
Susan's Ability.


What come as a surprise to Morgan was that even though he was able to throw them away, and they took a straight hit from him, there was no damage done to their armors they were still in a good shape, and they stood as if nothing happened.


Morgan said:


"Your armors are quite strong."


His words and what just happened made the soldiers start shaking from fear, so they all lifted their weapons and started attacking him again, this time they didn't stop after one round, instead they kept on shooting.


After shooting for a full minute they finally stopped, and started looking at where Morgan was.


And soon after the smoke disappeared they saw that he was standing there as if nothing happened, no actually there was something weird, Morgan had a red blush on his face, it wasn't that strong and wasn't really apparent but the soldiers were able to notice it because of their armors and the readers in them.


"That was somehow overdone, I shouldn't do that again." Morgan murmured to himself before lifting his head and saying with a big smile:


"Thanks for recharge my power, now sorry I have to go and deal with other people, I wasted enough time here."


After he finished speaking he took a step forward, and just like before he disappeared except that this time by the time they looked at the scanner and found where he was, three of them were already down, and it wasn't like the last time how they were only throw away, that time those three people who were down where split in the middle.


Seeing that horrible sight, all the soldiers there starting firing at him like crazy, but that time he didn't act like an easy target like before, instead he started moving toward them while taking the hits directly which made them even more afraid and panicked.


And just like that around a minute later all the soldiers there were dead, they all were destroyed using brute force.


Morgan stood there covered in blood as he looked at the bodies around him while wiping his great sword trying to remove blood from it, after finishing he looked to a place which was around three hundred meters away where a tank was, he smiled and moved toward it.


Morgan's ability was called Calm Sea, at first, when he had just awakened, his ability made him able to pass the power of a hit he got to the ground as long as his feet were touching a surface, of course not all the power of the hit would be passed to the ground, instead only twenty percent of it would be passed.


After years of training he finally become able to absorb around fifty percent of it, and adding after finally getting a soul weapon from Athena and giving his ability to it, the soul weapon become able to absorb twenty five of the hit, taking it all to seventy five percent.


But that wasn't all, because one day while he was fighting a strong monster, at its last breath, it collected all its remaining power and released one last attack.


Seeing that attack, he understood that he wouldn't be able to handle it, even if it was only twenty percent of its power, yet he didn't want to die just like that he wanted to live, he was still young and still had a lot he wanted to do…


At that moment while thinking about all of that and with all that unwillingness, he tried to activate his ability and make it pass as much as possible of the power to the ground, that was the first time he tried to push his ability to that point, and fortunately for him something really did happen.


When that attack hit him, he felt the seventy five percent of it pass through him and enter the ground, while the remaining twenty five percent got absorbed by his body; it was as if the power of the attack become a part of him.


He was happy at first when he felt that as he knew that his ability had evolved, but that happiness was short lived as he felt that something was wrong soon after.


The power that he absorbed was strong way too strong actually, his body almost couldn't take it and he felt as if he was going to explode.


Understanding that he was in danger he lifted his soul weapon and moved toward that beast as fast as he could.


What surprised him was that his speed was faster than anything he felt before, but even though it was that fast, he was still able to react and move normally as if his body was always moving like that.


It was then that he understood that the power he absorbed didn't only give him physical power but upgraded him totally.


He moved toward that beast and after attacking it with all his power for more than five minutes he finally was able to remove all that stored power inside him.


He then understood that his new power wasn't just good, as if the attack's twenty five percent was way too strong for him to deal with, he would simply explode because of it.


And that was Morgan's ability and how he acquired.


Returning to the battlefield, the people from area 01 weren't the only ones suffering, there were many places in the battlefield where people from area 02 died.


Like the group of soldiers on the land who were on a deadlock against a small group of Lucas's earth dragons, they first used a few mines and explosives to kill their mounts before entering a deadlock with them.


That group was one of the few elite group who were able to make it there fast enough for the fight, they weren't normal soldiers not even normal humans, the armors that those soldiers were wearing were around four meters long and their reflexes were astonishing, they almost seemed none humans, at least not on the standers of people on area 01.


