
Mission Begins! The Abandoned Factory!

We have reached at the gates of this abandoned mining factory. "So leader...Are you excited? I sure am." Jacob says to me. "Jeez...Just call me Henry." I say to Jacob. "But we voted for you to be the leader." Ashley says to me. "This mission decides our future huh, Mr. Leader?" Erica says to me. I make an irritated face. It's damn irritating when they call me a leader.

Few hours ago, the headmaster's office,

"So now that you all are ready for the mission, how about you people choose who your leader is going to be for the mission?" The headmaster says to us. "Huh?!" Everyone looks confused except Ilora. "You guys seriously don't know that whenever a mission squad is created there is a leader." Ilora sighs. "That's the most basic thing they teach us during the start of the academy as the official squad leader cannot always be with the squad. They create a sub-leader or also known as the mission squad leader." Ilora explains. Everyone look at Ilora with a surprised expression. "What?! Now that I am a part of your squad I have to carry you guys, don't I?" Ilora questions? Or is she like being mocky towards us....

"Not at all, I think so a better leader would be Henry. After all he is the one who united us to be a squad." Erica steps in and says. "I think he would be a perfect candidate." Erica continues. "Ah-" I am cut off by Jacob before I could say anything. "I completely agree with Erica on this one." and then again before I could even remove a word out of lips, Ashley jumps in. "Yes, that would be perfect." What's happening here? On the other end I see that Ilora seems a little angry. "Tsch!" She makes a small sound. Guess it's not a lucky leader day for you Ilora. "Alright then, you have chosen your leader. So, that means Henry you have the responsibility to lead them." The headmaster says to me with a smile. And that's how I ended up becoming the leader.

Don't know why...But when Erica said that I should be a leader...It felt like she had this planned out since the beginning. "Man you are heavily equipped." Jacob says to me. Oh yeah, I was equipped with a silver magical vest armour, a grappling hook and two magical pistols that shoot mana bullets out of it. These are special magic bullets. I have a lot of those. They were given to me by the headmaster himself. These are high-tech knight equipment. "Hey Henry, you good?" Jacob touches me. "Oh, it's nothing." I say. Damn I spaced out. This is bad. I shouldn't be spacing out at a time like this.

We stand outside the abandoned factory, "This factory is creepy." Ashley says. She's not lying, this place hasn't been touched in years it seems. If a kid came here, he would be scared as hell. I don't even know why they would have such a place to begin with...Plus there could be dangerous chemicals, machines or stuff like that here. It would be more then dangerous to keep an abandoned factory here. The town of Modrid will always be in danger...

"Alright leader, what are we doing?" Jacob asks me. "We should stick together for the time being." I say but Ilora begins to go around the factory. "You guys can stick together but I am breaking in through the back." Ilora says as she begins to leave. She seems...Angry... "Well, well, someone is upset they couldn't be a leader." Alright...I don't like where this is going. Is Erica trying to ignite anger within Ilora? Ilora stops. She clenches her fist. "Oh no...This is bad..." Ashley says with a worried expression. I quickly rush towards Ilora and aim one of my pistols at her head. "Don't do anything stupid. You don't want to lose a chance on becoming a knight right?" I ask Ilora. "Tsch!" Ilora turns around and leaves. Erica smiles. "You too Erica, remember. I am watching you. I am the leader after all." I say. "I see, Mr. Leader." Erica says to me with a smile. She's smiling even after my warning and again I get the feeling I had during our meeting with the headmaster. "Henry is acting like a real leader." Jacob says. Ashley nods. I ignore them. "Alright, I hope you guys understand the word, stick toget-"


I hear that sound and I already understand. "Please tell me Erica didn't leave." I say with a disappointed look on my face without turning around. "Yeah she did." Jacob responds. I facepalm myself shaking my head. Why is this happening to me? I am definitely not meant to be a leader. Two people who already disobeyed my orders. "I hope you guys-"


A sound of a blast is heard by us. Both Ashley and Jacob run towards it. "....Stick...Together..." I lower my head in disappointment. "Why me?" This is the time I should start questioning my life. I lower my head and begin making my way towards the factory entrance. I was pretty sure that was the sound of Ilora breaking down the wall. "Well, the mission begins and I already fail as a leader." I say to myself.

I enter the factory and it looks like any other normal factory.

*Bark* *Bark* *whine*

I hear a dog crying. That's strange. There shouldn't be animals here, should there? I mean the factory is near Modrid but it's still quite far from it. I wouldn't know how a dog would get here? Most probably then...Someone with transformation magic trying to trick us. Tsch! I quickly ready my guns. I check if they are completely loaded. They have the capability of holding 8 magic bullets. I check and they are all good. I quietly start making my towards the voice.

