
Falling Star Evolution

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This story is not mine and just wanna share it on this website. Please follow the author on royalroadl. In the year 2230, 5 years before a test reactor that destroyed humanity went off, a pair of wealthy scientists both husband and wife believed the reactor would never work and tried to persuade the World Government to cancel the test but were denied due to lack of hard evidence. The pair of scientists predicting the end of the world hastily returned to their lab and poured all of their resources into their field of work creating an experimental drug that could initiate an evolved state of human DNA that would increase a human's biological adaption in hopes of negating radiation poisoning. At the time they only had enough for a single dose and so made a decision. Using the highest technology of the their era which was labelled """"Black technology"""" which was banned to regular civilians and only allowed for military use , they wiped their only son's memories and instead implanted memories of the greatest martial artists and styles of combat that Earth had ever recorded in hopes he would be able to survive the new world that would be created by the exposure of radiation, placed him in a cryogenic stasis craft and sent him out of the Earth's orbit. However, the test reactor went above their expectations and completely and thoroughly destroyed Earth. The cryogenic stasis craft had been blown into a wormhole and after a few hundred years, it's autopilot had been finally once more been engaged.

Chapter 1Prologue


Inside a grand conference room held in the World Scientific Organization, two people were standing holding documents in their hands as they argued against 5 others who stood opposite them sitting calmly at a table.

[Please listen to us! It won't work! We've run millions and millions of simulations and we are sure it will not work! The fate of the world depends on this decision, are you going to let this dream destroy the world as we know it!] - ???

A woman wearing a lab coat with black hair and green eyes spoke desperately and pleadingly as she looked at them. She had a pretty face and intelligent eyes that fit a scientist.

[My wife Arisa is right! Are you all going to ignore the fact that the fate of the world hangs on your decision! Our theories have proven that there are too many unknown variables we don't know about and until we can learn about them we have no hope of succeeding!]

A sturdily built man with a rather normal face followed up with anger and confidence in his voice. He was tall, muscular and had an aloof aura about him with black hair and brown eyes. His appearance didn't fit the profile of a scientist as his lab coat hugged his muscular body and made him seem like a bodybuilder.

[Dr. Andrew and Dr. Arisa, Do you know what my colleagues say about you two?] -???

An older Caucasian man with grey hair combed neatly to the sides finally opened his mouth as he fixed his glasses. His black lips stained with cigarettes spread open revealing a repulsive smile with yellow teeth, he spoke once more.

[They say you two are jealous of Dr. Jerovian's work and are trying, by all means, to discredit him as his project was finished before yours.] -???

[Jealousy?! You think my husband and I are here opposing this out of jealousy?! You fools have no idea what you are doing! We don't care about the achievement! If you want we will pull out of the race and he can win! I don't care! But this is much too reckless, Dr. Williams maybe those cigars have finally eaten away at your brain!] -Dr. Arisa

[We've already said no, those theories of yours are worthless. You have no concrete evidence that it will as you say explode. Even if something goes wrong we have quite a few counter-measures in place, so you need not fear, now if it's just about this again we will have you both leave]- Dr. Williams.

[Fine...If this is how it is, my wife and I resign from the World Scientific Organization, we want nothing to do with what you are about to do.] -Dr. Andrew

[But honey we--] -Dr. Arisa

Dr. Arisa tried to plead more and moisture began forming at the corner of her eyes, but her husband didn't allow it and pulled her into his embrace.

Dr. Andrew pulled his ID badge from around his neck as well as his wife's and threw it at Dr. Williams who had a sneer on his face.


[Ahh!] -Dr. Williams

The two ID badges cut both his cheeks and flew off behind him. A trickle of red blood leaked from his face onto his lab coat.

[Sorry, jealousy made my hand a bit heavy] -Dr. Andrew.

[You...you!!] Dr. Williams.

He then turned around and left carrying his angry and sad wife.


No one would know about the discussion that was held in that room. However, many people heard about Dr. Andrew and Arisa Steinholm resigning from the WSO (World Scientific Organization) and almost everyone knew about their thoughts about the test reactor as they made news several times, some even believed them but the decision was final. After the news calmed down, they never heard of the Steinholm's again as they secluded themselves in their lab.


After the Steinholm's left the [WSO], they spent the rest of their time developing an evolution experimental drug and did not publicize it, instead, they remained secretive and continued refining it to it's greatest and most safe form. A few years shortly afterward, they spent their multitudes of wealth developing a specially made spacecraft which drew the attention of many people. It was then a lot of people started getting cold feet, they believed the Steinholm's had begun preparations for leaving the planet. It was clear to the world with that one piece of news, that the Steinholm's truly believed that the reactor would malfunction and cause a catastrophe to the world. No one would spend their life's fortune of such multitude to conceal an act of jealousy.

