
chapter 13

While Leonard was having the time of his life abusing the member of the militant group who had previously caused him some troubles- by first, trying to blow his head up with a sniper bullet flying at five time the speed of sound, of course while he was having fun- he also did not forget to milk out information from their group while he was at it.

Ryuji and the other were waiting for him in the alleyway were in a restless state as they waited for his return, it only adding fuel to the fire the moment they heard the sound of multiple gunshots- no not just multiple gunshots, it was more like an all-out war scenario where barrage of bullets are showered out.

"What the hell is that idiot doing?!" Ryuji was irritated as he walked back and forth and bitting on his finger nail out of nervousness.

"Do you think Leonard will be alright...Ryuji?" Jeanne asked the trap, seeing how he was walking back and forth with that expression the moment the sound of gunshots was heard.

"I'm sure he'll be fine when dealing with regular human, but those gunshots… I'm afraid he's just wanting to attracted more trouble onto himself, I don't know if he remembered this fact or not- but we are currently sharing this location with a swarm of bloodthirsty Lickers." Roger just took the words right out of Ryuji mouth.

"That kid is crazy…" Ryuji couldn't help but to commented on his descendant.

Ryuji words raised some eyebrow from the group as they thought- "How old could Ryuji be, to call someone like Leonard a kid, when his age look just like that of Leonard as well."

"Ssshhhhh" suddenly Jeanne signal them to quiet down as she pointed to her ear.

"Listen...did you heard that?" she asked.

"Hear what?" the people from Roger group questioned, as they heard nothing so far after the banging gunshots sound from the distant.

"Listen closely, it sounds like somethings massive are moving… and it...heading toward the sound of the gunshots…" Jeanne told them as he managed to feel the vibration from below on her foot.

Then from afar, they heard a loud but slow clicking sound called out.

"What the hell was that?!" Roger who heard the cold clicking sound from afar questioned.

"I don't know, but judging by the sound it made, I think it's safe to guess that whatever is making that noise, it's a really big Licker… maybe a variant...like big Nugget over there." Ryuji pointed at the large canine creature who was licking its paw over on the side.

"Talking about mutated creature...what's up with this pack of Cerberus's? They don't seem to be that aggressive toward human at all, normally these things are vicious and wouldn't hesitate to tear a man to pieces." Roger asked Ryuji as now after Leonard had finally left, he felt curious about such unusual...pet.

"It's our pets...what's with that face? Is it that strange for people to own a large number of dogs nowadays?" Ryuji asked, noticing the weird reaction Roger was displaying.

"Uh, no- it's not strange to own pets, but… why a pack of vicious man-eating mutated dogs? I mean- there's a better option- and how the hell did you manage to tame them away? Last I check, it was impossible trying to control these things." Roger commented.

"We have our own ways and secrets, which is in our best interest to keeping as a secret."


Back at the top of the bell tower.

Leonard was still somewhat busy digging for more secret from the mouth of these militants until he noticed something from afar.

"Would you look at that, look like you fool caused quite a big mess with shooting your guns, now we have a pack of vicious Lickers coming for us," he commented as he picked up the binocular dropped by the leader of the militant and peered through it to have much closer up look at the swarm that was coming for them.

"Shit! We need to get out of here then! The plan got backfire, we need to leave and informed the main army!" the leader shouted as cold sweat drenched his clothes.

"Hey, sniper guy," he called for the sniper.

"Yeah? Need something?" the sniper doesn't seem to learn anything at all from watching the little beating session his comrade had to suffer and start to give Leonard the attitude.

"You got any more bullets? I mean- you carry more right?" Leonard asked as he still kept a close eye on the swarm that was slowly advancing toward him- but with something strange occurred amid the swarm.

"Yeah, I only have a few regular rounds left and a single modified shot." the sniper told him.

"That's good to know," Leonard commented as he put down the binoculars and went toward the man and began to search his pocket, Leonard managed to pull out ten large bullets the man pouch and a single red painted one.

However, he did not stop there, he continued to search.

"Hey hey! That's all I had! Stop searching!" the sniper called out in an extremely nervous tone of voice as Leonard hand began to search even more carefully.

"Aha...what is this." he finally stumbled onto something from the man hidden pocket, he reached his hand into the pocket and pulled out a metal casing.

"Don't take that! That shit is dangerous!" the sniper called out in an enraged manner as if he saw Leonard stole away his wife or something.

Leonard- who of course, being an asshole like usual, ignore the pleading and opened the case, only to find a silver bullet, which was somewhat smaller than the other rounds he found on the man, this bullet, however, gave Leonard the feeling of intense dread as he stared at it.

"What the hell is this thing?" he asked as he revealed the items to all the militant.

Whom the moment they saw the item, they just stared at the sniper with cold sweat dripping down their forehead and a sense of speechlessness overwhelmed all of them.

"I asked you...what the hell is this?" Leonard, upon seeing the reaction from the people around him, got interested in the item.

"What the hell man! Why do you have that thing on you?! You that shit is extremely dangerous?! You know how dangerous that is if it were to be leaked?!" the captain couldn't take it any longer and roar at the sniper.

"It's a modified nuclear bomb in the shape of a bullet...it took me a lot of effort to get my hand on it from the black market… show some appreciation." the sniper retorted proudly as he looked upon the bullet as it was his baby.

"Why the hell do you even needed something like that?! I mean- isn't those anti-materials red-hawk bullet enough for you?!" the captain added.

"You know I'm a thrill seeker, captain, I like to shoot my gun at dangerous thing… I need a guaranteed way to keep my hide safe is the red-hawk were to backfire on me." the sniper retorted back.

"perfect...I'll be keeping this then." Leonard comment interrupted the entire argument as he went back to the railing and pulled out the modified sniper from his inventory.

"What the hell are you planning to do?" the sniper asked.

"Safe your god damn skins, of course, I found something really interesting in the horde, here- take a look." Leonard tossed the binocular to the sniper who quickly peered toward the direction Leonard pointing.


The blood-curdling clicking sound chilled all their blood as the sound traveled for kilometer toward their direction.

"How the fuck did that thing manage to get attracted along with the swarm?!" the captain upon hearing the clicking sound quickly snatched the binocular from the sniper and quickly looked toward the direction of the sound, the moment he saw it his face went pale.

"It's a fucking Swarm Lord?!" he shouted out of fear.

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