
Spill & Splash


I was stocking the bar shelves with the bottles of alcohol that were delivered this morning, it as getting really close to the opening and I was getting really excited and nervious about it. I've been working so hard to get this bar open, and now it was finally happening in just over a week. I wasn't really sure how I was going to feel about everything after the bar was finally open, it's a weird feeling, finally accomplishing something you've been working years towards.

"Yo, when are the guys coming out to remodel the bathroom?" Jae asked leaning on the bar.

That was literally the only thing left to do. Not that the other bathroom wasn't functional, unless you ask the girls who were insistent about it needing to be renovated. But I had the money there to do it so there was no point leaving it.


"That's good," he nodded.

"Why? It's not like you can't use it now," I frowned at him.

"Oh, no it was working great, it's just that is currently raining in there," he shrugged casually.

"What?" I stopped what I was doing.

"Yeah I think a pipe burst, I'm off busking, see ya," he walked out.

I put the bottle down on the floor and ran upstairs. I could hear it before I could see it, we had pulled the dry wall down ready for the guys to come in tomorrow and redo it all, the exposed pipe was spraying out across the room. The showers was still running, I'm guessing Jae didn't feel like dealing with it. I fought my way through the rocketing water to turn the tap off before rushing down stairs to turn off the water main. I sighed making my way back up the stairs with the mop from the kitchen storage. I sighed again stopping at the bathroom doorway, I didn't need this, this is the last thing I needed. I stopped starring at the flooded room and started pushing the water towards the drain.

"Dude, what happened?" Sam yawned behind me wearing nothing but a pair of grandpa pyjama pants and the necklace he never takes off.

."A freaking pipe burst,"


"There goes my back up savings," I shook my head.

"It can't cost that much to fix, can it?"

"It can if the pipe needs replacing, and judging by the age of the building and the rust, it will probably be better in the long run to just replace them. I should have done it when I got the pipes replaced downstairs. I just didn't think they would be as bad here," I sighed.

"Don't let Thea know, she told you to replace them," Sam smirked.

"I know, but I'm going to have to. We're going to need somewhere to stay until this is fixed, because I can't turn the water back on with the pipe like that,"

"I'll ring Charlie and let her know," Sam yawned again.

"Why? I have a key,"

"Yeah but if we don't tell them then they'll get annoyed," he stretched wondering back to his bed to get his phone. They wouldn't be annoyed in the slightest, I'm sure they half expect us to show up, and we're there more than we're here recently.

I continued pushing the water towards the drain which was irritating, half of the water washed over the drain without going in. After the forth time is just got ridiculous and I let my temper get the better of me and threw the mop across the room, hitting a pipe which just made me yell.

"She's not answering," he said slowly, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Why don't I do that?" he shook his head at me.

"You can call Thea, she'll answer,"

"Not if she's working," I mutter but when to ring her anyway.


I was cleaning up my lunch when my phone started ringing. I sighed pulling it from my pocket. I was already running a little late.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Thea, how are you?" BM's voice filled the receiver.

"What do you want?" I sighed lifting my tray and rushing towards the bin.

"Uh, I need a favour,"


"So, we need somewhere to stay for a week or so, can we crash at yours?"


"A pipe in the bathroom burst,"

"Are you serious?" I frowned putting the tray down and turning around, walk-in straight into someone.


"What?" He asked.

"I'll call you back, it's fine you have keys,"I said hanging up.

"I am so sorry," I apologised, looking up at the person I'd just walked into. I had just caused an attractive guy to spill his soup on himself. I was really hoping that it wasn't hot, but judging by the way he pulled the shirt from sticking to himself, it wasn't cold.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" I frowned grabbing a hand full of napkins.

I honestly don't know what I was thinking, I just know I didn't want him to get burnt badly. So I took the handful of napkins, lifted his shirt and dabbed the soup that had soaked through, I didn't register what I was doing until I looked up and he was smirking down at me.

"Oh my god, what am I doing," I muttered to myself quickly stepping back.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention," I avoided looking him in the eye.

"Pretty elaborate scheme, spilling soup on me to see my abs," he smirked.

"I did not, it was an accident,"

"I was kidding, are you okay?" he smiled this adorable goofy smile.

"I'm fine, I didn't get hot soup spilt all over me,"

"It's not hot, it's cold noodle soup" he smiled.