As I walk slowly towards the voice, it begins to get louder and louder. I see an open door. Now I hear someone talking, "You are lost are you doggy? You need any help? I will help you as much as possible once I get out of here. You are such an innocent little creature...Unlike us humans." That's a very deep and heavy voice...I look through an open door and it's...That one criminal Groando De Guru I think his name way. His petting that little pup...

I get in through the door. "Huh? Who are you?" Guru asks me. "You are Groando De Guru, aren't you?" I ask Guru. "My name is...Henry Marsh..." I see Guru right stand in front of me. His huge....At least 7 to 8 feet. "...al..." I can't believe I have got this huge of person right in front of me. I begin to sweat. No wonder those 12 knights were defeated. They would have been scared to see such a person in front of them.

"So, you have came." He seems a much more serious person now then before. "Doggy, get away or else you will be hurt." Guru says to the pup. I ready myself even though I was sweating a moment ago, my fear didn't last that long because I remembered something...Something that I need to accomplish.

"From the earth's crust I arrive, copper, gold, lead and zinc lead me to my victory...SILVER MAGIC: SILVER ARMOUR!!!!" An shining light covers my eyes. The light disappears and I open my eyes. I see it...The shining silver armour covering Guru's body...Tsch! No wonder he got through those soldiers...Silver is not an easy metal to break through. Alright then...I need to panic somewhat now. This isn't going to be an easy battle.

"RAAAAAWWWWWR!!!!!" Guru rushes towards me. I dodge to my right towards the door. Huh?! Guru takes swings his left hand towards me.


I am sent flying right through the door at the right.


In no time I see Guru running towards me. Shit! I quickly recover and use my grappling gun and zip towards the rooftop.


I hang onto the window. Damn, that steel hits hard. I think he might have broken my ribs with that. His not only strong but agile...A perfect balance for speed and strength. Very rare to see that...Looking at his body size and mass I would have never thought he would have been that strong. Huh? What is he doing? "His....Squatting?" I look at him confused. NO! NO! NO! NO! His not squatting...He jumps towards me.I shoot at him but he gets through the magic bullet. I quickly move out of the way as Guru breaks that wall.


I roll and land on the floor. I run towards a cover in hopes of hiding. I hide behind a machine. Huh? This factory...This is a chemical factory..."How convenient" I smile. I know I will lose one of my guns if I don't take him down...No one on our squad will be able to take him down. "It's time for you to go down...Groando De Guru. I will take you down for good at least for a good chunk of time." I begin my preparations and then I hear the sound of a wall breaking.


"WHERE ARE YOU?!" Guru screams out at the top of his lungs. "I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN LIKE I TOOK DOWN THOSE KNIGHTS!!!!!" Damn, keep it calm. I am working on something that will take you down. Now, you enter into that bullet. Magic plus you make a perfect combination to take someone like him down. "It's complete." I ready my now useless gun.

I get out of my hiding spot and right behind Guru. "HEY JACKASS!" I shout out towards him. "THERE YOU ARE!" Guru turns behind. I ready my gun. Hope you work...This is my only way out and the only way I see of taking him down. "YOU WILL DIE!!!!" Guru screams out and begins to rush towards me. "Here goes nothing." I pull the trigger of the gun and shoot the bullet.


"MAGIC BULLETS DON'T AFFECT ME!!!!" Guru screams as he continues to run and the bullet hits him. "Huh?! WHAT'S HAPPENING?! WHY IS MY MAGIC FADING?!" Guru questions. "That's because your magic plus steel reacted to the bullet made out of magic plus iron nitrate." I say as I throw my gun away. "What did you say?!" Guru asks. "That is correct. I knew that the bullet wasn't made out of gun powder. It was rather made out of mana. So I decided to check the back of the bullet which is always filled with gun powder. There wasn't any gun powder there. So, I decided to put some iron nitrate into it which dissolves the element steel no problem whatsoever." I say as I walk towards Guru. "I am pretty sure, your spell has a cool-down. That means I have enough time to fight with you when you don't have your magic with you." I say as I get ready to fight. "You are underestimating me. Even without magic, I am very strong." Guru says as he breaks one of the smacks his hand on one of the machines behind him putting a huge dent into it.


"I see your point but don't underestimate me too. I am that easy to take down as you think I am. Remember this Guru, our fight is just beginning." I say to Guru with a smile on my face. Guru smiles. "What is your name?" Guru asks me. "Henry...Henry Marshal." I reply. "You know Henry, no one...No one in my entire life except three people have stood in front of me without fear in their eyes and smile. You...You are the fourth one to ever stand in front of me and smile...THAT IS WHY! I can say this...You are a worthy opponent. I will not kill you but I will crush you to the point you never get up again. I will make sure of it." Guru says to me clenching his huge fists right in front front of my eyes. "We will see."

Guru Vs Henry! Pick who you think will win.

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