
Thea's Birthday {Part.3}


"I thought you said you were almost done?" I heard Thea talking to someone from the kitchen.

"Everyone was still asleep," Doobin replied nonchalantly.

"Are you feeding an army? Do we even have any food left in here?" She joked.

"Do you know how many people are currently asleep in your house?" he retorted.

"Do you know how much they eat? Especially after a night of drinking?" Austin added.

"Honestly I have no idea,"

"What is that? Are you making soup for breakfast?"

"Kind of," Doobin said as the same time Austin commented;

"He made bacon and eggs," with what sounded like a mouthful.

"Wait, s that hangover soup?" Thea asked clearly ignoring Austin.

"Your pantry looks like a Korean grocery store, what did you expect me to do?"

"Okay, you're cool,"

I stretched getting out of bed, Yuri was still fast asleep which wasn't a surprise. Sora was curled up between our heads, she glared at me when I turned the light on to find my pants. She wasn't a fan of the light in the morning.

I walked out of my room and Shawn was coming out of Thea's, he wasn't wearing a shirt, he looked like he was still half asleep, he half smiled and gestured for me to go first, I wasn't so sure I wanted to if Doobin was in the kitchen, I was a little worried that Doobin would pull a face and Shawn would see it.

I tried to avoid looking at him as I walked through into the dining room, Austin was sitting at the table with a plate with eggs, bacon, tomato, mushrooms, what looked like a sausage, and baked beans, all piled on top of two pieces of toast. Thea was leaning over the counter watching Doobin move freely through our kitchen cooking away.

I frowned at her, she never lets anyone in 'her' kitchen, I swear half the time she barely lets me in there and now she has Doobin cooking awake like it's his kitchen. Ignoring the fact that sometimes she kicks other people out of their own kitchen.

"Morning," Thea greeted.

Doobin looked over and gave me a vaguely irritated look, I was assuming it had something to do with last night. Shawn and Austin had taken Thea to bed after a struggle and some tantrums from THea, anyone who hadn't left ended up sleeping in the lounge room, also due to Thea, she didn't want the party to end and insisted that those who weren't drinking because they had to drive home could just stay here. It didn't take a lot of convincing.

Doobin had taken the opportunity of his brother being distracted with Thea to head to my room, he wasn't so impressed with the fact that it was already occupied by Yuri, he was even less impressed by Yuri's offer of a threesome. Instead, he slept in the lounge room with everyone else.

"Were you hungover this morning?" I frowned.

"When am I ever hungover?" she frowned.

"Then why is someone else in your kitchen? And why are they cooking?"

"He cooks right, he's making Asian food," she shrugged.

"And why is he naked?" I added.

"He has pants and an apron on," she said after a slight pause, clearly not realising he wasn't wearing a shirt before now.

"It's summertime, it's hot. Why would they be wearing a shirt? Did you wear clothes to bed?" she defended.

"That doesn't count, she got laid," Yuri came up behind me, winking at Doobin who frowned and turned his attention back to cooking.


"Are you both just going to sulk around here?" Jae frowned at us.

"I have no reason to go over there," I shrugged.

"I don't feel like going out,"

"Liar, you're mad Charlie is sleeping with Yuri," he frowned at Sam.

"We both know it would have been you if you weren't injured, so you only have yourself and BM to blame," he added.

"And you're being a child about something that happened years ago,"

"She slept with my friend," I defended.

"Charlie slept with my friend, you don't see me getting my panties in a knot," he rolled his eyes.

"She kept it a secret,"

"Because no one wants to admit that they slept with Drew,"

"Just take my keys and drive yourself over there," I frowned.

"Fine be bitches," he huffed leaving.

I looked over at same who had slouched himself into the couch, his head resting on the back of it facing the ceiling, his eyes were closed. He'd been like this since we left last night, maybe before then. If I was to guess he has probably been like this since Charlie slept with Jae's bass player, which meant he was already too far along in the Charlie coaster to actually stop the rid. But that didn't mean he couldn't be distracted from it.

"What?" he asked without opening his eyes.

"How are you doing?" I asked casually.

"My shoulder hurts,"

"Uhuh, so you're not actually annoyed that Charlie slept with Yuri, or Jae's bass player, instead of you?"