"Oh my gosh, I thought I'd burnt you, that's why I did that, who eats cold noodle soup , that's a little weird, but I don't know why I didn't just dab the shirt, it's not like I wanted to feel you up or anything I just didn't want you to burn, not that your not attractive enough to feel up it's just not something I normally do to people I never meet, not that I do it to people I have met. Oh my god stop talking," I rambled until I covered my own mouth.

"People who are working and only have a short lunch break, that's who eats cold noodle soup,"

"Oh shoot, I'm late," I realised I was suppose to be back in fifteen minutes which meant I would have to run, probably.

"Wait, can I give you my number? You kind of owe me a soup," he stated.

"Ah, sure. But I really do have to go," I handed him my phone. He dialed his number into my phone and rang himself, or at least that's what I was assuming.

"What are you doing?" I frowned.

"Making sure I have your number too, I don't want to feel hopeless waiting around waiting for you to message me," he winked.

"You're kind of weird," I frowned wondering if I was going to regret this.

"Here," he handed me my phone back.

"Aren't you late?" He raised an eyebrow when I stared at him.

"Shit, yeah, sorry again," I called and I all but ran out of the food court.

I was half way back when I realised I didn't even know his name. Good job Thea, you're so stupid. Charlie was going to think it was hilarious when I told her later.


We got to the girls house, BM had spent twenty minutes at home trying to find his key, probably because he was too busy ranting to actually be looking properly.

The minute he unlocked the door Volk came barreling out, I'd expected him too, he knew the sound of my car and I didn't come and see him nearly enough.

"Dude, hurry up, if one of the cats get out the girls will kill us," BM frowned at me.

"Relax, they're probably sleeping with Polo,"

"Sora won't be, she's a little guard cat," he wasn't wrong.

Sora was Charlies kitten, this small little ball of fluff that wasn't scared of anything, the minute she heard a noise she was up and ready to investigate, which was probably a good thing considering their dog Polo was basically deaf. Volk was mine, he stayed with the girls because it wasn't safe to have him in the bar while it was under construction, and he was an energetic dog, we didn't have a yard, the girls do. But I try to come by as much as possible to see him, and he loses his mind when I do.

"Come on," I called making my way up the few stairs that lead into the backroom.

It used to be a porch but the owner had closed it in and converted it into another space, the girls used half for an entertaining area and half for their office, probably because they converted their office space into a spare room for us to stay in. The next room was used as an entrance way with a cupboard for shoes and they also used it as their laundry, off the room to the left was their bathroom. The other door off the front room, took you through into the kitchen/dining area with the spare bedroom coming off the dinning room. Down the hallway, there was a door on either wall, the right leading to Thea's room, the left to Charlie's and the door at the end lead to the lounge room and that was their whole house.

Down the hallway, there was a door on either wall, the right leading to Thea's room, the left to Charlie's and the door at the end lead to the lounge room and that was their whole house

Volk followed me through into the spare bedroom which would look a whole lot bigger if 90% of the space wasn't taken up by a bunk bed, double on the bottom, single on the top. They got that expecting the three of us to sleep in here, but most of the time it's just me and sometimes Jae, but most of the time he sleeps in with Charlie and BM sleeps on the lounge or in Thea's bed. He prefers lounges to bed for some reason but he has no problem sleeping in Thea's bed.

"Make sure we don't leave out bags out here, Thea will have a freak out if we mess up the house," BM stated.

"She thinks the house is a mess if there is a plate in the sink," I pointed out.

"Let's just make sure our bags are in the room," he shrugged.

"What time do they even get home today?"

"Charlie I have no idea, she has volunteer and work today," he shrugged.

"She'll be home about 7," I shrugged.

"Thea will be home around 6-6.30 but she's got rehearsals tonight so she'll be gone until 11 ish," he shrugged.

"How do those two even function, I swear they never have and free time but they're always around,"

Charlie managed to juggle work, studying both at home and on campus, volunteer work and still was able to do dance classes and her occasional on stage performance as well. Thea does study and industry placement for school, she used to work, and does burlesque classes as well stages and a competition here and there. Yet some how they're always around causing trouble or just being a pain.


