
Chapter 003 : The 4th Princess And The History Of Aeria

??? - Yes Father I'm A Bit Tired Because Somehow Three More Passed The Wall Of Summoning.

KING : I_I See...

??? - Well Then With Out Delay I'll Introduce Myself _ I'M The 4th Princess And The Only Daughter Of QUIRIUS ERSION .... THELIA ERSION

no one clapped in the introduction instead a voice said ignoring her....

??? - We get the basic idea... What we wanna know are 3 things 1) who are those six among us 2) how do we return to our world and 3) why you brought us here


Completely ignoring the KING'S daughter introduction everyone's patience and fear passed their limits and started complaining and demanding to leave the KING speechless and the PRINCESS frustrated while pouting furiously.

KING & THELIA : Eh_Eh......

KING : I See It's True That We Owe You An Explanation About All This, Well Then To Start With Your Answers In a Simplified Way

--This World Was Created Billion Years Ago And Are Govern By Six Races HUMAN_ DEMONS_ SPIRITS _ BEASTS _ HYBRIDS And ELVES. After Many Battles, Our Ancestors Created The Ranking Tournament System That Determines The Winners And Who Would Have Access To Most Resources. Since Then We Were Always At The Edge You May Say Last, So We Looked For Way To Bring Six Individuals From Other Worlds Here To Help Us Not Going Extinct. As Far My Knowledge Goes I Don't Know A Way For You To Return To Your Original World But The Other Races Especially The ELVES_DEMONS_SPIRITS Might Have A Way. And As For Why Nine Appear My Guess Is As Good As Yours.--

??? - yeah but that doesn't say anything about who from us are the six you summoned and who are the three uninvited ones

THELIA : Father Allow Me...

KING : I'M Leaving It To You...

THELIA : Like You, May Have Heard Earlier This World Works With Energy Called ETHERIAL, Meaning That The Way You Live Is Converted In The Other Energy Called EXPERIENCE That You Constantly Absorb In Your Body And Help You Grow Stronger And Use Energy For Spells Such As The Ritual That Brought You Here. Somewhere In Your Body You Will Find A Mark Number Probably Between 0-5 When You Do Picture A Small Window In Front Of You And The Recite <<STATUS>> As You Will Do In The Window Your Information Will Appear Showing Your SKILLS - ATTRIBUTE - LIFE - ETHERIAL - EXPERIENCE Towards Next Level And The Most Important Your TITLES. There Six Among You Will Have The TITLE <The Summoned One> That's All.

After they demanded the answers to their questions everyone remained in silence when the KING started talking about their past the cruelty of all the wars, after all, no matter which world you are there are many who experienced at least one. Everyone listened quietly and many things made an impression to them such as the races the tournament and they were kinda shocked to hear they go extinct. after the king finish talking about the reasons the summoned them the heard someone retort back at them.

??? - yeah but that doesn't say anything about who from us are the six you summoned and who are

the three uninvited ones

He was right everyone looked puzzled as who said it but that was a fact that instead of six people nine appeared and then the KING'S Daughter starting talking about the two types of energy and how you used them they listened quietly and they were very interested to hear about levels and such and how they were summoned and how you can see your own STATUS window.

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