Henry." Ricardo says. "And please stop calling me master would you?" I say to Ricardo. "Alright, mister Henry." That just makes it worse...

Ricardo steps in the ring. He stands in front of the two brothers one who is outside the ring controlling the other one. "Aren't you the one who fought that dwarf in the first round?" Zero asks Ricardo. "Yeah, what about it?" Ricardo asks Zero. "Well, you do realise that you are going up against two opponents, not one right?" Zero asks. Ricardo smiles. "What's with that smile?" Rita seems to be getting nervous.

"Hey...What's he going to do?" Sean asks Cyan. "I have no idea...To be honest, out of all the people on Squad Rizing that I find the most confusing are Ricardo, Grace and Jason..." Cyan says to Sean.


Ricardo rushes in to attack leaving a huge force of wind behind him. "Such power..." Rita looks confused.

"Denvil." Caster calls out Denvil. "You were saying that my squad is weak right?" Caster asks Denvil. "Yeah, so what?" Denvil questions Caster. "That is so true..." Caster says with a smile. Seven uses his string to pull Zero into a position where Ricardo misses the shot.

"SEE THIS IS WHY I TOLD YOU THAT WE SHOULDN'T BE SENDING HIM IN! NOW HE WILL BE KNOCKED OUT!" Sophie seems to be getting angry at me. I smile. "Jason..." I call Jason out. "Yeah, yeah, I already know what I am doing." Jason says with his groggy personality.

"I see you." Ricardo says with a smile and pulls a string pink string that no one can see. "WAIT! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL THAT A HUMAN EYE CAN DETECT THAT STRING!" Rita says with a surprised expression. "Switch now!" Rita says to Sherry. "I would but I still need time to recover my mana." Sherry says to Rita. "Tsch! This is bad...This really bad..." Rita seems to be stressing out.

Ricardo pulls the string while he hits his knee right in Zero's guts.


This pulls Seven inside the ring for Zero and Ricardo punches Zero in his guts.


"I see what you did..." Sophie says as I smile. "Ricardo can't see the string with his normal eyes but the one who can see the string..." Sophie looks at Jason. "He can use his psychic magic to look at the smallest particles possible...Only him on our team could do this..." Sophie says. "Jason transferred his brain into Ricardo's...This helped Ricardo to see the string more easily. Which made it easy for a double knockout." I say to Sophie with a smile.

(He came up with that plan on the spot...I thought I was the one with the most intelligence here but for him to come up with this plan on the spot...Could it be that he has been observing the enemies every single move from the start...Could this mean that...All those people on our team who were eliminated...He was basically using them to study the enemies team for the remaining power houses...)

Sophie's trend of thought started to think that she had finally found someone who was way more intelligent then her but that wasn't true. The only reason Henry was able to see through his opponent was because he knew what abilities everyone on his team has unlike Sophie. Hence why, he was easily able to give his team an advantage.

"Man this is getting boring."

A male voice

He walks spreading terror. Denvil smiles.

"Now that he is entering...There is no escape for anyone." Denvil says.

"Big brother..." Cyan seems to be getting worried and clenches onto her chest. Sean looks at Cyan and seems to be worried himself. Ricardo backs up.

"Why is he entering so early?" Sophie seems to be confused.

"Seems like our leader wants to get some action himself." Rita says with a smile. "The question is...Will anyone of them be able to satisfy his hunger for battle?" Reggie says with a smile. "I hope that he doesn't go all out and break the stage or something." Shuichi says with a shred of concern.

"Come back Ricardo, I will take-" Ricardo interrupts me. "You just watch me, captain." Ricardo says. I am surprised that he didn't call me Master or Mister. That's all good and dandy but what does he mean by watch him...I am thinking about it...What could it be that he wants to do? Ricardo maybe an angry man but he isn't stupid in anyways...What is he thinking?

"I feel like I should be battling him..." Ilora says. "Don't..." I say to Ilora. "This match...It's going to be very important." I continue. Ilora looks confused.

Whatever your planning Ricardo...Make sure you don't get harmed by that guy...His dangerous...Very dangerous...

"Hope you will entertain me unlike my little sister." Hayden gives an evil grin. "Entertain...Don't think that you can win against me using only half of your power or anything. I much stronger than that girl you were fighting in the previous round." Ricardo says to Hayden. "I can see that...Your strong indeed." Hayden says with an evil grin as he reads Ricardo's mana.

Be safe...Ricardo...

The most powerful member of the Squad Fighters has stepped up. Next chapter begins the fight between two dark magic users!

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