After they finished creating the drug they had only been able to produce one dose as predicted, it was then they carried out their plans and began readying their son for a future without any protection from anything at all. The Steinholm's acquired "Black Technology" which was widely known for its ability to manipulate the human brain by allowing information to directly and permanently be stored. It was famous for being used to create famous assassins that raised alarms over the entire world before it became banned globally. Now was the hardest part for the parents.


In the living room of the Steinhold's Mansion, sat two adults and a boy about 15 years old.

[Arin, I'm sorry for the past years we've neglected you, but mom promises you it was all for your sake do you believe me?] -Arisa.

The young boy nodded and stared at his mother who had moist eyes and hugged him tightly.

[I know you and dad the best mom, you all aren't liars, no matter what the world says I know my parents the best] -Arin.

Hearing his reply she exhaled a bit and then smiled at him. She had always been blessed with an understanding son, from young he always understood what was proper and was always an obedient child she could take pride in. He never caused trouble like most children and was more reserved in nature. She knew her son would accept whatever she threw at him, so she held positive expectations for the discussion she was about to have.

[Well, what I'm about to tell you now is something you should already know] -Arisa.

[You must have heard about what we were doing on the news right? and what we believe about the reactor] -Andrew.

[Yeah.. so when do we leave?] -Arin

Arin responded flat-faced and calmly to his father.

[....Aren't you a bit too calm? You said you believe us when you said the reactor was going to blow...then why are you so calm?] -Arisa.

She knew he wouldn't be difficult but was still surprised by how easily he accepted it. It was basically an end of the world sort of dilemma after all.

[Yeah..you're right...Oh my god....*yawn* what do we do...Ahh~] -Arin

[Stop....just stop...faking is worse, it doesn't help that you yawn when you do it either! How can you be so calm?!] -Arisa

His mother rebuked.

[We'll deal with it when it happens] -Arin

Arin said calmly while making a forced stern expression.

[Hehe..my son is amazing] -Andrew

[That isn't something to be proud about!] -Arisa

Arisa shook her head as she watched the two, they really were father and son.

[ You trust us?] -Arisa

She suddenly asked as she looked at Arin

[More than anything] -Arin

[Then do what we say without question] -Andrew

[Okay] -Arin

[Tomorrow, all of us are heading to the lab] -Arisa

[Okay] -Arin

Anyone could see that he was indeed disturbed. However, because of how much he moved around he never had friends or anyone close to him besides his parents. He was even home-schooled. There were too many people who would want leverage over such top class scientists, so they never risked sending him to school or anywhere too far from them. Even his exams were done by his mother. As long as his parents were safe and coming with him, he wouldn't care if the whole world died.


The Steinholm's made their way to the lab, security didn't block them as they knew who they were by a glance. Upon entering, The made their way over to a chair which had something for a head to be placed in, it was obvious at first glance. Arin had never seen anything like it before when he came here several times and it was obviously new equipment purchased recently.

[Arin, come over here.] -Arisa

[Mom? What's this?] -Arin

Arin asked as he glanced towards the chair.



Arin suddenly started feeling dizzy and as he looked down he realized he had been injected with something from his mother. He could see the moisture in her eyes and his father supported his body and his face was dark but one could see he had been struggling with his emotions.

[ If we told you about it, you would never agree...*sob*...this was the only way] -Arisa

[Live for the both of us...Arin. I could have never asked for a better son in this lifetime. My only wish is that you live now] -Andrew

[Wha...What're you....both..doing] -Arin

Arin passed out as moisture formed in the corner of his eyes, he knew something was wrong...and it didn't take him long to figure out why. Obviously, his parents weren't coming.

Suppressing their urging emotions to cry a flood, they placed his body on the "Black Technology" Machine and wiped his memories, they uploaded the necessary survival skills, herbal and medical knowledge as well as every available combat styles and martial arts in the history of the entirety of earth and sent it to his brain. The process took hours as Arisa stayed to monitor him and Andrew made his way to the launchpad in another building further away from the lab to make sure the spacecraft would be ready.

Arisa stood over her son, watching as his brows twitched while receiving the information from the "Black Technology Machine". Arin's face was already damp as his mother's tears fell on him ceaselessly like an ocean.


[Quickly we're running out of time!! Let's go!!] -Arisa

Arisa urged the few researchers they hired to finish the process on the craft, while Andrew loaded Arin into the chamber and started the cryogenic engine. He looked at his son for a while, and then rubbed his hair.

