
Birthday Mayhem


"So what function are you hosting tonight that has you closing the entire club?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, it's just a private event," he shrugged avoiding eye contact.

"So you're not going over to see Thea tonight?" I asked.

"No, are you?"

"Of course,"

"Do you really think that's a good idea? She hasn't exactly wanted to be in the same room as you let alone spoken to you the past week," he pointed out.

"It's her birthday, can you imagine how mad she will be at me when she stops acting like a child and I didn't go see her?"

"She has her party tomorrow that she's yet to uninvite you from, maybe you should just wait,"

"But her birthday is today,"

"Have you considered apologising to her?" he raised an eyebrow.

"For what? Pointing out what she already knew and what everyone else tells her? Why should I apologise for treating her the same as everyone else does?"

"Because you're not everyone else to her bro, you're supposed to protect her, not attack her,"

"Maybe she should learn to protect herself, I'm supposed to be her friend, not her bodyguard,"


"So are you going to come tomorrow?"

"What's tomorrow?" He frowned at me.

"Thea's birthday party,"

"Oh right, no,"

"What, why?"

"Why would I?"

"Because she invited you?"

"She only invited me because she invited you and didn't want to leave you awkward like she did at the bar," he pointed out.

"All the more reason for you to come,"

"So I can sit there with a bunch of people I don't know? No thank you,"

"You'll know me, and Thea, and Charlie,"

"I don't know Thea and I don't want to know Charlie," he shrugged.

"Why, what's wrong with Charlie?"

"She's moody, rude, and a little on the hoe side," he shrugged again.

"You met her on a bad day, you don't know anything about her. How annoyed do you get when people assume you're a rude trust fun kid because you don't talk a lot?"

"That's different,"

"Not really, you're judging Charlie on one meeting without even knowing her,"

"I don't need to know her," He mumbled turning his attention back to his phone.

"You're just mad that the girl you stalked on Facebook was mean to you," I commented.


"Shopping first?" Thea asked pulling out of the driveway.

"Do you want to walk around looking for clothes after you get your hair and make up some?"

"No," she frowned.

"Then shopping first," I nodded.

"Let's go then," she started driving in the direction of the shopping centre.

"So what are you wearing tonight?" she side glanced at me.

"I don't know, shorts and a shirt," I shrugged flicking through the radio stations.

"Ew, what no," she frowned.

"What do you mean ew?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You're not wearing ordinary civilian clothes to my birthday party,"

"Civilian clothes?"

"Yes, I'm getting a new outfit, so are you,"

I just let out a sigh, there was no point arguing with her because she would keep pushing and start to become irritating if I refused.


"Did you two know?" BM came home in a bad mood.

"Know what?" Had asked not looking up from his phone.

"That Thea was having a thing at Drews tonight for her birthday?"

"Oh, that? You owe me $20," Jae stated side glancing at me.

"For what?" I frowned.

"I bet you $20 that Drew would tell him,"

"I never agreed to that,"

"So you both knew?" BM rolled his eyes.

"Basically," Jae nodded.

"Thea didn't want us to tell you because she didn't want you there, and it is her birthday," I explained.

"She is really blowing this out of proportion, it's getting ridiculous,"

"She's mad, she kind of has a right to be," Jae commented.

"It was a few little comments that she has heard a thousand times before,"

"Not from you," he countered.

"I don't think she's so mad at the comments as much as she is that you haven't apologised and just assumed she would act like nothing happened," I stated.

"You still haven't apologised?" Jae frowned at him.

"For what? She's acting like a child,"

"Your both acting like children, just apologise and stop pulling us in the middle of your tantrum," Jae stated getting up.

"Where are you going?"

"Charlie asked me to do something for her,"

"You're actually going to do something?"

"It beats sitting here listening to McWhiney Pants over there, besides, my for asked me to do and I'm a good bro," he made a small stab at BM before he left.


"What about this?" I held up a red and black low cut dress.

"It's cute, but I feel like it needs to have some kind of green on it," She shrugged.

"You're not wrong," I nodded as she pulled a smug face.

"Yeah I know, always right," I waved her off.

"You say it more than I do,"

"Whatever, so, what are the chances of you letting me choose your outfit?"

