
Do You Want to Snatch it First?

Qiao Shan got out of the family car as soon as it reached the house address given to her. She rang the bell and waited with her hands clutched at the edge of her skirt, head lowered. She didn't know if Ren Shanyue was only bluffing her. Then again, she spoke of the signed contracts.

The door opened, and Qiao Shan lifted her face to greet the homeowner with a smile. However, she froze when Li Feng greeted her first.

"Hey, Qiao Shan…"

"Aiya, he's really here…"

Li Feng raised his brows in confusion. What did Li Yunru do to this woman for her to react like this? Did she say something so inspiring that Qiao Shan decided to work with them? Was she aware that Ren Shanyue had other plans rather than surrendering the child to the Qiao family?

He only smiled at her. "Come inside. Was it a bother to call you out like this?"

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