
Band Practice


"I think that I should just cancel, it's not like I can even play," Sam stated.

He was lying on the lounge, the same place he had been all week. Not that I blamed him, he couldn't go to work and it's not like he could do much else, but he had fallen into a depressed state and that wasn't allowed to happen. Sam is always positive and happy, even if the rest of us weren't.

"Get dressed," I stated.

"Why?" he sighed.

"Because I think you need to go,"

"So I can stand there and watch everyone else play?"

"I'm pretty sure Haka wants your voice in his band, besides I think it would be good for you to be able to be a part of music while you're waiting to play,"

"His name is Leo,"

"Just get dressed, what's the worse that could happen? You decide you don't want to?" I challenged. He let out another sighed getting up.


"Be quick about it, I've got dance rehearsal tonight,"

"You've had dance rehearsal every night this week," he retorted.

"Because I have a show tomorrow," I shot back.

I've also had the past two weeks off from the dance company because of the douche trio and their antics. I felt like I was behind, even if I was told I didn't have to come in ever night.


"This is where he lives?" Charlie frowned.

"It's the address he gave me," I shrugged.

"How exactly does he afford this place?"

"I'm pretty sure he and his friend own it,"

"He owns it? But he looks like a gypsy. I was expecting a bus,"

"I think his family is loaded,"

"Of course," she rolled her eyes.

She had a, not so secret, disdain for trust fund kids. Mostly because they have money they don't have to work for, but Leo was different, he was actually trying to work towards his dream, he just had the luxury of having the cushion cash flow while he did so.

Leo came through the white gate and open the larger white gate to let us up the driveway. He smiled and waited for us to get out of the car.

"How's the shoulder?" was the first thing he said.

"It's nice to see you too Haka," Charlie frowned at him disapprovingly.

"I see Thea is making sure my new nickname is catching on,"

"You are the one who performed the haka in the middle of a bar," I pointed out.

"This is true," he nodded

"So where is this band room?" Charlie asked.

"Follow me," he gestured.

We followed him back through the small white gate which led into the backyard. There was a stepping stone path that forked out leading to the house and what looked to be the garage. In this back corner of the yard was a school bus, I withheld my laugh as Charlie pointed to it giving me an 'I told you so' look.

We turned towards the garage which looked longer than it needed to be. Once we'd followed him through the side door I realised that there was a wall through the centre dividing it into two spaces. We walked through the garage section which was big enough for three cars but only sat one. He led us through another door which brought us to the band room.

"Charlie, Sam, this is Jeff and Dylan," he introduced.


"I need 5 kilos of potatoes peels, 3 kilos of carrots peeled and diced, and a kilo of onions diced," the head chef stated pointing at each of us as he listed the prep items.

"Yes chef," we stated in unison.

He left to give other students instructions. Cory started on the carrots, Benji took the onions, and I was awarded with peeling 5 kilos of potatoes. Technically I didn't even have to be here, but I like taking the extra days just in case something happens and I have to miss a day. Benji and Cory were just behind.

"So, how are talks with that guy going?" Benji wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"We are actually going out to lunch tomorrow," I nodded.

"Want us to come?" Cory offered.

"No, I'm an adult I can go on a date without back up," I frowned.

"Charlie's going with you isn't she?" Benji stated.

"Yes," I mumbled.

"You're so predictable," Cory shook his head at me.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.

"On another note, how are the birthday plans going?"

"Don't even go there," I sighed shaking my head.

"Not well?"

"There are so many people coming and so much food to make, I swear I'm going to spend most of the night cooking, I miss my mum," I whined.

"Are your parents coming down for it?"

"They can't get time off," I shook my head.

"What about your brother?"

"Nope," I cleared my throat.

It wasn't really unusual since they move up north I haven't seen them much, maybe once or twice a year, if I'm lucky. And never on my birthday, is usually the busiest time for them because it's so close to Christmas. But it still sucked, I miss them normally, but even more so on my birthday.

"Well we'll be there," Cory nudged my shoulder with his.

"I'm sure we can be as annoying at your brother," Benji smirked, tears starting to fall from his eyes.

"Awe, bro, are you getting emotional?" Cory teased.

"It's just so sad," he fake sobbed.

"Chef is going to tell you off if you don't stop," I shook my head.