Sam's car was in our car port when I got home, but Thea's wasn't which was a little odd, she was normally home before me on a Wednesday. Sora was waiting for me when I walked in the door, as soon as she seen me she did her adorable little kitten meow. Volt wasn't waiting but he did come running down the hallway.

"Hey, do you want dinner?" I patted his head when he sat at me feet. He turned and went back down the hallway after his greeting. He definitely missed Sam when he wasn't here.

"I guess not,"

I put my bag down on the kitchen counter and picked Sora up, she meowed again, Shire, Thea's cat can wandering out of Thea's room and also meowed at me.

"Is it dinner time?" I asked putting Sora back down and walking into the kitchen, both cats followed closely behind me and meow louder when I picked up their bowls.

"It was dinner time hours ago," Jae came down the hallway.

"Are we starved?" I asked emptying a satchel into each bowl, ignoring Jae.

Sora sat down and did her cutest kitten meow which she saved just for dinner time, I called the dogs, Polo wondered up the hallway, Volk wasn't far behind,he just had to have Sam escort him.

"Do I have to sit and meow for my food too?" Jae asked, once I'd place the bowls down.

"Why are you complaining to me about dinner? It's not Thursday and I'm not Thea, I don't cook for you," I walked to my room to get changed, he followed behind me. Sam stayed in the Kitchen because if he left Volk would follow.

"But I'm hungry," Jae wined.

"Why are you here?" I asked changing my shirt.

"We're staying here for a couple weeks," he shrugged.


"A pipe burst in the bathroom,"

"BM had those replaced,"

"The down stairs once were replaced, the upstairs weren't,"

"Well you know where the kitchen is,"

"I'm not cooking in Thea's kitchen,"

"Just done make a mess," I stated stepping out of my pants, sliding on a pair of shorts.

"She'll know," he whispered.

"She should be home soon, just wait,"

"But I'm starved," he laid down on my floor.

"That's great," I shrugged pulling m bra off, and throwing at him, it his him n the face.

"Throw that in the basket behind you,"

"Ew, it smells like boob sweat,"

"My boobs don't sweat," I frowned.

"My nose tells a different story,"

"How would you even know what boob sweat smells like? You're like a forever virgin, girls see your face and you're automatically friend zoned,"

"Yeah well I Live with BM,"

"My boobs don't sweat either, I have pecks," BM called.

"Fine you're bra smells like peck sweat,"

"Has anyone actually heard from Thea?" I rolled my eyes stepping over him and making my way into the lounge room.

"I tried to ring her but she's not answering her phone, she did curse down the phone and tell me she'd call me later," BM shrugged.

"Maybe she cut herself again," Sam suggested who was now back in the lounge room with Volk at his feet.

"She doesn't actually cut herself that much," BM defended.

"She shouldn't be allowed in a kitchen, the girl is a walking hazard," Jae stated diving onto the lounge I was in the processes of sitting.

"And you want her to feed you?" I asked sitting on him.

"I don't care if she cuts her finger off as long as it's not in my food, now get off my you fat shit,"

"Yo, this cushion talks, and kind of lumpy," I hit him a few times like I was trying to beat the lumps out of an actual cushion.

"Move fatty," he pushed me enough to sit up.

"Doesn't Thea have burlesque tonight? You mentioned it earlier," Sam asked turning to BM.

"Yeah but she normally comes home first," he frowned.

"She's an adult, she's fine," I stated.

"She's barely an adult," BM commented.

"They worked late today, I seen her when she was on her way to the train station, I though I was going to get a lift but she told me she was going straight to burlesque," Jae stated picking up a handful of chips out of the bowl on the coffee table.

"And I'm the fat shit," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm starving," he shrugged.


"Food's here," I heard Jackson call through the house. I'd just got out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and made my way out into the hall between the bathroom and my bedroom.

"What'd you get?" I asked standing next to my bedroom door.

"Soup," he smiled like an idiot.

"Okay," I frowned at him.

"Did you just get home from work?" he asked unpacking the food onto the bench.

"About half an hour ago, I had meetings all day,"

"That doesn't sound so bad," he commented as I opened my door to get get dressed.

Jackson had moved the food to the coffee table and was flicking through TV channels when I came back out. He was in a pretty good mood and it looked like he wanted to tell me something but was waiting for me to ask about it. I thought about waiting until he couldn't wait anymore but then he would probably sulk a little about me not asking.

