
Chapter 72 : Banquet

As he was explaining them the ups and downs of his magic... in the rest of the Guild everyone was enjoying their rooms, quite, and finally some good rest from everything they went through..

Many girls who got on the first floor second and third.. were thinking about the 4th floor... should i go and stay there?? but if i do that then i will have to accept him with other girls in the same bed....

Many thought and troubles passed in their minds thinking about the days to come... on the third floor in a certain room...

Inside was sitting a girl with bluish hair, green eyes, slim and small body of a height 1.54 she was weighing 45 kilos.. and you could see that she was worried about something and murmur in herself...

??? : Will he accept me in his bed along with the girls on floor 4???

??? : Is my body acceptable?? i'm already 18 and haven't done anything with anyone... even my fingers can't fit in my tight pussy when i masturbate on my own...

??? : I was lucky enough when the nobles caught me and barely avoid being raped in public and treated as a public orgasm tool....

??? : Are my boobs big enough??

??? : There will be a banquet later so I guess many girls will try to sleep with him.....

??? : How many can he take in a single night 5-10??

??? : From what i saw floor 4 had over 100 girls before and 150 more after his speech...

??? : I can only try.....

After she finally decided to try she got on her bed trying to get a few hours of sleep...

Hours went by and the time to gather for the Huge banquet has come... Many members were in the Kitchen cooking countless amounts of food and preparing everything for the last hour....

They dressed the Dining hall with every kind of decoration the could... And continued with their preparations....

On the 4th floor inside Ryouji's room, 9 people were on top of his bed sleeping while hugging each other... it was Ryouji with Irene and the others....

Ryouji waked up from the smell of all foods getting ready and got up slowly in order not to wake up his flowers....

He entered the bath and showered himself in order to prepare.... when he got out he saw his girls awake and waiting for him with teasing smiles....

Ryouji : Stop teasing and go get dressed it would be bad if the most important people are missing before everyone gets there....

Violetta : Liar you just want to scout new blood....

Giggle, giggle all the girls who thought the same were grinning to him leaving him speechless bu then he said something to them which made them froze...

Ryouji : Didn't i gave them 60 days for this reason alone???

They popped their eyes out..... aaaaaAAAAA god damn it, we should have realized that the days were for this reason alone....

Ryouji : Now get ready....

All 8 : Yes!!!!!

All of them left for their own rooms in order to prepare for the Feat they will get in order to welcome their new recruits and sisters... xixixixix giggles they thought how they will take their sisterhood...

After a few minutes, all of them got ready and went towards the dining hall with Ryouji so that they can see who will fall for him and with what intentions.....

Bleach System Chapters 0/3

Fairy System Chapters 1/3 + 4/4 whai i haven't released yet..

New Story ?????????????

The Warfare Of Races Chapters ??? Random!!!

The released Chapters will be 3 each per day!!!!!

There May Be A Bonus!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm Editing all previous Chapters removing here and there the Caps on names and fixing a bit of other things... Progress 96/132

Seioncreators' thoughts
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