"He's busy giving out tasks," Cory shrugged.

"Thea is right, I'm okay with you guys taking but you need to be serious, especially around knives," Chef was standing behind us arms crossed over his chest.

"Yes chef," Benji nodded.

"Told you," I mumbled.


He wasn't sure, he was definitely reluctant about standing in front of a microphone stand without a guitar. He was fidgety, probably because he's not used to having his hands empty. He looked at me and seemed to calm down a bit, taking a deep breath he nodded at Haka who started to play a melody, Jeff and Dylan joined in and a few seconds later Sam started to sing.

It didn't take him long to fee his comfortable, his hands were on the microphone stand, fingers tapping along to the beat. He even smiled, this was definitely something he should be doing, not just while he's waiting for his shoulder to heal.

"So what do you think?" Haka asked the room, he was already sure he wanted Sam to join the band.

"Good," Jeff nodded, Dylan agreed. The spoke in broken English and it was honestly so cute.

"Sam?" he asked hopeful.

"It was fun," he nodded still unsure.

"So are you joining our band?"

"I have to think about it a little more," he shrugged.

"Okay," Haka nodded disappointedly.

"We have to go to the hospital for a check-up, but I'll call you when I decide," Sam stated. His appointment wasn't for another hour an a half but I didn't say anything, it was clear he wanted to leave which just confused me.


It was fun, and I enjoyed it until I realised how much I already missed playing guitar. It was like being hit by a bus, and I just wanted to leave.

"Oh, okay," Leo nodded confused.

He offered us something to eat before we left but I really just wanted to get out of here, I felt like I couldn't breathe. It took all I had to not run to the car, Charlie followed behind me with a concerned look plastered on her face.

"What's wrong?" she frowned as we pulled out of his driveway.

"Nothing," I shook my head, I felt really stupid.

"Right," she raised an eyebrow. I sighed.

"I didn't think it would be that hard to not play guitar, I felt like I was suffocating,"

"Playing guitar as always been your outlet, it's how you vent and you haven't been able to do that so you've been bottling everything. It's no wonder you felt that way," she stated.

"I guess,"

"You just need a new outlet,"

"Like what?"

"Why don't you start writing music again? Your new band is going to need original songs," she hinted.

"You think I should join?"


"Because it will stop me from moping on your couch?"

"No, because you enjoyed it because it's something that I think you suit and works for you,"

"But also the couch thing," she smirked.

"So what now?"

"I don't know, your appointment isn't for another hour or so," she shrugged.


"I know this great cafe,"


"Hey, there brother of mine," Coco walked through the door.

"How was your time down south?" I asked not looking up from my clipboard.

"12, 7, 42, 69," Jae laughed.

He had been sprouting out random numbers for the last 10 minutes because I was doing stocktake and writing up the new order. He thought it would be fun to see how many times he could make me restart counting. So far, I'd had to start again twice.

"It was fun, sorry we stayed longer than planned, you didn't need my help here did you?"

"Nope, if I opened this place on the condition of you help then I would be a little screwed what with your job involving a lot of travel,"

"Right, so how is Sam?"

"He's okay, in a bit of a self-pity state, he's been sitting on the girls' lounge for the past week. He hasn't been up for much so,"

"He was supposed to have band practice today, I'm not sure he went through," Jae shrugged before continuing with counting.

"Bro, would you shut up?" I frowned.

"Did you screw up again?" He smirked.

"Can you go and distract him or something, I need to get this done," I sighed.

"Why don't I do that? You're irritable and likely to make a mistake," she slid the clipboard towards her.

"You think you can block him out?"

"I've spent half of my life blocking him out," she commented, I frowned.

"What? He's super irritating," she shrugged.


I parked the car and we walked into the cafe. Skye who was behind the counter smiled up at me she was new and really only got called into work when me or Jae couldn't come in.

"Hey, I thought you worked this morning,"

"I did, we were just in the area and thought we would stop by for a coffee," I shrugged.

"Do you want to make it?" she asked.

"Sure," I nodded as Whitney walked through the door.

"Oh thank god," she sighed when she saw me.

"Is your boss being a pain?" I raised an eyebrow.

"He was fine this morning, then we had a double booking with important meetings because he has temporary receptionists, it was a mess and he couldn't even have coffee because you finish at 12," she vented.

