
Bold and unrestrained tutorial teacher

Indeed, the natural selection class’s school compound wasn’t huge. After all, there were only a few hundred plus people here. In less than half and hour, Su Hao had already finished his tour. After becoming familiar with the school compound, Su Hao went to the living area to find his room.

The rooms provided by the school were definitely not bad. Each student got their own room. It was exactly like a five-star hotel treatment, simply luxurious. It was totally different compared to urban areas with high cost land. Well, this land within the wildness wouldn’t be able to generate money anyway.

Comfortably lying down on his bed, Su Hao began to fiddle with the communication device on his wrist. Being used to the classic mobile phone, he was totally new to the virtual screen generated by the device.

Soon, Su Hao found a notice from the school.

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