
Chapter 324 : Seeing Jellal...

Allen : When that happens all of us will retreat and only Guild Master will remain taking care of Nirvana's rays...

Jura : Then at that point, all of us can wreak havoc and bring them down is that it??

Allen : As expected from someone of your stature...

Natsu : Then what are we waiting for let's go and smash them...

Ichiya : Then what we will have to do??? Men!!!

Allen : For now wait for 10 or so minutes, i believe we will see something interesting by then...

Brain and the rest finally arrived in an abandoned city, unknown to anyone that they were being watched...

Brain : Everyone this Wendy, she possesses healing Magic and that we can use her abilities to heal him.

Wendy : Let me go!!!

Brain : Easy little girl...

Wendy : I'm not gonna help all of you in any part of your plan.

Cobra : With me here we will rapidly find Nirvana.

Brain : Racer go fetch him.

Brain : Cobra, Angel, and Hoteye are to search for Nirvana.

Brain : Little girl, even if you don't want to help now, you will once you find out who you will be healing.

Brain : Soon it will be time to rule as Nirvana is a Magic which makes light and darkness switch places.

Meanwhile, as everyone was waiting, Natsu asked about Wendy's Dragon Slayer Magic from Carla...

Carla : Wendy volunteered for the mission just to meet you, and that the Dragon Grandeeney, who taught and raised Wendy, disappeared about 7 years ago.

Natsu : Oh, that... Then Grandeeney is closer to her than she thinks.

Carla : What do you mean??

Gajeel : Gege, the Dragon who raised Natsu and Metalicana, the Dragon who raised me. That group of dragons did a bit of trick and here we are.

Carla : I had figured this out genius...

Natsu : We will talk about this after Wendy and Happy is free...

When Natsu finished his words as they were sitting down they felt movement and realised they were members of the allied Dark Guild Naked Mummy, who they were ready to fight.

Meanwhile, Racer returned to the headquarters carrying a large, cross-shaped coffin, he placed it down and Brain went closer to it before he turned over to Wendy.

Brain : The person inside is someone we have a great debt all of us, be it gratitude or animosity, however, he is the key to our plan...

Brain opened the coffin and the person in it is revealed to be Jellal Fernandes, seemingly in a comatose state due to the fight with Ryouji.

Brain : He is the only one who knows the location of Nirvana, having once been a member of the Magic Council.

Happy and Wendy are both surprised to see him still alive but his body wasn't in perfect condition as it was in the canon.

His right hands had burns that were seemingly alive based on the deep red colour while his left hand had cuts all over...

His legs had ripped skin and despite all that he was sleeping soundlessly.

Happy : We will never save him!!!

Happy : Do you have any idea what he has done???

Happy tried to convince Wendy not to save him due to what he did to Erza in the past and what he did to the kids a few months ago...

But Wendy was beyond shocked by what she was hearing from both parties and seeing the person who took care of her in the past.

She was terrified when she saw his state and was further terrified by Brain threatening Jellal with a dagger.

Wendy : No wait, I'll do it...

Happy : Wendy...

Wendy : I'm sorry Happy... I loved him and owe him a great debt if he truly is the person you had said then i'll try and stop him...

Brain : Good... You have 5 minutes to reach your peak and heal him...

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