
Buying The Game

Xiao Wei frowned and asked, "You are not going to give me my game are you?"

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "No receipt no game."

Xiao Wei took a deep breath and thought, "If it was me as eighteen years old girl or me as a twenty-eight years old woman, I would have already backed down and left the store as I had a very low self-esteem. But I have already experienced death and I realise now that nothing is scarier than facing it head-on. All the bullies that I had faced were nothing compared to it. Compared to that time this clerk is nothing and I won't back down. I will not be a pushover. How can I the future strongest player of Worlds Of Ancient Legends be a pushover?"

Xiao Wei looked down to the man's feet and saw many small pieces of paper. She said, "Your receipt is at your feet. Will you or will you not give me the game that I had already bought."

The man was taken aback by Xiao Wei's words. He didn't expect her reply. He looked at his feet and stomped on the pieces of paper. He said, "There is no receipt. Leave."

Xiao Wei shook her head, "I understand. You won't give me my game but at the very least return my money."

The man frowned. He looked above his head and saw the security camera. He thought, "If she reports my actions to the manager or someone above I will get fired. I don't have any option but to oblige this fat pig." The middle-aged man pulled out the money from the cash register and slammed it on the table, "Take it and leave it."

Xiao Wei took the money off the counter and left the store. She stood outside if the store thought, "I am not going to this store ever again. Such disgusting employee." The girl turned around and frowned. She thought, "The game is already out but I don't even have a copy. What other places can I try? There are a few other places but they are quite a long way away from here."

Xiao Wei shook her head and thought, "I should return home and wait for mother to return. I will then ask to use her credit card and buy the game online." She sighed and thought, "I should have done it this way in the first place."

The girl with a plan in her head returned back to her home. When she returned she saw that her mother was still not back from her work. Xiao Wei thought, "I should go lap the neighbourhood a few times maybe she will be back by that time." Xiao Wei changed her clothes and left her house.

She lapped her neighbourhood and returned back home. When she returned she saw the shoes that didn't belong to her. The girl with a smile walked inside and saw her mother in the kitchen. The middle-aged woman turned around and smiled, "You were out on a walk again?"

Xiao Wei nodded, "Yes, mom." The girl paused and then said, "Mom, can I buy a game with your credit card?"

The woman blinked and tilted her head in confusion. She asked, "You are buying another game? I thought you said that the game you pre-ordered at that store is coming out today?"

Xiao Wei shook her head, "Something happened."

The woman nodded, "Well go take a shower, change your clothes and tell me the story as we eat."

Xiao Wei nodded with a smile, "Okay, mom."

After taking the shower and changing her clothes Xiao Wei entered the kitchen and sat down at the table. At this time the middle-aged woman brought the food and placed it in front of Xiao Wei while placing one dish at her side. She sat down at the table, looked down at her daughter and asked, "What happened?"

Xiao Wei said, "You see…"

Xiao Wei narrated all the events that happened today. Xiao Wei's mother's eyes widened as she listened in shock. She narrowed her eyes and asked, "Did you report him?"

Xiao Wei shook her head, "I didn't."

Xiao Wei's mother frowned, "Why?"

Xiao Wei shrugged her shoulders and said, "Since he gave back my money. I didn't have a thought to report him at the time."

Xiao Wei's mother nodded and asked, "Do you want to report him now?"

Xiao Wei issued a sound, "Mhm" Then shook her head and said, "No let's not bother. I have the money back. So, mom, can you buy me the game?"

Xiao Wei's mother nodded her head, "Alright, let me get the credit card from my purse."

Xiao Wei smiled and said, "Thank you, mom, but let's eat first."

The two women finished their meal. Xiao Wei was given a credit card and she walked to her room with the credit card of her mother's in hand. Xiao Wei turned on her computer, logged into her game account on the web and clicked the <Buy> button. She inputted the details of the credit card and a window flashed in front of the screen, <You have bought World Of Ancient Legends>. On the bottom side of the window a big red button was clickable it said, <Download>. Xiao Wei clicked the button and the download started. She saw that the download was a 20-gigabyte file. Xiao Wei blinked her eyes and thought, "It will take me about three hours to complete the download."

Xiao Wei stood up from her computer and she walked into her mother's room. She looked at her mother and said, "I have bought the game, mom."

The woman nodded her head, "I see."

Xiao Wei passed the credit card back and said, "Do you want to watch a movie, mom?"

The woman nodded her head, "Alright let's see a movie."

The two sat down in their living room and turned on the television. They managed to find a channel that had a movie playing. They both watched the movie. Since they started the movie midway, the movie lasted for little over an hour. Afte watching the movie Xiao Wei returned to her room. She saw that her download was already complete. She looked and thought, "It finished faster than I thought it would."

Xiao Wei immediately started the install. Since her computer was really fast, it finished in a few moments. Xiao Wei immediately opened the game. When the game opened the game's opening cutscene started to play.

When the cutscene played Xiao Wei could feel her blood boil with excitement. She was too excited to start. When the cinematic ended, the girl put in her log-in details and she connected to World Of Ancient Legends.

Upon logging in, she had to choose a server to play. Xiao Wei chose the server named Ragnarok, she knew that this server would have the fiercest competition in the years to come. After selecting the server the girl saw the character selection window. Xiao Wei smirked and pressed the button <Create Character>.

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