"You only want to do that so you don't have to look for yourself," she pointed out

"You don't know that," she frowned.

"Whatever, go ahead,"

"Who is coming tonight anyway?" she let out a sigh.

"The usual people, some old friends, the boys from 1million, Yuri who will probably bring Minsung who will definitely bring Kiwoo," I shrugged purposely throwing the 1million boys in the middle.

I knew Doobin would be there, but I also knew everyone else would be there and the club was closed to everyone but us so it was going to be a little difficult for them to sneak off together. But that being said if they were to sneak off together she may as well look good. I had already picked her out an outfit before I'd even asked her if I could. The mannequin in the store window was dressed in an outfit that practically screamed Charlie, of course, it needed a few additions, like fishnets and probably a belt because her clothes bearly fit her more than once, I swear she loosed weight from simply breathing.


"Seriously? Are the fishnets really necessary?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yuri's going to be there," she shrugged paying for it, I'd tried to argue with her but her response had been 'I'm not paying for it, mum is'. Her parents had sent her guilt money on top of money for her birthday because they couldn't make it down, her brother had done the same. She was acting like it didn't bother her but it was just an act. It was the third birthday they had missed. and it was going to be the second Christmas.

"Plus, you wouldn't have tried it on if you didn't like it," she pointed out.

"Your turn," I stated.

"You know I'm right,"

"I know if you don't want to be late for your own birthday you need to find yourself an outfit so we can go see Kiwoo and Eddy,"

"I already know what I'm buying, but we also need new shoes," she pointed out.

"We have shoes at home,"

"What's your point?" she raised an eyebrow.

"You're avoiding BM," I stated.

"Yep, now new shoes," she handed me the bag leaving the store.

She continued around the shopping centre until we both had an outfit including shoes and accessories.

Then she decided we needed to get something to eat, or at least a coffee so we sat down in a little coffee shop. Her phone started ringing, again, it had been raining all day and she hadn't answered it once. At first, I thought it was BM but he would have given up by now so I was guessing it was probably her parents.

"Do you want to share a Cesar salad?" she asked rolling her eyes at her phone rejecting the call.



I'd given up on trying to call her, she wasn't going to answer so I would just have to go to the club tonight and see her then. She probably won't be too happy with the idea but she'll also be annoyed and both me and herself when she gets over her tantrum. I have never missed one of her birthdays and I wasn't going to stop now just because she was mad at me, especially when her family wasn't going to be here.

"Phone, I'm off the help Jae with some stuff," Sam stated, putting my mobile on the bar top and walking out the front door. Thea's mum's name was flashing across the screen.

"Hey mum," I answered.

"Hey, have you seen Thea today?"

"Not yet, I'll see her later at her get together,"

"I thought her party was tomorrow?"

"It is, but she's decided to have a get together at Drew's tonight because it's her actual birthday and I think she just wants to be around those closest to her to celebrate before having a lot of people,"

"I think she's mad at us for not making it down there,"

"She understands that you can't get away from work, she probably out shopping and can't hear her phone," I explained.


We sat down in the salon chairs, Kiwoo started my hair while Eddy started Charlie's makeup.

"Bitch, who has been marking you?" Eddy raised an eyebrow at Charlie pointing out the mark on her neck.

"What?" she frowned.

"You have a hickey on your neck. What are you? In high school?"

"She's not," I mumbled before laughing at the comment, that earnt me a glare from her.

"So, who marked you?" Eddy pried.

"Uh," Charlie froze which just made Eddy more curious, I noticed Yuri walking in the door right behind Minsung. The words left my mouth before I had a chance to think about it first.

"Yuri did," I pointed at him, he tilted his head slightly at me.

"What did I do?"

"You left a hickey on Charlie's neck,"

"Oh that, yeah I did that," he nodded with a smirk covering for us giving me a look to let me know that I would have to explain later.

"Oh, are you coming tonight?" I asked trying to divert the conversation.

"Are you offering?" he smirked.

We all chatted away, Yuri kept giving both Charlie and eye side smirks which got a little distracting, I think it made Charlie feel a little awkward. By the time both of us had our hair and makeup done, we had just enough time to get dressed and make our way to the club which is exactly what I had planned for.

