
I like her

Aaron started to look outside the window as if searching for answers. Ginny was started to get impatient and when she thoughts to shook him up to ask for the answer, suddenly Aaron averted his gaze from the window and looked at Ginny, then he smiled second smile of the evening and said " I like her Ginny, but I am not the right person for her but somebody else is and she also realizes that sooner or later but till then I have to avoid her." Ginny was losing it now and she said rather furiously " You and Keith have something in common and that you guys take decision on someone else's behalf without asking them. Why don't you let Hayley decide with whom she wants to live with and what the hell do you mean by you are not the right person for her." Aaron frowned " but Caleb is better man for her and out of all people in this world you should be last person to ask me why am I not the right person for her." Ginny threw her hands in air and said " how Caleb come in between our discussion about you and Hayley." Aaron sighed " Caleb loves Hayley, Ginny." Ok now the problem is clear, this guy would do anything for his friends even that means to put his own happiness at stake, thought Ginny. "listen Aaron I know you want Caleb to have his love but think about it, treating Hayley like this isn't the solution. If Hayley likes you she is not going to be happy with Caleb and moreover this behavior of yours going to put strain in your friendship with Keith." Ginny tried to put some sense in Aaron's mind. Aaron again looked outside the window and said " I don't know what to do." Ginny sighed and said " just be yourself, let her see who really Aaron is and then let her decide, please Aaron stop taking decision on her behalf and for god sake let her choose whom she wants to love."

It had been two hours since Ginny left but Aaron was still sitting there as if in trance. Ginny was right he couldn't choose for Hayley and he had to admit that it hurt like anything to saw Hayley got hurt because of him. So what should he do now he will let destiny decide, he will now let the fate take its own course and he will deal with the things as they come. With this thought Aaron got up from his seat and exited the café and yet again this café had witnessed another epic decision being made.

In mean while Hayley was sitting in the living room of Keith's house looking at the Keith's antics while the fashion designer taking his measurements for his wedding suit.

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