"Who she sleeps with is her business,"

"You know, if she's sleeping with other people, there isn't anything stopping you from doing the same,"

"I know you're trying to help, but I don't need you to so can you please stop," he sighed.

"I'm just saying, it's not healthy to be stuck in a one-sided relationship your whole life,"

"If you keep judging all of our choices and feelings you're going to have no friends left," he gave me a look before getting up.


"Thea," Charlie raised an eyebrow at me.

"Huh?" I looked at her.

"What are you doing?" she smirked already knowing exactly what I had been doing.

I hadn't realised that Doobin wasn't wearing a shirt until she had said something about it, not I kept getting distracted by his back. Seriously, dancer bodies were so unfair.

"Making sure he doesn't screw up," I shrugged.

Doobin turned around frowning at me, I had to bit my tongue so I didn't tell him to turn back around because I was looking at his back. I didn't quite understand why it was so difficult for Charlie to not sleep with him until right now, I don't really think I should be keeping her from that body. Even if that's what she wanted me to do, she was clearly getting too stuck on his age and it's not like he wasn't old enough to consent.

"Turn around, you're the exact same and you know it. He throws a tantrum when you've cooked in his kitchen. He refused to cook in it all day because he claims you screwed with his Feng Shui,"

"And then I have to starve," Koosung came wandering up the hallway fully clothed which was disappointing.

"Why are you all half-naked?" he raised an eyebrow at Yuri, Austin and Shawn, who were sitting at the kitchen table eating shirtless. There were absolutely no complaints from me.

"Because it was hot and suits aren't comfortable to sleep in," Austin answered.

"Your shirt was sleeveless and he was the only one wearing a suit,"

"Koosung, shut up and have some breakfast," I stated.

"Perve," he retorted.

"No one is stopping you from taking your shirt off, that outfit would be really attractive with no shirt and the sleeves of your jumpsuit tied around your waist," I commented.

"Morning," Jinwoo wandered through wearing exactly that, no shirt and the top half of his jumpsuit tied around his waist to stop the bottom half from falling off.

"Like that," I nodded.

"Is this why you are friends with just guys? So you can check them out?" Austin asked.

"It doesn't hurt," I shrugged.

"Sup homies," Jae walked through the back door.

"Why aren't you cooking?" he frowned at me.

"Doobin is cooking," I shrugged.

"No, I did not drive myself over here for some kid to easy bake oven my breakfast," he shook his head.

There was a chorus of 'Hey' and 'he can cook'. Doobin looked less than impress being referred to as a kid and annoyed at the insult to his cooking ability. Not that Jae cared if he insulted someone, it was his favourite pastime.

"If you don't want his cooking then get back in the car and drive yourself home," I retorted, he just pulled a face at me sitting down at the table.

"Can you lower your voice?" Junsun grumbled walking through the house, unfortunately, he was wearing a shirt, but even more tragically he wasn't wearing pants.

"Can you put on pants before you sit down on our dining chairs," Charlie frowned at him.

"Shhh," he frowned at her waving his hand sitting down across from her.

"Hangover first aid is on the table," I laughed.

"Hangover first aid is anywhere you aren't" he frowned.

"Rude," I retorted.

"It's your fault we're hungover," Koosung reentered the room after using the bathroom. he was shielding his eyes and rubbing his temples at the same time.

"You're grown-ass adults, you can make your own decisions," I picked up my phone to message Jackson. He didn't seem to stay long last night, I only saw him when he arrived and then at some point he must have just slipped out without saying goodbye.

Thea: Hey, sorry about last night I wasn't trying to be rude there were just a lot of people. Why did you leave without saying goodbye?

"You're a grown-ass adult, you should know when to stop drinking," Koosung retorted joining the other boys at the table, each one varying in the severity of their hangover.


Jae opened his mouth to speak, I was assuming it was something about Thea's height, but Junsun seemed to beat him too it.

"I wouldn't say she's grown exactly, she's like two feet tall," he mumbled.

Jae frowned, I don't think he was okay with someone else attacking his nemesis, especially with an insult that was probably about to come out of his own mouth.

"How about you shut up?" she stated.