I did want to see BM, really I did, we always saw each other on our birthdays even if we were both busy or mad at each other. But I get mad every time that I look at his face, he's my safe place and I feel like my safe place have been compromised and what's worse is he doesn't even see why I'm so upset about it and he hasn't made any attempt to apologise.

"Let's get dressed," I chirped as my phone started ringing again.

"You can use the staff rooms," Kiwoo pointed to the stairs that lead up to their staff only area.

"Thanks," I smiled picking up our shopping bags and answering my phone.

"Hey, my mum,"

"Hey my baby," she greeted before switching me over to loudspeaker so that her, dad and my little brother could sing me a happy birthday,"

"Thank you," I sighed as I walked into the staff room.

"We've been trying to call you all day," My dad scolded.

"Sorry, I was out shopping with Charlie and I guess I must have forgotten to take my phone off silent," I lied.

"Did you have a good day at least? What did you get up too?" he asked.

"I did, Charlie and I went shopping for some new clothes, then we got our hair and makeup done. We've had a bit of a girls day, it was fun,"

"So you haven't seen anyone else?"

"Grandma, Nana, and all of the aunts and uncles have called, everyone else I'm seeing tonight, I'm actually about to get dressed and head over to the get-together thing,"

"Alright then,"

"Okay, it's just me," Mum's voice became the only one to fill the receiver.


"Is BM going to be at the get-together tonight?" she pried. She was good at that, trying to pry into my business.

"It is my birthday,"

"And form the tone I got from him earlier I got the feeling that you two are arguing,"

"What did he tell you?" I sighed.

"He told me that he was going to see you at your gathering tonight, but I'm getting from that attitude, that's not the case,"

"Mum, I really have to get dressed now, thank you for the Happy Birthday and the money, I'll call you tomorrow, I love you,"

"I love you too,"


"What time are they suppose to be here?" Austin asked.

Pretty much everyone that was supposed to be here was here, except Charlie and Thea, they seemed to be running late but that wasn't really that unusual and it had only been ten minutes. Drew had done a pretty nice job with the whole club set up. The place looked like it was an actual birthday party, there were balloons everywhere and all kinds of food that I doubted would be eaten, especially with everyone drinking. He's called Jae earlier to go and pick up the cake that Charlie had made and then had to call me because neither of them could remember the type of ice cream cake that Thea had on every birthday.

"I'm sure they'll be here soon," Drew shrugged.

"Who's late for their own party?" Junsun commented.

"Probably you," Koosung shrugged.

"She's on her way, they were just waiting for someone to get ready," Shawn stated.

"Who, everyone is already here?" I frowned.

"I don't know she didn't say," he shrugged.

"Maybe it's BM," Jae stated through the DJ booth microphone.

"I doubt it," I murmured.

"Why isn't BM coming?" McKay frowned.

"They're arguing," Dabit filled him in.

"About what?" Mckay raised an eyebrow.

"No idea," Dabit shrugged.

Dabit and Mckay were Thea's other friends, she'd known them since primary school but they didn't really see each other much anymore, just on their birthdays.

"She said it's Yuri," Shawn answered our curiosity.

Of course, it's Yuri, I don't understand her obsession with him. He's her ex-boyfriend's friend, why did she have to befriend him and what was so great about him that she sleeps with him all the time. I just don't get it. He's not even that attractive.

"Who's Yuri?" Doobin asked.

"Charlie's casual sex outlet," Jae stated. I just rolled my eyes.


We walked into the club, Yuri, was right behind us, Kiwoo and Minsung were going to make their way over once Kiwoo had closed the salon. I could already hear music playing, but it wasn't as loud as it normally was and judging from the random goat sounds that kept sneaking their way into the song I was guessing that Jae was behind the DJ booth.

I almost stopped walking when I noticed Doobin sitting in the booth next to Shawn.

"Dude," I hissed under my breath.

"What?" Thea frowned.

"Why is Doobin here?"

"Doobin's here?" Yuri raised an eyebrow. He had thought it was hilarious when Thea explained the hickey on my neck, she could have done it with a little less enthusiasm, and she definitely could have not had so much fun laughing at me with Yuri. But he was cool with covering for me, his only question was 'is he attractive?'.

"Yeah, the one over there without the sleeves," Thea smirked as I glared at her.

