
Episode 19

[In Jeff's point of view]

When we hit the dance floor, it was like liquid adrenaline had being injected right into our blood stream.

We jumped up and down, kept on shouting and laughing but Candy seemed to be enjoying every moment even more.

She swam in the rhythmic liquid of music.

Music to her, was like a gift, an emotional language that allows humans to feel.

She embraced the music and in turn the music took control. She found herself in a different world; a world of no worries or so it seemed.

The way she moved and laughed kept me dazzled. I couldn't help but admire her beauty - another part of her that drew me closer to her the first time we met.

She had a dark-skin that glistened under the dazzling lights on the dance floor.

Her hair in the kind of Afro that spoke volumes about her personality.

Her waist was tapered and a pair of arched eyebrows that looked down on sweeping eyelashes. Her angel-white teeth gleamed as she laughed.

Her enticing, dark-colored eyes would gaze at me once in every minute.

For the first time in years I felt something unusual for her. I didn't know what it was but I felt it.

It was complicated and I hoped it was the alcohol playing tricks on me.

Then I saw Adobi wandering around the club like she was lost.

I asked Candy to excuse me then I approached her.

"Hey Adobi." I said and rested my hands on a table beside her.

"Hey Jeff..."

"What are you doing here?" I inquired.

"Well, look around you and tell me what I'm doing here." She said sarcastically. When it comes sarcasm, you can't go wrong with her.

I laughed it off.

"Then I presume you came here with Sav. Right? Where Is she?" I asked her hoping she'd say yes.

"Yes but I can't find her. We had decided to split up earlier to look for you but since then I haven't seen her around."

"Oh really?" I felt happy she had decided to come. "So she finally decided to come." I added as the corners of my lips curved into a smile.

Secretly, I had hoped she could let herself go, stopped being so uptight and do stuff with me. Stuff like going to the club with me every Friday just like Candy and I used to.

Or go to the movies with me without being paranoid for even a second.

Being with Sav was fun and everything I could wish for but I wanted us to do more.

Or perhaps I was being selfish wanting her to be what she wasn't but none of it did really matter. I loved her and I was willing to do anything for her. Even give up my clubbing lifestyle for her.

"She couldn't have gone anywhere in the club. I will go and look for her stay here in case she comes her." I directed and walked over to Candy and asked her to help me search for her.

She agreed to go with me.

"So you have a girlfriend?" Candy asked as we walked over to the VIP section of the club.

"Yes... I was going to tell you but I didn't want to ruin the fun."

"You don't have to worry... You know I don't mind. I knew you weren't single all this time. And also I could tell you loved her because you are doing everything to be a perfect guy for her."

"How did you know?" I asked surprised.

"Trying to quit drinking, being this boring, dude it was obvious the sudden change is for a girl."

I said nothing but smiled.

"Anyways let's focus on finding her. I want to meet my competition." she joked.

We searched everywhere in the club but we couldn't find Sav.

"Did you find her?" Adobi asked when we went back to where she stood.

"No luck. Looks she vanished from the surface of the earth. Are you sure you came here with her?"

"What do you mean?"

"Nevermind. Let's focus on finding Sav."

"Maybe she went back to the hostel. I will leave now and go there to check."

"lemme go with you." I requested.

"OK then." she agreed.

"Would you come with us Candy?"

"Naa... You two go ahead. We will meet again Jeff." she hugged me and went back to the club.

All through our ride to the hostel, I was worried. It was like something was wrong somewhere. I didn't know what but I could feel it deep within.

The thought of Sav coming to a club to see me despite all her distaste for a place like that then vanish all of a sudden kept me thinking.

I hope she hadn't seen Candy and I. I don't want her thinking the worst.

I thought.

The door to their room was locked when we got there.

"The door is locked from the inside. This means she's in there." Adobi said then started knocking but Sav didn't respond.

I took over the knocking and knocked very hard all through shouting out her name but we had no response from her.

Fear overtook my face.

"You have a key right? Open it then." I suggested.

"I don't have the key... "

"...what? don't each one of you have your own key?" I cut in getting more worried.

"Yes we do but since we both went out together, I left mine inside."

"Damn it." I cringed. "Is there anyway we can open this door?" I asked.

"Yes. There is a spare key. I will rush to the hostel manager's lodge to get it. Keep knocking maybe she will open it."

Then she fled the scene.


Episode 20 next ➡


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