
Chapter 081 : Four Girls VS HIST

AREN : Not Again!!!!!

he couldn't take another bet like fight situation as he remembers the way of SORA tricking them but he also knew that if they don't beat him they won't be free and always be forced to do his bidding ....

KING : Then Let's Go At The Arena!!!!!


they started walking outside going straight for the ARENA they previously held the match... the KING was standing next to them as they were heading there and after minutes the reached it.....

THELIA : Don't Be scared as usual!!!

ELEA : I'll Beat You And Then Marry SORA...

KARA : Without you ever touching us!!!!!!!!!!!

MICA : So don't cry later on.....

saying that to HIST as they entered the ARENA he decided to tell them..

HIST : we'll see about that!!!!!!!!!!

as they were getting ready the arena got filled with people wanted to see the match as they were interested in a four versus one situation.. and someone among them gave them an intense stare.....

SORA : Xmmm I knew this would happen so i'm glad i came early...

KURONIA : Ara isn't that a bit rude to him!!!!!

SORA : Not really ... After all this way he will fight seriously for once... but first <S.T.A Strained Senses> Activate!!! .... Hoh interesting...!!!

while SORA was talking with KURONIA he used his skill to see their levels and was amazed at those numbers.. THELIA = 103, MICA = 109, ELEA = 106, KARA = 105 he then looked at the others RAK = 110, THEO = 104, BAL = 105, MERAK = 110 as the match ranged he raised a grin...


As the match started with the bell ringing all five of them took battle positions, HIST was surprised to see them reacting so fast and had taken battle formations to fight them then he said something.....

' Um .... What are you girls doing ' Hist said

' Huh.... Isn't it obvious we're taking measures against you ' Kara said

' i know that much but you won't be freed from being my toys unless each of you beat me

separately not together in a formation ' Hist said

' Ah.... that's right ' All Girls said

as they were remaining in the same position for a while SORA thought { they're idiots all four of them along with him (axaxaxa so true) .... }

' then what do we do... ' Thelia said

' simple 4 battles one on one ' Hist said...

' Huh..... ' All Girls said

' if one of you manage to break an arm or leg of me that will be considered as beating me up ' Hist said

' So you have four limbs four matches hUh ' Mica said

' YEP!!! Ah don't worry about healing me i have a skill that will save you the trouble so go all out ' Hist said

' then i'll go first ' Thelia said

as she said that the three girls backed away while she prepared...

' <Steel Leafs> [4150E->3850] Activate !!!!!!!! ' Thelia said

as small blades from the leaves started falling on HIST he was a bit surprised at those for their sharpness and speed but then -fuuuaaass-

' Too bad none is hitting me ' Hist said

he was walking through them while seeing every single one of them....

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