"Nice," Yuri raised his hand expecting me to high five him.

"I'm not going to high five you," I frowned. he grabbed my wrist and smacked out hands together.

"If you're not going to sleep with him I can right?"

"He's definitely not going to sleep with you," I shook my head.

"Then you should totally get on that," he encouraged.

"Would you shut up, I don't need everyone knowing, especially not his brother," I frowned.

"Did you sleep with him too?"

"What? No, I work with him,"

"I sleep with him," Thea stated making her way to the group.

We followed and sat down across from Doobin and Shawn, which was Thea's doing I'm sure, Doobin smirked at me taking a sip from the beer bottle in his hand, it was unfairly attractive.


"So, do you want your present now or tomorrow?" Koosung asked taking a sip from his glass.

"Tomorrow I guess, but you didn't have to get me anything," I shrugged.

"Okay, I'm off then," he stated, getting up from his seat.

"Where are you going?" Shawn frowned.

"She said she wants her present tomorrow," he shrugged.

"And that has what to do with you leaving?" McKay raised an eyebrow.

"I am her present," he announced but sat back down.

"I wouldn't say no," I nodded with a smirk.

"He is offensively hot," Charlie agreed.

"Oh, you're flirting with me again," Koosung pointed at Charlie.

"No," she shook her head.

"Why are you punishing me for sleeping with her, I'm not the only one, no offence," he frowned at her.

"Because you're my work wife,"

"Work wife? You mean work husband?"

"No, I mean work wife," she stated, getting up from the table to go see Jae who was still in the DJ booth.

Most people would assume it was to actually see Jae, maybe to stop talking to Koosung, but in reality, it was to get away from Doobin. No one else would have noticed except Yuri judging by the way he gave me a smirk when she left the table, that Doobin kept making pervy faces at her. Well, they probably didn't look like pervy faces to everyone else but when you know that the two have slept together then S.E.X was written all over his face.

I'm pretty sure the only reason that it was actually making Charlie uncomfortable was that he was Shawn's little brother, and I stress the little brother bit, he was 6 years younger than us. I don't think it would end well if Shawn ever found out, I mean he would eventually have to forgive Doobin, but Charlie not so much and they work together so it's not like it would be as simple as not seeing each other again.

Doobin's eye's followed her across the room without any effort at all, I was guessing he'd had a crush on her for a while. Every now and again Charlie would look back towards the group, assumingly to check if Doobin was still staring at her, which he was.

"Stop it, you're making her uncomfortable," Shawn frowned at his brother.

"I don't think I am," Doobin stated.

"She left the table," Shawn pointed it, Doobin just shrugged.

"Who wants a drink?" I asked.

"We all have a drink, except you," Drew said as he placed a tray of shot glasses full of green liquid with a small slice of pineapple on the rim of the glass.

"Try these," he gestured for us to take one.

"What is it?" McKay frowned.

"It looks like leprechaun pee," Dabit pulled a face.

"I call 'The Thea'" He sounded pretty proud of himself.

"Because it's little?" Jae came up behind him, picking up a shot glass.

"I mean kind of," Drew nodded.

"Because everyone has a shot?" Jae smirked, I couldn't help but laugh at that one.

"Nice," I nodded.

"Would you just try it," Drew sighed.

"Why do we have to try it but you aren't," Sam asked.

"Becuase he's the only one who hasn't?" Jae continued with his insults.

"You're pretty quick tonight, huh?" Charlie asked.

"It's her birthday, it's hard not to," he shrugged.

"3..2..1," Yuri counted down and all at once we tried the green shot.

First, it was sweet then there was a huge kick of alcohol, everyone's reactions were mostly the same which made me feel a little better about feeling like I'd been kicked in the chest.

"What is in that?" Sam frowned.

"It's good," Yuri nodded.

"It's got a nice kick," Austin agreed.

Most of them liked it, I wasn't sure Same ore Jae was a fan but they don't drink a whole lot of hard liquor. I knew there was pineapple juice and Midori but I couldn't figure out it Gin or Rum that was delivering the kick.

"It's Pineapple juice, Midori, Gin, and a little bit of mint,"

"So why do you call it the Thea?" Shawn asked.