"I thought you were supposed to be the kitchen troll? Why is Doobin doing your job?"

"Is your hangover making you grumpy?" she patronised.

"How can someone so small drink so much and be completely fine in the morning?" Koosung shook his head.

"It's because she's so little, clearly it takes less time to metabolise,"

"Where did you learn such a big word?" she retorted.

"Play nice," Shawn gave her a look.

"Why are you on his side?" she frowned.

"Bros before hoes," Junsun muttered.

"I'm not taking sides, but he is hungover because you convinced us all to keep drinking with you even after everyone else went home," Shawn stated. He didn't really have a hangover, but he had also babysat Thea all night.

"You should probably stop drinking, you turn into way more of a mess than normal," Junsun advised.

"Says the guy who is sitting at a kitchen table hungover, not wearing pants," Jae stated. He had continued to frown the whole time Thea and Junsun had bantered back and forth.

"It's hot,"

"Most guys take off their shirt, as shown by everyone else here, you decided to take off your pants, normally that's what the girls do, what with them having boobs,"

"Jeans make me uncomfortable,"

"Your legs make me uncomfortable," he retorted.


The two continued to bicker back and forth, I sat down next to Charlie.

"How early did Jackson leave last night?" I frowned checking my phone.

"Do you really want to know?" she gave me a face.

"I really don't like it when you pull that face," I sighed.

"Is it that time already?" Jae's face lit up.

"Crap," I sighed again closing my eyes.

"Is it what time?" Austin asked.

"My favourite part of the morning after a night of drunk Thea. I like to call it 'Thea's Entertainingly Embarrassing Drunken Event Recap' or TEEDER for short," Jae was like a kid n a candy shop.

"Can we just skip over the TEEDER?"

"No, no we can not. I got out of my bed for two things this morning, breakfast, and TEEDER. As you can see, my plate is full of breakfast," he smirked.

"I hate you," I sighed.

"We were all there though, we seen it all," Austin shrugged.

"That's true, except when Thea gets drunk, she might not get an actual hangover but me telling her everything from the night before is basically as painful and as nauseating as having a real hangover, because she doesn't remember a single thing,"

"Seriously? You don't remember a thing?" Austin seemed surprised.

"I remember Haka showing up, and the orange-haired guy, vaguely Yuri arriving but after that nothing," I shook my hair.

"Did you actually sleep with the orange-haired guy?" I turned to Charlie.

"His name is Brian," Jae stated.

"What am I missing?"

"Brian is Jae's new bass player," Charlie mumbled.

"Did he play your bass?" I smirked.

"So who wants to fill her in on what happened between Yuri's arrival and mine?" Jae frowned.

"There was literally ten minutes between You and Yuri," Shawn stated.

"It's drunk Thea, there is a lot that can happen in ten minutes," he stated seriously.

"She tried to tell me off for being late then cried when I told her I was late because my cat was sick, that's all that happened," Yuri stated.

"Lyolik was sick?" I frowned.

"Yeah, kind of like that but with tears," Yuri nodded pointing at me.

"He's fine now," Charlie stated, I relaxed.

"Okay then," Jae smirked and began to list of the things that I had done, including trying to sleep with Benji. My drunken apology to BM for lying to him about sleeping with Drew, Jae felt it necessary to add that BM didn't apologise to me for being an ass.

"That's all?" I was a little surprised.

"No, I saved the best part for last," he beamed.

"Once you realised Jackson was there, you called him over. Shawn needed to go to the bathroom so Jackson said he would watch you. In those five minutes that Shawn was gone, you painfully flirted with him, tried to kiss him, which he was grossly polite and gentlemanly about, not taking advantage of you at all. Then you felt like you were going to be sick, he tried to help you to for feet, you got difficult arguing because you didn't want to move, you ended up elbowing him in the face, then you threw up all over him,"

I could feel the blood drain from my face.


My phone buzzed on the nightstand. I ignored it and tried to go back to sleep, we hadn't gotten home until early hours this morning and then I had to shower which only woke me up so I hadn't actually gotten into bed until about 5 am, and then I don't even know what time I actually got to sleep.