"Do you want me to make a few?"

"Yes," she nodded.

"I can do it," Skye smiled, I think she was trying to help.

"It's fine," I shook my head.

"But you're not supposed to be working," she frowned.

"My boss won't drink the coffee unless it's made by her," Whitney shrugged.

"Then why did you come in, know she had finished her shift?"

"Because the coffee cake you guys have he loves, so I figured if he couldn't have coffee, the cake would be a fair substitute,"

"Guess who makes the coffee cake," I smirked.

"You're like some kind of coffee wizard," she laughed.

"Not really," I shook my head.

"Is it weird that I know your work schedule?" she laughed to herself.

"I think is weird that your boss only drinks my coffee," I shrugged.

"Oh I'm so sorry, can I get you anything?" Skye asked Sam who had sat in one of the waiting chairs.

"I've got it," I shook my head.

"Oh he's your boyfriend?" she raised an eyebrow. She had flirty eyes, I didn't like it, so instead of saying no.

"Yes," I stated seriously giving her a warning look. She backed down pretty quickly.

"I didn't think you had a boyfriend," Whitney hummed.

"Now you know, how many coffees do you want?"

"Can I have 3, no wait, four,"

"It's 2 in the afternoon, what does he need with four coffees?"

"He has to stay late to get stuff done, he has plans tomorrow and can't come I to the office," she shrugged.

"It must be nice having your own business and deciding when to work or not," I commented.

"I'm pretty sure he's going on a date his friend is setting him up,"

"Maybe he'll get laid and be less high strung"

"Here's hoping," she laughed.

"How about I get you some coffee cake too?"

"I love you," she laughed.


Sam and Charlie still weren't home at 6.30 so I was guessing that Charlie had just taken him with her to dance practice. I still hadn't asked her about coming to lunch but I was pretty sure I knew how I could get her there without actually asking g. She probably wouldn't be happy about it but from the photos I've seen of Mark, she'll be fine with it after a while.

It was almost 9 when o started cooking dinner. She would have finished practice at nine and it only takes about half an hour to drive from there to here.

I decided o making fried rice because it took a while to make and also Sam loves rice so I k ow he would eat it. He's been a little off food lately which for Sam is really weird but I guess with everything he's been through lately is a little expected.

He had been staying with us since his surgery because for starters is more sanitary here, and the boys would be any help with changing Sam's dressing, they would try but they would just mess around or be grossed out by it. Also, there was no way Charlie was going to let him out of her sights for a while. The other two tried to stay here too, but she just kicked them out.

"I smell rice," Sam exhaled as he walked through the door, followed by Charlie. Volk bolted down the hallway, instead of jumping up like he normally does he nudge his head against Sam's hand like he knew Sam was injured.

"Yes you do," I nodded turning the stove off.

"Great, I'm starving," he picked up a bowl.

"How did practice go?" I asked casually, he sort of shrugged but didn't actually answer. I looked over at Charlie who just shook her head as if to tell me to let it go.

"Do you want some?" I asked her.

"Do we have seaweed?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Duh," I waved the snack packets in the air.

"Then yes," she nodded.

I waited until we were sitting in the lounge room eating before I mentioned anything. That way it came out more casual and she wouldn't think that I was up to something.

"You have your dance show tomorrow night huh?"


"What time do you have to be there?"

"5, why?" She frowned.

"I was just thinking that after the past few weeks we've had we could have a bit of a girls day, we could go see Kiwoo and get out hair done, you could get your nails done, maybe a bit of shopping and some food?"

"Don't call it a girls day," she shook her head.

"Dudes day?"

"It would save me having to do my hair and makeup," she nodded.

"And if you don't want to wear your stage outfit then you can just bring it I your bag," I shrugged.

"That would mean carrying a bag. Pass. But sure," she nodded.

"So we'll leave here at about 12 tomorrow?" I suggested.

"What am I supposed to do?" Sam frowned.

"We can drop you off at the bar?" I shrugged.

"Or at Haka's," Charlie mumbled.

"You really think I should do it?" He sighed.

"Yes, I do,"

"I'll think about it," he sighed.


"Can you guys drop me off at the bar on your way?" I asked.

