
Chapter 279 - Snow Suddenly Experience The Hard Mode Of The Mission World.

"... um… your majesty... "

Snow couldn't help but shoot a wide eye stare to the quiet Zhuang that was being silent for a few minutes now while inwardly snickering at a safe distance, although all Snow wanted to do right now is to roll his eyes while sighing in helplessness along with a pampering feeling to his suddenly clingy lover.

"... I'm alright now."

Snow lip couldn't help but twitch at such a blatant lie of the Emperor only to swiftly glance sideways from the penetrating silver eyes that he met which clearly spoke of his lover growing affectionate emotion.

My love… sorry… but it's not the time yet… especially when I still need to be hidden in the shadow … and well, I also need to reveal my real gender later on…

Honestly, Snow felt how cliche his situation was along with an added playful and dramatic life this world mission is.

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