He then took of a pendant around his neck and placed it on Arin's neck. Arisa came and joined her husband, she was also saying her goodbyes. She calmly stroked his hair, one could see wrinkles in her eyes which didn't fit her young age of only mid-thirties.

[It's time] -Andrew.



Arisa injected Arin with the experimental drug which glowed bright green inside of the test tube. It entered his bloodstream and for a few minutes, Arin's skin glowed bright green and then gently died down, returning to its original color. Seeing his body showing no rejection, the parent's expression of nervousness calmed down. They then locked the cryogenic chamber and after making sure everything was secure...

The alarm for a spacecraft leaving the launchpad sounded off.

**Whomp Whomp Whomp**


The spacecraft took off and broke out of the orbit.


[Well my husband...now that this is taken care of, shall we go to the opening of the new test reactor?] -Arisa.

She wasn't crying, simply because she couldn't anymore.

[Yes, my wife...I have a tux I've never used.] -Andrew.

The sturdy man put on a rare delighted expression.

[Hehe I have a new dress too, we should head off early and dance to the music at the opening ball.] -Arisa

[Indeed, how long has it been since I've seen my beautiful wife dress up]

The two dressed in their finest and headed off towards the (WSO) unveiling of the new test reactor.


Inside of the (WSO) ball of the unveiling, the Steinholm's danced leisurely in the dancehall with smiles on their faces just like the first time they had met. They even shared a few romantic kisses which is something they've never done in a public place filled with their co-workers.

Many people were surprised to see them as they heard about the Steinholm's spacecraft taking off. They ignored everyone that tried to approach them and continued dancing. Every now and again Dr. Arisa would punch her husband's chest playfully and let out a few giggles. Many thought they had both went mad.

A figure made his way over to them to try and crash their bubble. This figure with yellow teeth and a nasty grin was none other than Dr. Williams.

[Ohhh? What are the two of you doing here? I thought you would be on Mars by now hahahaha] -Dr. Williams.

The two however ignored him completely and continued dancing, and every now and then Arisa's laugh would reach his ears which infuriated him. Finally, when he couldn't take it anymore and was about to leave; a voice entered his ears.

[We finished "Project Chameleon"] -Dr. Arisa

[What?] -Dr. Williams.

He showed an expression of shock and then one of disbelief, he sneered and then spoke

[Another lie? Hmm, I even respected your work once, to think you were this kind of person] -Dr. Williams.

[She isn't lying, Aren't you wondering where my son is?] -Dr. Andrew


Dr. Andrew then flicked a disk at Dr. Williams which cut the plaster on his cheek, re-opening the wound. The disk landed beside a co-worker researcher who had a handheld PC.

Red-blood fell from Dr. Williams face and unto his white tux.

[Y-You bastard!! Again!!] -Dr. Williams.

[Sorry, you know how that jealousy can be] -Dr. Andrews.

[Oh My God! You did it! You created it! You really did it!] -???

The random researcher had picked up the disk and already skimmed through it roughly, showing signs of surprise.

[W-What?] -Dr. Williams.

Showing an expression of an idiot, Dr. Williams stared blankly at the researcher before running off to see it himself personally. After coming to terms with it being true, he quickly gathered his wits.

[So what? You won't take the first prize anyhow it's already been determined it's Dr. Jerovian's reactor taking first place] -Dr. Williams.

[First place won't matter in a few hours, I finished my life's work and I got my son to safety. No matter what, I feel like i've still won] - Dr. Arisa.

[You crazy woman, you really sent your son in space with an experimental drug?] -Dr. Williams.

He spoke with a sneer and a loud voice to make a scene and let everyone hear.

[You know, I've never really liked you...since things are they way that they are right now, I don't really see whats keeping me back from teaching you a good lesson] -Dr. Andrew.

*Boop Boop*

After a few blows, Dr. Williams lay limply on the ground, with no teeth and his tux had a brand new red sheen.


When everyone went out of the hall and towards the unveiling of the test reactor, the Steinholm's remained in the hall dancing and paid the DJ 100 million dollars to keep playing. Dr. Andrew obviously thought it would be a good joke and wrote the DJ a huge fat cheque.


[Seems like the reactor has begun....] -Dr. Arisa.

[Seems so, my wife, can I have one more kiss] -Dr. Andrew.

As the two shared one last kiss...


They were enveloped in a bright white light.


Somewhere in space...a few hundred years later...

A spacecraft kicks into power for the first time in a century...

[Auto-Pilot engaged....Processing information....Searching for inhabitable worlds]

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