"Sure," Charlie walked out of her room dressed in a fishnet bodysuit under a cropped top and short that wear barely visible under the shirt she had tied around her waist. Like, Damn. I mean she is always attractive, but when she is stage ready, I mean, wow.

I mean she is always attractive, but when she is stage ready, I mean, wow

"Ready to go?" Thea followed.

"You're pretty dressed up for a girls day," I commented.

"What's the point in getting your hair and makeup done just to be wearing g shabby clothes?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Point taken," I nodded.

"Let's go," She chirped.

The dropped me off, asked me the usual motherly questions, well Thea did. Charlie just told me not to do anything stupid.

BM was stocking the shelves when I walked in, he seemed a little surprised to see me.

"Hey man, how did you get here?" He frowned.

"The girls dropped me off, they're heading I to Perth for a girls day," I shrugged.

"Sure they are," he laughed nodding.

"Seriously, that's what they're doing,"

"That's what Thea told Charlie they're doing,"

"I'm confused,"

"Thea is having lunch with that guy she's been talking too and she didn't want to go along e but she figured Charlie would just say no, this a girls day," he explained.

"Won't Charlie feel a little third wheeled?"

"He is bringing a friend too, but we all know how Charlie feels about being forced into something,"

"She gone be mad," Jae walked down the stairs.

"Should we text her?"

"She won't get it, she has a dance show today," Jae stated.

Charlie generally ignored all calls and texts when she had a show, mainly so she couldn't be called into work or something. If there was something important they would have Thea's number.

"I feel bad for the guy that has to deal with her," BM smirked.

"She's not that bad," I frowned.

"Are you kidding me? Not only is she being forced into something, shes being tricked into being forced. The attitude that guy is going to get,"

"And I bet you she is in her stage outfit because she's too stubborn to carry a bag," Jae stated.

It hadn't registered in my head that she was wearing her stage outfit, which wasn't really too different from what she normally wears, but she was showing more.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I frowned.

"Nothing really," he shrugged.

"Stop stirring the pot," BM shook his head.

"What?" Jae raised an eyebrow.

"So what brings you home?" BM turned to me.

"I just thought I would come and hang,"


"My lyric books are here," I said as I headed upstairs.

They were in a box under my bed, I had never been so glass to have a loft style bed. I slid the box over to the sitting area, also under my bed, and sat down.


"Bitch, did you get a new job?" Eddy raised an eyebrow at me when we walked in.

"What are you trying to say?" He just pulled a face.

"She has a dance show tonight," Thea stated.

"No kidding," he laughed.

"Seriously?" Thea sighed.


"Your friend is here," she pointed at Yuri.

"Why are you surprised?" I raised an eyebrow.

Yuri was best friends with MinSung, who also happened to be dating Kiwoo. Yuri noticed us as smirked walking over. Thea let out another sigh, she still wasn't over that face that he had slept with us both.

"Hey girls," he winked.

"Hey," I nodded.

"Yuri," Thea stated before walking away, he just let out a slight laugh.

"What brings you here?" He asked.

"What do you think?

"Dance show?" He raised an eyebrow looking me up and down.


"Maybe I should come," he shrugged.

"Hey," MinSung joined us.

"Hey," I nodded.

"You kind of look like a hooker,"

"And you're dressed kind of like a dick,"

"Oh, actually he is a dick," Yuri smirked.

"Charlie," Kiwoo smiled.


"You two aren't bothering my clients are you?"

"Not just dressed like one then," Minsung joked.

"Shut up," I frowned.


"Go have lunch and get out of my salon," Kiwoo ushered them out.

"See you at home babe," Minsung kissed him.

"Where is mine?" Yuri puckered.

"You already had him once. He's mine now," Kiwoo playfully glared at him.

"You got told," I smirked.

"Yuri is kind of like you, he has slept with everyone," Charlie stated.

"Hey, we are nothing alike, besides Minsung has slept with more people in this room,"

"Not true, Yuri as slept with everyone we know in here except Kiwoo," she corrected me.

"Seriously?" I frowned at Eddy.

"Bitch, don't you come for me. You've seen him," he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"So what are we doing today?"

"I want something different, I don't know what but you know me," I shrugged.

"And you?"

"Colour fix, makeup and maybe my nails,"

"Let's get started,"

Next chapter