
Chapter 224 : The Null Weirdos!!

AS they kept staring at each other, and the kids had excited faces making them an overboard cute gallery for them.

They waited for something that could prompt them to start something like a signal.

At that moment, they heard a voice in the sky which was perfect for the two before dashing towards each other.

Gray : Ice Make : Lances!!!

In a split second more than ten Lances appeared and tried to stab his opponent but then a smirk was raised in his doggy face.

He raised his hands a tad before they could impale him and whispered...

??? : Dispel!!!

With his low voice the Lances as they touched him they became snow and then turn to nothingness stunning all of them.

The Doggy had reached at point blank Zero from Gray as he was taken back before slashing with his hands...

??? : Paralysis Claw : Mega Jellyfish!!!

The moment he softly said that with a huge grin, his small nails turned at least 4cm bathed in green coloured as he slashed Gray.

All of them were speechless seeing Gray losing like that with Lisanna being the winner of the betting, just as she was about to jump from happiness, Gray raised his fist and smashed it in the face of his opponent.

??? : Guuuaaa...

BoooM!!! He got send flying dozens of meters away and when they saw Gray they looked at his bare chest since he had lost his clothes upon his magic got dispelled, they say ice covering it with a bit of glittering green...

Gray : Holy damn!!! I took a gamble as that my magic would be effective when he attacks instead of defending...

Gray : Is this poison??

??? : Uughhh...

Gray : And you are still alive!!

Everyone was shocked he got up almost as if nothing happened, they knew perfectly well the power level of Gray and they knew that physically he was no way weak...

??? : Of course, i have confidence in my durability...

??? : But you did well to manage to avoid a certain death...

Gray : What do you mean??

??? : With what i hit you was. The elongating fingernails that i turned into lethal sharp, something which makes them similar to claws.

??? : Combining them with my special Paralysis Powder, i can shock and paralyze my opponents on contact.

Gray : Ughh... i admit that was close....

Gray : But look at the bright side...

??? : Which is??

Gray : I won!!!

As he had gotten ticked off he prepared to rush again in close combat but at that moment someone came and stopped him and he wasn't alone Angelica was with him...

??? : Toby, you are late...

Toby : Not my fault Yuka...

Yuka : Let's go, Lyon is waiting for us...

Toby : Oh, fine!!!

Gray : You think you will walk away like that???

Gray : Ice Make : Hammer!!!!!

Gray swung his hands downwards and a huge of chump of ice formed taking the shape of a hammer before it started falling in their heads.

Yuka : Tch... Annoying... Wave!!!

He raised his hands towards the sky and a transparent sphere appeared around them when the hammer touched the sphere it turned to nothingness...

At this point, no one was laughing and had serious faces, Lucy who had arrived with Happy when she saw them it finally clicked her.

Lucy : You two are the Null Weirdos that can nullify any magic...

Lucy : I remember how you were once part of a Guild...

Yuka : That's in the past we now have a common goal with Lyon, therefore, we are together in this.

Yuka : Even though it will be quite an interesting story to share we are running late...

Both of them hoped on angelica before she started spinning her tail like a helicopter and flew away leaving all of them speechless...

They only thought that thing can fly??

I will try to update the other stories except for Fairy and Bleach at least twice per weak...

It's kinda impossible but i'll try as i said my time is enough for 3 maybe 4 per day...

So support, comment, whatever you can do!!!


Discord: Seion#0464

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