

After having calmed down, Tara put up a smile and continued talking.

"What we can offer those who are willing to fight are starting equipment and a class."


Silver asked Tara as he wanted to know more.

"Yes, with help from the many races in the Alliance, we have been able to put up classes which anyone could practice in."

Tara said in a natural tone and continued speaking.

"There are three different roles. Tank, support and damage dealer."

"Tanks are those who keep the enemies in check, we can provide two different classes for that; lancer and brawler."

"Supports are those who's goal is to support the team, by healing and buffing. The Alliance can provide two different classes; mystic and priest."

"Finally we're at the damage dealers, there is a huge variety of damage dealers, their main goal is to output the most damage to their enemies. As of now there exists classes like; sorcerer, slayer, berserker, archer, gunner, warrior, reaper and valkyrie."

Silver nodded and glanced back at Ivar, Sylvia and Sarah.

"You heard her, which role will you be picking?"

Ivar nodded and spoke out the first.

"For more a balanced party, I think I would fit the tank role the best."

Silver nodded in approval, he sent his glance towards Sylvia next.

"Uhm, I, I want to be the support role."

Sylvia said in a low voice, when she saw that Silver didn't disagree with her, she felt relief and all her worries escaped her body.

Silver wouldn't stop Sylvia in becoming a support class, that was because he could clearly see that it would be a lot harder for Sylvia to pick a damage dealer class or a tank class and adapt to it.

Silver smiled slightly and glanced towards Sarah, wanting to know her pick.

"If Ivar's going to pick the tank role and Sylvia's picking the support role, then it would be best for me to become a damage dealer."

Sarah spoke as she had thought about it a lot and she was sure that Silver had already figured out a plan.

"Alright, to make the team steady, I'll also pick a damage dealing class too."

Silver turned around towards Tara and asked.

"Could you tell us about the two tank classes? What are their pros and cons?"

Tara nodded slightly baffled, most people would have already been scared and picked the safe fifty gold payment and live in a far away city. But, she was currently facing Silver who calmly thought of everything and could ask about the pros and cons of the classes without being flustered.


She quickly reorganized her thoughts and said calmly.

"There is a big difference between a lancer and a brawler. To speak in the overall statement; it is harder in becoming a lancer, but they can give great buffs for the whole team. While brawlers on the other side is a lot easier controlled, they can personally deal a lot of damage, but they don't give buffs like the lancers does."

After thinking for a moment, Tara continued.

"If I'm not mistaken, the only thing that a brawler can do which is regarded in helping the team is giving an endurance debuff to the enemy."

Silver nodded a couple of times and glanced at Ivar, as he saw him also nodding, he let out a faint smile.

"Ivar will be taking the brawler class."

"Now, tell us about the mystic and priest."

Tara couldn't help but be slightly confused, she would of course have thought that Silver would pick the 'lancer' class for Ivar, but he agreed on picking the brawler class without thinking twice. This time, Tara couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked Silver.

"May I ask why you picked the brawler class instead of the lancer class?"

Silver smiled and replied the second he heard her question.

"In regard to the overall bonuses and buffs you spoke about, lancers should be way more important than brawlers. But, you seem to have forgotten one crucial thing; we're all rookies."

He shook his head slightly as he continued speaking with confidence.

"Even if brawlers don't have those buffs, it would be enough if we can survive. Besides, who said that the brawler class won't be good? A class is a class, it doesn't matter who uses it, they will be able to do the same thing, right? Heh, sadly I don't think it's like that. There should exist people who can use their own class more efficiently than others. Even if the lancer class is superior to the brawler class, that doesn't mean that every lancer out there are greater than the brawlers."

"Silver, after hearing you say this, I will want to try being a lancer."

Ivar interrupted Silver.

"Even if it is tough and would take lots of practice, I will manage in the end to stand firm!"

He spoke with a serious tone and didn't back down when Silver glanced at him.

Tara couldn't help but nod in approval after thinking about it for a second.

"You asked about mystics and priests, right?"

She quickly thought about the main points and spoke without hesitation.

"The difference between priests and mystics should be large. Priests themselves focus only on healing while mystics have a large variety of other skills they can use."