"It's little, is a little bit sweet, but has a big kick, also it's green,"

"Can we call them Thea shorts instead of shots?" Jae smirked.


I hesitated outside of the club. Maybe I should just go home and wait for her to cool off completely. I didn't want to upset her on her birthday, but at the same time, I didn't want her to be upset about this when she had cooled off. I sighed and walked towards the entrance, there was music playing and I could hear people laughing before I could see them.

"Hey! I thought you weren't coming?" McKay shouted from across the room. Thea, in the middle of laughing at something someone had said, turned around and the happiness on her face dropped the instant she saw me.

I can't say it didn't hurt a little to see her look at me with disappointment and disdain, but I can't ignore the hurt that she let slip through her hard expression.

"Who told you?" she frowned, then turned her expression towards Drew he just turned around and hid behind the bar.

"Be mad, but I wasn't going to miss your birthday," I shrugged.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes.

"I don't think I have ever seen you two fight," Dabit commented.

"Drew, can I have more Thea's please?" she asked as she drank the rest of the colourfull cocktail in front of her.

"Thea's?" I raised an eyebrow sitting down at the bar, I didn't think I should push my luck by sitting at the table.

"Yeah, I thought it only appropriate to name a drink after her for her birthday, besides I'm sure they'll make me the money back that I'll have lost for closing the club for the night," he joked.

"I never asked you to close the club," she shot over her shoulder.

"Why are you two arguing?" McKay pried.

"Because BM thinks I'm a whore,"

"I never called you a whore," I sighed with a frown.

"Shut up BM, don't set her off," Drew muttered quietly.

"You may as well have,"


Out of the corner of my eye I seen Charlie gesturing for Doobin to follow her as she wandered off to the toilet, clearly taking advantage of the fact all the attention was on both BM and I. I was going to drop the whole thing, but with a mixture of not wanting them to get caught, and the alcohol influence, I couldn't let it go.

"You let everyone else attack you, but the second I do it I'm a horrible person?" BM raised an eyebrow.

"You're not everyone else, you're my best friend, you're the reassurance that everyone else is wrong. They all joke sure, but sometimes I take it seriously and the fact that you turned around and agreed with them felt like the joke was over. You're not supposed to agree with everyone else, at least not to my face, you're supposed to be my safe place and instead, you turned around and stabbed me in the back," I shot.


"Take your shirt off, I'm sick of looking at you through clothes,"

I barely had time to finish my sentence before he was pressing himself into me. I made a note to thank Thea for picking out a skirt, it was far less work.

"Try not to leave marks on me this time," I murmured as his lips connected with my neck.

"No promised," he hummed into my skin which just sent a vibration through my body.

His hands found my waist and he lifted me up on the counter, nearly sitting me in the sink. his hands slid from my waist to my thighs and up my shirt. My back involuntarily arched as his fingers slide under the waistband of my underwear and pulled them off in one smooth motion.

"What did I say about that shirt," my voice came out a little breathless, he didn't respond, he just pulled his shirt over his head as my hands found their way to his belt. I clearly wasn't doing it fast enough because he took over and instead my hands busied themselves with feeing up his perfectly contoured chest.

He positioned himself and I almost let him, until the rational part of my brain managed to gain control for a split second.

"Wait," I placed my hand firmly on his chest stopping him from moving forward.

"What? We don't really have time to chat," there was a sense of urgency that flickered through the lust in his eyes, lust that almost made me forget why I had stopped him in the first place.

"This," was the only word I could manage to say, pulling the condom packed form where I'd hidden it in my bra.

"Seriously?" he raised an eyebrow.

You're smarter than that. But if you don't want to wear it, then I'm out," he just rolled his eyes ripping the packet open with his teeth.

"Try to stay quiet," he smirked.


"Wouldn't be the first time he's stabbed someone," Jae muttered earning a glare from Sam.

I saw Shawn looking around for his brother, then he stood up, he does that when he hasn't seen Doobin for a while, being that Doobin gets himself into trouble Shawn tries to keep an eye on him to minimise the trouble Doobin can cause. Of course, if he continued to look for Doobin then he was going to find Doobin in more than just trouble.

