
How to terminate a stable orbit (3)

having decided on his next cause of action Mars asked Info

"Info how do I use the [Dragon-flame magic] skill?"

fearing his only method of escape as well as his only currently useful active skill Mars asked Info

"please don't tell me that the skill [Dragon-flame magic] needs a breathable atmosphere?"

[no the skill [Dragon-flame magic] only need an oxygen supply at or below level 3, to use this skill host just needs to imagine a flame]

"don't I need to gather and move my mana or something?"

[no, as [Dragon-flame magic] is level 5 it no longer needs mana]

"sweet!... but why is this skill not degraded like the other skills this vessel had before I reincarnated?"

[the skills [Dragon-flame magic] and [Fire resist] are race skills all Half-dragons have from birth and therefore do neither of these skills degrades]

"okay then let's do this" closing his eyes to focus Mars started to imagine a flame, and only just a few seconds later a might sphere like red flame started to burn 2 meters in front of his face about the size of a watermelon

"WOW!" surprised at his easy success Mars started to get excited like a child at his own birthday party

"this is AMAZING!" only to get put down by the mighty Info's cold voice

[host lethal damage detected random status point decreasing]

once again remembering the gravity of his current situation Mars started to focus on the red flame burning completely silently in front of his face and asked Info

"Info what are the spikes made of?"

[the 224 spikes that are currently impaling the host is made of a Mythril-titanium alloy]

"how hot does a flame need to be to melt them?"

[approximately 2000 °C]

"... and how hot is the flame I made?"

[approximately 500 °C]

"... is there any way to make my flame hotter?"


".... how?"

[host needs to compress the flame and imagine the flame getting hotter]

"...okay then" Mars started to focus on the red flame in front of him slowly trying to control it, after some time it started to shrink and get brighter slowly changing color from red to yellow then eventually changing to white, Mars gazing at the flame that was now the size of a closed fist asked Info

"how hot is it now?"

[host flame is now approximately 2400 °C]

"good then let's start with this one" focusing on the spike piercing his left-hand pinky he slowly moved the white flame to the spike before stopping halfway there to ask Info

".... won't a flame this hot melt my skin before it melts the spike?"

[no] not entirely convinced by Info's cold response Mars asked a follow-up question

"...why not?"

[host has the [Fire resist] skill at level 15 furthermore host is also a half-dragon human so flames at this level will not hurt the host]

"well if you say so" reassured by Info he moved the flame to left pinky and sure enough the flame only felt slightly hot on his skin

"amazing..." in a dazed state Mars watched how the metal spike started to melt while his own skin was completely fine, a few minutes later the spike had melted completely and the hole in his pinky started to close

"does wounds normally close this quickly?"

[no, this is very fast even for a half-dragon] still looking at the hole that now almost had closed on his finger Mars asked Info again

"then why did it heal this fast?"

[host Constitution status is at 600, so the host is 600 times more healthy and then an average half-dragon]

"... is that why I only suffocate once every 12 hours"


"...nice" once again feeling amazed at his new body Mars slowly moved the flame to free his left ring finger from its impalement and asked Info

"so how long before I run out of status points and die for real?"

[unable to precisely calculate]

"well can you give me a time estimate?"

[anywhere between 2 weeks at the most to a minimum of 5 days] feeling a chill up his spine and now feeling panicked at his soon to be demise Mars asked Info

"wait I thought I had more time? why only 5 days, I thought I had 3600 status points left?"

[a decrease in status points is random from 1 to 50 per lethal damage depending on the damage, and as there are 6 status point categories the chance for Constitution, the status stopping host from asphyxiating as often as a mortal wound is 1/6 the estimate of 5 days to 2 weeks can not get more precise]

"...shit" now feeling that panic would not help his current situation Mars gritted his teeth and moved the flame from his now free ring finger to the still impaled middle finger on his left hand and asked Info

"how long will it take to melt all the spikes?"

[3 days at the most]

feeling the most desperate he had been since his reincarnation Mars asked Info

"... is there any way to speed it up?"

[yes, if the host selects a fire type class]

having only just remembered that classes were a thing for living gods Mars asked Info

"a class huh... Info how do I select a class?"

[host need to open his status first]

"okay" while moving the flame to free his left index finger Mars started to gather and circulate his mana, a few moments later he opened his status


Name: Mars

Age: 0 (vessel 5220)

Race: Half-dragon human

Titles: [Former living god of war] [Conquer of Salen] [Tyrant King] [5000 year prisoner] [living god]

Class: none

Status points:

Strength [864/1000] Constitution [600/1200] Dexterity [800/1500]

Intelligence [550/600] Wisdom [548/900] Charisma [2/10]

Active skills: [Dragon-flame magic lv 5] [Swordsmanship lv 4]

Passive skills: [Fire resist lv 15] [Commanding lv 3] [Mental reinforcement lv 5] [Pain resist lv 3]

looking at his status formed by half-transparent mist, Mars noticed his Strength status points had decreased with a whole 36 points, feeling even more impatient he quickly asked Info

"what now?"

[please chant: select class, to view available classes]

quickly gathering some more mana in his lungs Mars chanted

"select class"

when those words left his mouth the mist making up his status slowly changed into new words

Available classes: [Air] [Fire] [Dragon] [New war] [Magic] [Sound] [Cooking] [Mining] [Energy] [Greed] [Rock] [Lava] [Sword] [Wolf] [Drama] [Heal] [Speed] [Light] [Wrath] [Metal] [Blacksmith] [Plants] [Ruling] [Time] [Water] [Carpeting] [Lust] [Bear] [Forrest] [Mana] [Mind] [Crafting] [Gold] [Shopping] [Lightning] [Pride] [Music] [Math] [Sleeping]

feeling overwhelmed by the number of classes Mars remained dazed for some time before asking Info

"how do I select a the [Fire] class?"

[simply chant: select fire]

"well I that case select... wait a second" his instincts screaming he might have missed something Mars stopped his class selection and asked Info while moving the flame to melt the spike in the center of his left palm

"Info what are the rules for classes?"

[classes are the living god alternative to mortals jobs, only they are more powerful furthermore a mortal can change his/hers job to new one or a more advanced version of the same job once it levels up to 10, whereas living gods only get to choose one class in their lifetime for the trade that has no level cap] mentally thanking his obviously superior Mars asked Info again to confirm

"so I can only ever have one class?"


feeling maybe he should consider what class he should take a little more time Mars looked over his options once more

Thank you for reading! :)

see you next chapter Friday

zad1333creators' thoughts
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