
Chapter 1108 - The Demon Way

Among demonkind, there are as many different species as there are tunnels in the Dungeon. As with any distribution among a monster-type, some are common, while others are exceedingly rare.

The reasons for this are worthy of a dissertation of their own, but in brief, some species are more stable, leading to a higher survival rate, some are weaker at earlier stages of evolution, leading to a lower survival rate, and some require a unique inclination within the monster itself to come about. There is also a great deal of nuance between Demon species that not all delvers appreciate.

A Murder Demon and a Slaughter Demon are superficially the same. Both are Obsessed with death and must fight and defeat others to satisfy their obsession. A short moment of consideration will reveal the differences, and which is more dangerous. A Slaughter Demon is never satisfied, its obsession never fulfilled, and is therefore much more dangerous to be around.

The most deadly of all demons are those that are rare, with obsessions that drive them to endanger others.

War Demons are a common tier seven Demon that is feared for good reason. They seek conflict always, never happier than when they are engaged in a large scale battle in which they rule.

Far more terrifying is the Massacre Demon. Evolved from the Slaughter Demon, this species is truly monstrous in its methods.

The Sanguine Demon, an evolution of the Blood Demon, is exceedingly rare, and incredibly deadly, able to exert power over vital fluid in any organism that draws close, even monsters.

Perhaps the most deadly of all demons, is the line of Ash. From the Burning Demon at tier five, to the Ash Demon at tier six, and then the Destruction Demon at tier seven, these monsters embody the power of destruction that hides within the ash of the third stratum. Even being near them can cause a monster to begin to break apart.

Needless to say, they are best avoided by any delving team.

- Notes for the Union Third Stratum guide book, provided by Odessus.

Odin didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to think. He had seen the Demon God, and it was clear that Anthony had not. Almost against his will, the visage of that horrifying monster flashed in his mind.

Arconidem was huge, massive beyond all sense of proportion. A larval demon larger even than the ant before him, its fang-filled grin flickering red from the light cast by the burning pools of lava. His two long arms were tipped with claws that smoked from the heat burning within. The Demon God rested atop an enormous throne that radiated with power, formed of bone and flesh. For that was no simple chair, but a part of his body, the four legs shifting, clawed feet shredding the ground every time they moved.

He hadn't been physically present at that time, so it was hard to say just how large Arconidem was. If Odin had to guess, he would say the Demon God sat fifty metres from the ground, the back of his throne reaching far, far higher.

Closer to a building than a monster.

And this ant wanted him to say what!?

[I can tell what you're thinking,] Anthony said.

Odin recoiled internally, though he showed no outward reaction.

[I thought you weren't reading my mind.]

[There is absolutely no need. You think I'm an idiot, and that you would be an idiot to do what I suggested.]

That was true.

[You have to agree, though, he's a massive butt. Just look what he's doing to the demons!] The ant swept an antenna in a wide loop, indicating the mess of larvae around them. [Well, he's doing it to you, too, come to think of it. The whole point of the demon monsters is to dedicate themselves wholeheartedly to their obsession. That's all they want in life. But are they allowed to? No! Arconidem is raining on that parade and forcing you to do what he wants. That defeats the entire point! Hence, he is a butt, and someone should tell him so.]

Odin just stared.

He didn't understand most of what the ant said, though he did understand that Arconidem was exerting control, somehow, on an entire species of monster. After long years working in the shadows, Odin had developed certain habits, habits that kept him alive. Right now, he had to battle those instincts, because they wanted to prevent him from getting the answers he needed.

Don't expose weakness! Never reveal ignorance!

In the darker places of Earth, sharks circled above, waiting for the first hint of blood. Then they would descend on the smaller fish, which never ended well for the little guy. For his entire life, Odin had refused to let them get a sniff. Asking a single question would have been a death sentence in certain company.

He hadn't been able to get much information from the powerful demons who had pulled him around, but here in front of him was a font of knowledge about this new world that he could take advantage of. For whatever reason, he felt as if this Anthony would talk until his jaw dislocated, except he didn't have one.

Come on, Odin. You're safe. He isn't going to kill you.

And… somehow… he believed it. He was safe. Despite everything, his experiences in his past life and this one, he didn't think Anthony would hurt him.

[I…] he forced the words out, almost choking on them as he pushed them from his mind. [... I don't know much about this world. I haven't been here long, and I've been fighting since the moment I was… born.]

[Spawned. You're a monster, champ. You were spawned. Hey, no problems, man. I've been here for what… a year? Do I know everything? No. But do I know enough to fill you in on a few things? Sure.]

[Tell me about Arconidem,] Odin asked.

He needed to know his enemy.

[That butt….] Anthony grumbled. [He's an Ancient. There's nineteen of them, apparently, and they really want there to be twenty. Basically, super powerful monsters who are stuck in the middle of the planet because they need super concentrated mana to survive.]

[So, we're safe from them?]

[Oh, heck no. Wave is coming. When the mana rises, everything is going to go straight to heck.]

That didn't sound promising.

[Stay cool,] Anthony patted him on the shoulder again. [We can keep you safe.]

[Even against Arconidem?] Odin was doubtful.

[Give us a little time. We're quite industrious like that.]

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