
Chapter 368 : Waiting!!!

Acnologia : Oh?? A way to still get rid of me for good??

Ryouji : Yes...

Ryouji : A sure fire way to do it...

Acnologia : Hahahahaha, your so-called Reinforcements is your final solution to defeat me??

Ryouji : No...

Acnologia looked at Ryouji who was smiling and for some reason, he couldn't help but feel something was off...

The space he was sealed was a cakewalk for him, but it still seemed like his confidence was rising up with each second passing by...

Acnologia : Then let me see it... I'll show you by then that no magic works for me!!!

Ryouji : Heh!!

Ryouji : <Over Soul Magic Weather!!!>

Ryouji : Weather Dragon's STORM!!!!!

Ryouji transformed into his full Dragon yet again only this time he had selected only one Over Soul and used everything he had while directing his full magic outburst towards the sky that had already been covered by clouds...

Acnologia : Hahahahaha, was that the best you could do??

Acnologia waited even though he mocked Ryouji for falling down completely exhausted as he reverted back...

Unknowing to him the clouds expanded beyond the horizon as they started to climate every different element raging within the storm...

On the other continent, they could hear crackles and booms while figuring out that Ryouji had done something but unfortunately they still couldn't get a glimpse of clouds...

Irene though thought of a different meaning in their current situation and pulled out from her belt a staff as she slammed it on the ground making everyone alert...

Irene : Quick hold on my cape and then at each other...

Before she finished her words she inwardly muttered in her mind, 'I hope this is what you mean and want me to do'

Irene : Universe One!!!!

A large monstrous amount of Magic erupted from her body as everything in her eyes magnified and then zoomed especially what was within the vision of her eyes...

After groaning from the pressure she was taken in right now since this was slightly different from how it is normally used, a bright light burst forth from the earth and engulf all caught in its area of effect.

This meant the whole area over the horizon she could see...

The landscape started trembling and felt they were moving as a giant crater started forming behind them, no it would be more accurate to say that almost 1/3 of the continent split off and many could see the far clouds getting closer...

Many looked back and shuddered as they saw a cliff canyon forming behind them and on the part, they were standing...

Originally with this spell, the caster needs to place a few markers and then through them as mediums control the whole land by compressing the land, while given the ability to purposely send certain things or people to certain locations.

However, there are major side effects to this Magic, as the inhabitants, structures, and landmarks' locations are all switched at random.

Still, Irene had managed to save many people with this random thing at the brink of death and also managing to throw off the notoriously strong and resilient Acnologia, and even the Ex-Emperor of Alvarez himself was saved in the past only to lose his life later on...

Finally, the red aura that was engulfing Irene ended and many saw themselves drifting in the sea, or it would be more accurate to say they were surrounded by sea everywhere...

BoooooooM!!!! Bzzz.... Biribiribiri......Bzzbzbzbzbzbz...........

They were startled and many screamed from the noises but then someone pointed in the far horizon...

??? : Loook There Clouds!!!!

Irene : Laxus!!! I can't keep this spell for more than 3-4 hours before everything returns to their Original position...

Irene : Take as many as you can and go!!!

Laxus : I'll see you on the other side!!!



Daily... Bleach - Fairy - STB!!!

April Monthly Release : FAIRY (0/10 AT 30-4)

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