
chapter 29

"So, let get this straight out, you said that you were ambushed by another dimensional travelers on your way back, due to being severely injured in your escape, you were forced to lie low for a while." Ryuji questioned as he was crossing his arm.

"Yeah, that's about it." he nodded in confirmation that, what Ryuji said was indeed correct.

However, Ryuji brow were twitching and veins began to popped up from his forehead.

"But in the end- IT DOESN'T EXPLAIN WHY YOU BROUGHT BACK A WOMAN AND A KID?! ALONG WITH THE FACT THAT YOU BLOW UP A SMALL SECTION OF THE DISTRICT?! COULDN'T YOU DO IT A BIT MORE SUBTLY?!-oh I didn't even get to the fact that you don't even know of her name or who it was to begin with!" Ryuji was on Leonard throat.

"Chill out my little ancestor, she doesn't have a place to stay anymore and it's partially my fault, I felt guilty if I were to leave the both of them on the side of the road- I mean, they both tried to help me at one point." Leonard was sweating bullet as he saw how Ryuji reacted.

"Let be lowkey you said…*sigh" Ryuji let out an even longer sigh than what he usually does.

"Come on, it's not the end of the world… well technically we already live in a post-apocalyptic end of day scenario… but let not get too deep into it." he shrugged.

"Don't you try to get literal and technical with me! It ain't going to work son!" Ryuji screamed loudly from the top of his lung as he was still fuming out of anger.

"But honestly, how are you going to deal with the two of these "guest" that you brought back?" Ryuji questioned while crossing his arm.

"Like I said previously, I'm going to let them stay with us until I figure out a permanent solution, such as hijack a place for them to stay? But I mean- why are you getting so work ups about? They're just a weak and helpless woman and a little kid that's no older than ten." Leonard told Ryuji, reminded that the former was quite upset about new resident moving in.

"I had a bad feeling okay? I mean- what kind of business have we been involved with? It had already bordering the extreme hazardous zone since you messed with the local gangster and get called to visit their boss, but also the sensitive facts about our group own identities… to be more specific, ourselves." Ryuji pointed at himself and then to Leonard.

"Remember, we will likely be only staying in this world for another three weeks or so before your "system" fully charged up and we be out of here, say what will happen to the two of them if they got attached to our protections and you making enemies? Don't even try to pull in Roger group and Jeanne, I know they can take care of themselves." Ryuji remind Leonard about their current situation.

"Don't worry, I'll try my best to make sure that both of them can be independent even if we were to ditch this world." Leonard shrugged, he wasn't too worried about the "weak" and "helpless" woman, he knew that she hid more than what she showed him up till now.

Seeing how ruthless she could get.

"I hope that you know what you're doing…" Ryuji looked at Leonard with strange eyes before leaving the sealed private space that was Leonard own room.

"Wait hold on, talking about dependable guess, how are you going to deal with Jeanne?" he asked the unfaithful Trap Emperor.

"What are you talking about?" Ryuji looked at Leonard with questions filled gaze as he did not understand what Leonard was talking about, especially the situation about himself and Jeanne.


After having a little conversation with Ryuji, Leonard meet up with the other back in the living room, where their guess were also waiting, a woman and her child.

They seem to have fitted in quite nicely with Roger, his group and also Jeanne, also Jeanne and the other female seem to quite adore the little kid for his cuteness which scared clearly traumatized him when Leonard see him again as he was hiding behind his mother.

"Alright missus, welcome to our crazy little household, from now on- until I can get you a place somewhere in the district, you and the little kid will be living with us." Leonard declared "proudly" which caused the little kid to have a mix reaction while the woman was, hard to describe.

"What's with that face kid? Don't you like living here with me?" Leonard asked the little boy, seeing his reaction was a bit out of the ordinary, seeing how he usually grabbed onto Leonard thigh at any moment given, now he has been offered the chance to stay.

"I don't like the big sisters… they're scary." he replied cutely which made it very hard for the female members of the household to held themselves back from jumping over and drag the kid back to their side, they only held themselves back from doing that since Leonard was in their presence, they know how scary he can get.

"I see, the big sister are scary huh? But don't worry kid, when I'm here, I am going to make sure that none of them going to scare you ever again." Leonard quickly went over and cuddle the little boy- which only best served to traumatized him even further.

"Hey Leonard, did you happened to pissed off any gangster today?" Ryuji suddenly voiced out and surprised everyone in the room, all except for Leonard and the woman, along with the kid, the little kid only felt somewhat scared- but upon seeing that Leonard was with him, he quickly calmed down.

"Uh… I'm sure that I didn't piss off any gangster today- oh wait… nevermind…" Leonard suddenly realized something important, technically he did not cause any mess today- all except for the fact that he brought home someone who did indeed started it.

"You did it didn't you?!" Ryuji was about to jump the gun once more until the sound of gunshots startled the mortals within the room.

"Didn't anyone tell you that you're the magnet of all the world trouble?! How many times did gangsters and mobsters visiting us this week? Oh wait, we only arrived here for a day or two- but in two day! Two day! And we have been visited by the local mobster thrice already! This is the fourth time!" Ryuji pulled on Leonard collar as he pointed outside.


Outside of Leonard humble abode, a group of local gangster who isn't affiliated with the big family that ruled the area- but a local mobster who served the Zaluchi family but was never well informed, gathered before Leonard house, all armed with stick and stone(bricks) along with a few pistol, all rioting up.

"Hey boss, you sure that we should be here? Didn't the bigger boss told us not to go near this area?" a meek thug with a shameless face asked the leading one.

"Do you think I care? My little brother came home bloody roughly an hour ago, saying that the person from within that house shot him!" he roared.

"Look, the Capo would smoke us if we don't say anything alright? Keep this shit under the rug and we can do whatever the hell we want, beside- I heard the new Capo that's going to be in charge of us is just a weak little guy, all scrawny, when I have the chance, I'm going to get rid of him and promote myself to be the new Capo of this area." the leader smirked.

mobster hierarchy look simple, but damn are their name hard to pronounce, as cool as it may be, it won't do much if the underlings goon can't pronounce it.

Oniichan_Thickskincreators' thoughts
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