"You're in a good mood, did they move you out of the city?"

"No," he shook his head, smirking.

"So what happened?"

"I was on my lunch break, and this girl wasn't really paying attention to where she was going and she ran into me spilling my soup all over me,"

"And that's a good thing?"

"She was adorable, she was worried I would get burnt and tried to wipe the soup off, feeling me up in the process then went on the rabble about how she was worried and she doesn't normally feel people up, then she ran off because she was running late for something but I got her number first,"


"You attacked a poor girl with soup just to get her number? How desperate are you getting? Because I can set you up with someone from work, I'm pretty sure my assistant is single,"

"I don't need setting up, and she ran into me," I frowned.

"Does she have a name or are we going to keep calling her she?"

"Of course she has a name," I rolled my eyes then realised she didn't tell me her name.

"I just don't know it," I sighed.

"How do you not know her name?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I told you she was in a hurry,"

"You managed to get her number but not her name?"

"Yeah, I called my phone from hers,"

"Well at least she has your name, just text her,"

"She doesn't have my name either,"

"You didn't save your number in her phone?"

"No, I did,"

"So what did you say your name was if you didn't write Jackson?" he raised and eyebrow

"Wild and sexy," I murmured.

"You're and idiot, this girl is never going to talk to you," he shook his head at me.

"Yes she will," I stated but honestly I wasn't sure either.

"Have you messaged her?"

"Not yet,"

"So text her," he baited.

"I will, later, after I've finished eating,"


"You know, I was actually really happy about it and now you've made me disappointed because she's going to ignore me now," I sighed.

"You don't know that," he stated absently.

"You're mean,"

"Just text her,"



I pulled into the driveway in between BM and Charlie's car and behind Sam's. Our front yard looked like a car yard. The lights in the lounge room were on so I was betting that's were they were, I picked up the plastic bags which were heavier than I thought. Usually I just beep the horn and one or all of the boys come out to get them, but it was almost 11 at night and the neighbors on both sides, and basically the whole street except for three houses including our own, were inhabited by elderly residents. BM greeted me at the door holding his hand out for some bags.

"Want some help?" he asked but I was already handing him half.


"Oh, Chinese," he hummed.

"I was going to get pizza but with the lactose intolerant idiots in there I figured I could get more Chinese for the same price,"

"They would have eaten it anyway,"

"I know, but I don't want them destroying my bathroom," I stated, he nodded.

"You look tired," he commented.

"My limbs feel like jelly," I yawned nodding.

"Do want this on plates?"

"No just take it through to the lounge room, I'll get cutlery,"


"I hear bags," Jae called.

He was laying over Sam using Charlie as a pillow when I walked into the room. Volk got up from Sams feet to greet me.

"Hey buddy," I patted him on the head, he licked my hand and went back to where he got up from.

"Enjoy," I yawned slightly placing the bags in my hand on coffee table.

"Cutlery is in the bag,"

"Come sit down and eat," BM patted the lounge next to him.

"Maybe later, I need a shower, can I borrow your iPod? My phone died like four hours ago and the stupid charger cord is nowhere to be found in my car,"

"That's because you threw the old one out and left the new one on the kitchen table," Charlie nodded pointing to the TV cabinet we're her iPod sat.

"Of course I did," I sighed.

"Go shower then come eat something or you'll get grumpy," BM instructed.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.

"She's already grumpy," Jae commented.

"Eat your food, your welcome by the way," I picked the iPod up and made my way down to the bathroom.


Polo got up from his bed where he was sleeping with the cats to follow her.

"Didn't I say hello? I'm sorry," she called, her tone was softer.

"Why is she always nicer to the animals then she is to me?" Jae frowned.

"Because she likes the animals," I shrugged.

"Whatever, let's just eat," Jae rolled his eyes.

"Wait a minute," I stated getting up.

"For what?" he frowned at me.

"I'm going to put some aside for Thea before you and Sam eat it all,"

"Hey, Charlie is here too," Jae defended.

"And she'll eat like three spoon fulls and be done," I retorted.

"She eats more than that, you make her sound like she has an eating disorder or something," Sam defended Charlie.

"He's not completely wrong," she shrugged.

"You don't have an eating disorder,"

"No shit idiot," she rolled here eyes.