Actually those people had microchips inside their heads that made them link with their armors directly, that made their reflexes way faster than normal soldiers.


As while the system in the armors of normal soldiers would still give them alarms and all, sometimes their bodies wouldn't be able to react fast enough, as that alarm would only appear on a screen inside the armor and their bodies won't be able to react to the message, just like what happened to that group of thirty soldiers and Morgan.


While for the elite group because of their microchips those alarms and reading would get sent to their brains directly and they would react way faster as the microchips made their reaction speed faster and more precious than normal.


Those elites didn't only have their quick reflexes and bigger armors, their weapons too were stronger and seemed way better than normal soldiers there, and ever since the war stated they hadn't lost anyone at all, all of them were still alive.


The Seven Gods weren't just watching as their soldiers fought for them, all of them were doing their best to deal with the warships and the soldiers there.


Even their mounts were fighting, as each one of them had got of his or her mount leaving them to fight on their own while they were fighting on another side.


The Seven Gods spilt around the shore to finish their enemies fast enough, they wanted to finish them as soon as possible so they could get ready for what was coming, which was the retaliation of Area 01, they understood that people from Area 01 weren't ready for them and that is why they were able to attack them so easily and do so much damage.


But soon enough they would send their best soldiers and their strongest military power for them, and that would be when the real war would start.


Athena and Susan were on top of a normal Northern Eagle as Athena had released the Ice Phoenix to rampage on its own on another part of the battlefield, she on the other hand was freezing anything that stood in her way, be it warships, destroyers, submarines, any and everything get frozen by her.


Susan just stood next to her with her mouth half open, it was her first time seeing such a war and it made her quite shocked.


And as she was still lost in her own mind she felt the Northern Eagle start descending to the ground, looking at Athena questioningly, she saw that she too was looking at her, when their eyes met Athena said:


"Deal with those four there."


What Athena pointed at was a group of four soldiers from Area 01 who were moving through the battlefield, there weren't any people from the Divine Armies around them.


From her tone Susan understood that it was an order, and that she didn't have a choice at all, yet she still wanted to say something, but unfortunately before even opening her mouth, the look on Athena's face made her understand that she had absolutely no choice at all.


Sighing to herself she jumped from the Northern Eagle and fall to the ground just steps ahead of the group of four.


She pulled her sword and as she did the color of her hair changed a little, the blond shinning hair got a hint of red on it, but it was so faint to the point that the only person who noticed it was Athena.


The four soldiers were surprised and started panicking after they saw the arrival of Athena and Susan as they had seen what Athena was capable of doing from afar.


One of them understood that they were going to die no matter what so he decided to at the very least kill Susan who didn't seem as strong and frightening as Athena.


He aimed his gun at Susan and pulled the trigger, to his surprise he saw that Susan didn't try to dodge or to at the very least lift her sword to protect herself; instead she just stood there while looking at him.


He wandered what was wrong with her or if the distance between them was so short for her to do anything, but then his facial expression changed as he remembered that he wasn't fighting against a normal person, instead he was fighting against an abnormal person who had an ability, and he wandered if the reason of her not trying to dodge was because she simply didn't have to.


It seemed that he's teammate's also had the same idea as him as he they all took a step back while looking at the place where Susan was waiting for the smoke to disappear so they could see how she was.


Because they were concentrating on Susan, the soldiers didn't notice the disappointed look on Athena's face, and the sigh she released.


After the smoke finally disappeared, Susan was finally apparent to them, and what they saw surprised them to the point where they almost dropped their weapons.


They saw many people with weird abilities that made them undefeatable using just their normal weapons, so Susan's behavior made them believe that she also had such an ability, but what they saw instead was…


Susan was barley standing on her feet, she seemed as if she was going to fall at any second, there were no apparent wounds on her body, but anyone could understand and see that she was suffering.


Susan looked at Athena and saw that as usual she still had that cold look on her face, but she knew deep inside her that she was disappointed.


Other people might not be able to see or notice it, but she was different, she spent enough time with Athena to understand that the cold expression she always wore wasn't her true nature but instead only a facade that she used.

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