
Base Building – 3

(Vladmir's POV)

I pull the trigger, shooting the wolf approaching me, hitting his head two times. Another one tries to jump me, but I extend my left hand, holding him in the air with my mind, throwing it violently it on another wolf. The loud sound of shooting surrounds me as we clean out the monsters.

I didn't expect that our weapons were so powerful, even my pistol goes through the bodies like water, with enough power to pierce the monster behind depending on the class. I even shot a class seven bear that was four meters tall on his four legs quite easily.

Another wolf approaches, but I snap his neck with telekinesis with a hand wave. I approach the screen to my mouth and say loudly, above the sound of gunshots and death wails of the monsters as we walk among the several mana crystals that are at minimum ten meters tall. This place is a gold mine… in the figurative sense.

(Vladmir): "Sector 12 clear, moving to sector 13, no injuries! Status of the operation?!"

(unit two): "Sector 22, clear! Moving to sector 23!"

(Unit three): "Sector 5, clear! Moving to sector 6!"

(unit four): "Sector 26, clear! Moving to sector 27!"

Excellent, we are almost done. This will be the last area for my unit. After that, I will let the patrol that has been watching us go away their village poses no threat, and it seems that the beastman rumors are true. They indeed founded a city here, quite a big one for their population numbers.

Their troops seemingly came here to patrol, for what I can judge of their numbers, and stopped when they saw us. Seeing what we did here, they most likely won't come to bother us. I also don't think that beastman, that can't use magic, will have a use for these crystals. I'm not completely in their use, but they are mostly used by mages, something that beastman aren't.

I should send the SCVs to collect the bodies later and send to the future laboratory. All the Command Centers have one on them. Even mine, as well a small place to make some gadgets and work metal. I should summon some scientists too, I can have three per Command Center.

Anyway, we kill a few more monsters, and I practice snapping necks with my telekinesis and shooting with my pistol. I feel like I made some breakthroughs today. As soon as I amplify my powers, I will be able to advance in research of Protoss technology, as per my contract with God.

(in the forest, 3° person's POV)

The group of beastman, armed with leather armor for quick movement, are now crouching behind the trees, not able to believe to what is happening in front of them. All those monsters, an amount that would have exterminated their newborn city, cleared in minutes by those giants of metal leaded by the child.

Not only that, with their flying metal fortresses, they would easily go over any wall and invade from the inside. Their armors are unfazed by the claws of the monsters, and their weapons tore through them without any resistance.

The danger seen in them was specially high for their leader, a big man with white hair and tan skin with scars all over his exposed, muscular arms. Two wolf ears atop his head are flat down, and his bushy white tail is pressed against his legs as the loud noises fill the air.

He immediately orders retreat to his troops. As they run back to the horses, stationed nor far away. As they climb the scared horses, they dart back to the town. As the group runs back, one of the man, a thin dog beastman, approaches asking his superior:

(dog-man): "Chief! What was that?!"

(chief): "I have no idea! But we have to fortify our defenses as soon as possible! These guys… we have no chance against them!"

(Vladmir's POV)

I get out of my bath, walking naked back to my room. This is a habit from constantly changing hotels as I travelled back and forth on earth in high class hotels. The cleaning operation was a success without any casualties.

So for now, I'll relocate my main Command Center, the one that I am standing, to the top of the cliff. The height will give the main base some advantage. But not now, I need to make another Command Center as I need more SCVs.

So I order them to make one while ordering the rest to build a lot of Supply Depots. I will expand my army right away too. I will also need some other types of troops, so I will construct another Barracks for that. On one of them, I will make a reactor to speed up the production of troops, and in the other I will make a Tech Lab to produce different troops, mainly medics.

When I build a Tech Lab, I will be able to create a personal medic. I should as well summon scientists to the lab here on the CC. I also order the SCVs to build a Starport. I need the ships as soon as possible in the case I need to face aerial foes. I want Vikings and medivacs for transport, support troops are the beating heart of any army.

I also want a factory so that I can build some vehicles. So much to do in so little time!

(in the next day, in the beastman village, 3° person POV)

The scouts arrived in the predicted schedule. However, they did not divulge what happened at the Lonely Peak at all to not cause any panic. Their leader, the village chief Wolf, went back to his home to his cute daughters.

He opened the door of his house, yelling:

(Wolf): "I'm home!"

(Suna): "Daddy!"

His younger daughter immediately rushed to him. He crouched and laughed, hugging her and picking her up in his arms. He walked to the living room, where his oldest, Luna, is putting own a book as she seats in the sofa. She looks at him and smiles.

(Luna): "Welcome home, dad."

(Wolf): "Thank you. Wow, you're reading a book instead of swinging a sword! The sun will raise in the north tomorrow!"

He said jokingly. Luna smiled smugly, saying:

(Luna): "I'm sharpening my mind! With that, my sword will be even sharper!"

Wolf sighed. His daughter only thinks about training, and somehow, reading is now included on that routine. "well, at least she's trying…" he thinks. As he watches his daughters, the scene of what happened at the Lonely Peak yesterday, and for a moment, saw his daughter suffering the same destiny as those monsters.

He smiled forcefully. He had to do something about it.

(Vladmir's POV)

I stand in front of my new army. Five hundred marines, one hundred firebats, one hundred doctors, one hundred Vikings and fifty medvacs. Several Supply Depots are scattered around the base, with several open spaces for future buildings.

I also have one hundred fifty spots to fill in my army. I must say, the buildings are massive, way bigger than the game lets you think. Mainly the Starport, it's fucking massive. Well, it's still cool anyway, and I'll keep it. I already have a sizeable army, and I can already start conquering.

I want to start conquering immediately, but the only targets are either the small village, that won't be useful even as an appetizer or the massive kingdom with high risks of losing everything before eve starting.

I need more time to grow… as well learn how to rule a city. These soldiers have undying loyalty and obsession with me, like I'm some kind of prophesized ruler, but the people of this world aren't. I look to the soldiers training moving around and making formations.

I'm feeling a bit hungry… I call off the training and send them to have lunch and go patrolling. I start floating, flying back to my command center. Recently, I learned how to fly using telekinesis. After all, I can lift more than ten times my own weight, this is a simple trick, flying around.

It isn't levitation, that's a far stronger power. As I fly back, I start thinking about how to enter in contact with those beastman. Should I do a pacific approach, or an aggressive takeover? Both have their pros and cons, and I'm tending to the pacific approach option.

It may be a bit more troublesome and taxing, but it will be a good practice. The perfect ruler is the one that is loved and feared. Loved by his people so he fears no betrayal, and feared enough so that his people wouldn't betray him.

According to Machiavelli, the perfect ruler has to be both of them, but since that is impossible, he should be only one of them. However, a feared ruler never has the true trust of his people, and his reign will be short, and a loved ruler grows complacent, and is more of a figure than a ruler, as his authority is based only in love, not respect.

However, a balance is the key. Therefore, an aggressive peaceful approach. Umm… difficult situation.

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