They were still bickering when I got back from the kitchen with a plate for Thea. Sam was picking at the food, I frowned at him and he just shrugged. I swear the only time Jae is actually quiet for more than 5 seconds is when he is eating. Charlie and Sam aren't generally huge talkers, Thea and Jae however barely shut up, unless they're tired, but then again that depends on what level of tired Thea is because is she is over tired some how she manages to talk more than she does normally.

"Yo, did she fall asleep in the shower?" Jae asked with a mouth full of food.

"If anyone was going to it would be her," Sam nodded.

"Shut up Samantha," she came into the room towel drying her hair.

"It lives," I commented.

"Barely," she nodded at the same time both Jae and Charlie said;


"I hope you both choke," Thea rolled her eyes as the two fist bumped each other.

"Isn't that more your thing?" Jae asked.

"That's disgusting," she frowned sitting on the floor at my feet.

"She's like BM's pet," Jae smirked.

"You can sleep outside if you like?" She was getting cranky.

"Come here crabby," I sat her between my legs and started massaging the tension from her shoulders.

"Did someone have a bad day?" Sam asked.

"No actually I had a really good day,"

"Really? because we thought you probably cut yourself," Jae commented.

"Why would you think that?"

"Because you practically hung up on BM," he shrugged.

"I never hung up on him,"

"I never said she hung up on me,"

"I was on my lunch break and already running late to get back then I ran into the super attractive guy and doused him in his own soup,"

"That was stupid," Jae commented.

"Did you make it worse?" Sam asked.

"Why would you assume I made it worse?"

"You are kind of known for doing or saying stupid things then making it worse," Charlie stated.

"I didn't make it worse," Thea defended in herself, dragged out the sentence which usually meant she was lying.

"So what did you do to this poor guy?" Jae asked.

"I told you, I knocked his own soup all over him."

"And then?" I asked.

"And then felt him up and made an idiot of myself,"

"You rambled," Charlie accused.

"I did not," Thea continued to try and defend herself but we all knew better, she rambled when she was nervous, embarrassed, tired, bored and sometimes angry but that's more or a rant than a ramble.

"Wait, felt him up how?" Jae smirked.

"Uh, well I thought the soup was hot turns out it wasn't which is weird, why order cold soup? and so I didn't want to be the idiot that burnt this guy so instead I'm the idiot that took a handful of napkins, put it up his shirt and wiped off his perfectly toned abs,"

"Up his shirt?" Charlie smirked.


"What is wrong with you?" Sam frowned.

"He had pulled his shirt away from himself I don't know what I was thinking," she huffed leaning back into me, it was generally her way of telling me to stop massaging.

"You sexually assaulted someone after attacking them with their own food?" Sam raised an eyebrow.

"Not on purpose,"

"I think the feeling him up was, maybe not consciously," Charlie stated.

"That has got to be the new top of stupidest Thea moments," Jae laughed. She kicked her leg out hitting him in the shin.

"Ow," Jae frowned at her.

"If it was so dumb then how come he wanted my number?" she tried to make her point.

"Dry cleaning?" Sam shrugged.

"Emotional damages?" Charlie added.

"So he can give the police your contact details?" Jae laughed again.

"He doesn't even know my name," she defended

"Did you give him your number?" I frowned.

"Well yeah, but I have his number too, he rang his phone from mine,"

"Nope, that is the top of stupidest Thea moments," Jae shook his head.


"What if he's a crazy psycho?" Sam asked.

"He'd have to be," Jae nodded.

"Because he wanted my number?" Thea sounded offended.

"You don't really have a great track record when it comes to sane guys," I nodded.

"Dude, you attacked the guy, felt him up and then he wanted your number?" Charlie raised an eyebrow.

"What's the guys name? You can generally tell a guy is a psycho by their name,"


"No you can't you idiot," Charlie frowned.

"Are you telling me you would trust a guy called Freddy? Or Jason? Or Pennywise?"

"Who calls their kid Pennywise?" She frowned at him.

"Other psychos," he shrugged.

"I don't know his name I only know what he save his number under," I rolled my eyes.

"That's generally his name,"

"I don't think his actual name is Wild & Sexy," I frowned realising a second after it was too late that I probably shouldn't have told them all that. They burst into laughter.

"Okay apparently you can tell they're a psycho by their name," Charlie laughed.

Next chapter