"Priests as I said focus on healing, they have spells which heals over time, group heal, and focus heal."

"While mystics have only focus heal as their healing ability. But, regarding other skills; they can summon minions to fight, give buff to the team and debuff the enemy."

Silver lowered his head once again, deep in thought. He slowly turned around and glanced at Sylvia, he wasn't truly sure which one would fit Sylvia the best. Regarding being simple; priests should be the best. But in the overall situation; mystics should be more helpful.

Sylvia also understood the main points of both classes and she could clearly see that Silver was struggling in figuring out which one would be the best.

[If I'm not mistaken, Silver thinks that the mystic class would be more helpful for the group and priests could only help in healing.]

"Silver, I can pick the mystic class."

Sylvia tried to raise her voice, but her voice could only reach a couple of meters before disappearing into thin air.

Silver could only gratefully glance at Sylvia before glancing at Sarah.

"Sarah, what will you be deciding on, close combat or range combat class?"

Sarah thought for a moment before replying.

"Close combat."

Silver then turned around towards Tara.

"Seems like we will be picking the mystic class for Sylvia, would you mind telling us about the close combat classes now?"

Tara nodded and counted on her fingers while speaking.

"Slayer, warrior, berserker, reaper and valkyrie."

"Slayer is a class where you need to be fluid with your movements and overlap most of your skills into a combo. If you use the skills separately, they will be slow. But, if you overlap them, they will become faster and stronger."

"Warrior is a class based on speed and some burst. There is not much to speak of them besides that you need to slightly focus on when you're going to do burst damage."

Silver raised his hand and stopped Tara from continuing.

"You said speed and burst, does this mean that the warrior class have minor skill where they can add up to in using a burst skill?"

"Ah, yes."

Tara was still shocked by how quickly Silver was able to catch up on these details.

"The warrior class has a burst skill which they can only use after having gathered 10 edge. These edge's I spoke about is automatically gathered when using any skills, when having the warrior class, you will be able to see how many edge you have currently gathered on an enemy."

Silver nodded and gestured with his hand towards Tara to continue explaining other classes.

Sarah saw Silver's actions clearly. She was at first slightly interested with the warrior class, but she felt disappointed by the 'edge' system.

"Reapers are those who wear scythes connected through chains, they have abilities to combo their attack to become stronger and faster, the same as slayers. They have close combat and mid-range reach."

Tara stopped explaining when she saw that neither Silver or Sarah was interested in that class.

"The next class is; berserker. They are wielding giant axes which they usually just swing and hammer things with it."

Tara could only explain that much about the berserker class, she wasn't an expert on every class and could only explain things from what she has personally seen.

Sarah's eyes suddenly brightened, and she quickly spoke up.

"I want to be a berserker."

"Could you tell me about the last class now?"

Silver asked Tara, he wanted to know each class before deciding one.

Tara thought for a few seconds before answering.

"Yes, the valkyrie class is slightly strange. In regard from what I have seen, they are a mix of the warrior class and berserker class."

Silver slightly raised his eyebrows.

"They aren't fast as warriors, but they are not slow at all. Valkyries have a special ability which you can learn after having mastered most skills; Ragnarok. Ragnarok is a skill which boosts their strength for a short amount of time which makes them the most powerful class during that time period."

Tara said in a low tone, she personally hadn't seen many valkyries, but she knew a few of them.

"From what I have heard and seen, they are only depended only on their burst attacks, if you consider their damage output for on their average skills and attacks, then they should be the weakest class. But, they have four or five skills which are really strong which makes it a lot higher than most other classes, especially during their Ragnarok mode."

Silver felt something strange in his body, his body shook the moment he heard about the abilities of the valkyrie class. It was like his body and soul wanted to pick the valkyrie class by all means.

"I, I will pick the valkyrie class!"

Silver didn't hesitate any longer and decided upon the gut feeling he had.

Ah, I better say this before someone comments about it.

This is a fan-fiction of Tera, I will not be following the "race/gender locked classes" for my novel. Therefore, seeing a male reaper, a human valkyrie or something else would be 'common'.

Avatiniuscreators' thoughts
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