"Thea," BM sighed, Shawn took a few steps towards the bathroom, I panicked not really sure how I was supposed to stop him, I also felt obligated seeing as it was kind of my fault that the two were currently boning in the bathroom. The words left my mouth before I could stop them.

"I slept with Drew," it was like word vomit, the weight of the secret I've been carrying for almost ten years lifted and my legs stopped working. I dropped to the floor. Everyone froze, Shawn looked at me worried, not because of what I had just said but because of my being on the floor.

Everyone was looking at me like I was some kind of exotic zoo animal, I felt like I was going to be sick, and the anger and betrayal on BM's face made me want to hide under a rock, but I settled for hiding my face in my hands.


Everyone was weird, Doobin had come out ten minutes ago. I raised an eyebrow at him he just shrugged. BM had left, Thea was looking down at the glasses on the table, all empty, she looked guilty. Shawn looked mad, everyone else just felt awkward.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jae frowned.


"Thea just told everyone," he shrugged.

"Thea, what did you do?" I asked cautiously.

"I honestly can't believe you to slept together," Sam shook his head.

"Who slept with who?" I panicked.

"I slept with Drew," Thea muttered, her expression emotionless as she drank what was left in her glass.

"It was a long time ago,"

"Oh," relief washed over me.

"Oh? So you did know?" Jae frowned at me. I didn't, but if I said that then it was going to look weird that I was so casual about it.


"How long ago?" McKay frowned.

"Before you," Drew commented.

"Wait, seriously?" McKay frowned.

"Why is Shawn so mad?" I asked Jae quietly.

"BM blew up at Thea, so Shawn got mad and made him leave," he explained.


"How about we stop talking about this and get back to enjoying ourselves?" Austin suggested.

"I have an idea," Koosung smirked at Jae.

"Already on it," Jae nodded.

"Ah, no," I pointed between the two.


Jae made his way over to the DJ booth, a few seconds later Work started to play, Charlie rolled her eyes.


"We'll do it with you," Austin nodded, pulling Shawn to his feet, the other dancers followed suit and they started to dance to the choreography. Shawn's bad mood seemed to fade rather quickly, they were all laughing.

Doobin was all but grinding on her, Shawn intercepted and Charlie avoided him but he still made faces at her that insinuated he wanted to sleep with her. It didn't make me feel any better when Koosung replaced Doobin. It was at that point that I realised Thea and Charlie where the only two girls her, which made me a little bit more than a little mad.

Thea was still down, Drew placed a drink down in front of her, which she sipped at but it didn't change her expression. I mouthed the word 'cake' at him, he nodded letting the others know without Thea overhearing. A minute later everyone was singing Happy Birthday placing the pineapple cake that Charlie had made in front of her. A small smile found its way to her face.


"Here," Drew stated placing the ice cream cake down in front of her with a spoon.

"You're not mad at me?"

"It was bound to come out eventually," he shrugged at her.

"It was word vomit," she sighed.

"That's why I'm not mad," he joked.

"It's better to come out when he is already being a dick, than for you guys to get good and then it comes out,"

"Also you kind of deserved it for telling BM about tonight anyway," she agreed.

"So it wasn't worded vomit?" he teased.

"I guess we'll never know," she shrugged picking up the spoon.

"Photo time," Jae stated, probably another attempt to lighten the mood.

He lifted his phone and everyone tried to get into the frame.

"Someone lifts up Thea, she's so short the camera can't see her," Jae commented.

"I'm sitting down jackass," she frowned at him.

Austin and Shawn lifted her into a seat made of their arms. After the photo everyone sat back down at the booth, continued drinking and ate the cake I had made, they kept telling me how good it was and it better be with how many times I had to sift that damn flour for the cake to be fluffy and moist.

Thea because eating the ice cream cake until she got an ice cream headache, then continued because by that point she was too drunk to realise that it was the cake that was causing her pain.

"Do you want me to take her home with me tonight?" Shawn asked.

"It doesn't bother me either way, ask her," I shrugged.

"Hey Thea, do you want to go home to your own bed or do you want to come with me,"

"I'll come with you," she smirked with a wink.

"Damn girl," Austin laughed.

"Want to join? I could totally go for a Shawn, Austin sandwich," she winked.

"Okay, enough of that," Drew took her glass away.

Next chapter