I had almost asleep when my phone buzzed again, I let out a sigh, I wasn't sure what the time was so it could have been anyone, I decided that I should just check it in case it was my parents. I also figured that it would probably just go off again if I tried to go back to sleep.

It wasn't my parents, it was Thea. Even after last night, I couldn't bring myself to be mad at her, I couldn't really bring myself to be anything but concerned about how she was feeling. The first message brought a frown to my face. The second message made me laugh at how cute she was.

Thea: Hey, sorry about last night I wasn't trying to be rude there were just a lot of people. Why did you leave without saying goodbye?

Thea: So please ignore the last message, I've just been reminded of what I did last night. I'm so sorry, this is so embarrassing, I can't believe that I did that, you must have been completely horrified. I'm sorry that you came out to a party just to be ignored and thrown upon. I'm so mortified. Uh, message me later? You know, if you're not too grossed out by me.... again, I'm so sorry...

I wasn't sure how to respond, I thought it was cute that she managed to ramble even through text message. I could only imagine how embarrassed she was, and it wasn't entirely her fault that she had thrown upon me, she had basically force-fed food to soak up some of the alcohol and Shawn had warned me not to get too close, especially when her face contorted. I just thought that he had meant to stay out of the way of her tantrums.

She had gotten a little worked up when Shawn had tried to help her when she got up to go to the bathroom, she had insisted that she hadn't needed help, now that I think about it I think that she knew she was going to be sick. I tried to help him with her, she had started swinging her arms around, I ended up with an elbow to the face, seconds before she emptied her stomach all over my suit. She was kind of cute up until that point.


She looked completely pale, kind of like she was going to throw up again.

"Do you see? This is what I live for," Jae smirked getting comfortable in his chair stuffing his face with breakfast.

"Please tell me he's exaggerated," she turned to Shawn with a hopeful look. Shawn pulled a face looking down at his own breakfast.

"It really wasn't a pretty sight," Austin commented.

"I did warn him not to get too close," Shawn stated.

"I should really stop drinking," she dropped her head to the table.

There was a mixture of agreements and laughing. This was the usual reaction when she did something stupid, she would get the complete and detailed recap from Jae, hates herself, says she should stop drinking, but never actually sticks to it. It's kind of like when people regret drinking when they wake up with a hangover but they don't really think twice about drinking at the next gathering.

I never understood it, the choice to drink, I hate the feeling, I hate the taste and it's not worth the hangover in the morning. Not to mention the cost of alcohol is ridiculous.

"Why do you always ruin my day?"

"It's fun for me,"

"I think he's just jealous that you're sleeping with everyone but him," I shrugged,

"I think I'm going to be sick," Thea groaned.

"Don't you think you did enough of that last night?"

"He's never going to want to see me again," she sighed.

"It wasn't that bad," Shawn patted her shoulder.

"Are you kidding me? She projectile vomited all over the guy she likes, how exactly is that not that bad?" Junsun stated.

"Shut up," Austin stated.

"I'm just saying,"

"Look at her face, you don't need to be saying anything," Austin frowned.

"How about you all just shut up and eat your breakfast?" I suggested.

"Here," Doobin placed a bowl of soup in front of me.

"Uh, what is this?" I frowned.

"Soup," he turned around and walked back to the kitchen.


"Thea said you don't eat breakfast, I figured you could drink it," he stated.

"Oh my god," I heard her mutter.

"That kid, I swear," Shawn sighed shaking his head.

"Why does she get soup?" Jae frowned.

"Because shut up," Thea stated.

"What? I like soup," Jae rolled his eyes at her.

"So, do you still want to sleep with nice back?" Thea changed the subject. I stared at her wide-eyed.

"What? No one know's who I'm talking about,"

"Who is Nice Back?" Jae frowned.

"A guy we saw while we were shopping yesterday," I answered slowly, I could see Doobin smirking in my peripheral.

"He had a nice back," Thea nodded.

"You two are weird," Austin frowned.

"So?" Thea ignored him.

"Let's have this conversation later," I stated.

"I'll take that as a yes," she muttered.

"Stop," I stared at her.

"I'm just saying, maybe you should go and find him and just sleep with him," she shrugged.


"Yeah, just get it out of your system,"

Next chapter