
Coming Undone

General Lee was wearing the high-ranking officer uniform of Jakahn in the colors of their country, red and beige. On his back were two bladed weapons. They were too long to be a dagger but too short to be a sword. What was odd about them, was that they pointed downward, instead of upward, and were crossed like an "X" on his back.

"So, the War God of Deagoth knows my name. I'm flattered." General Lee spoke blandly, with no sincerity

Verruca chuckled, "Yeah, I've heard you're a punk kid that got scratched on your face by your daddy and then refused to talk to anyone for five hundred years... Do you want mommy here to kiss it and make it better? heh."

"I know you're provoking me... And fuck you, it's working!" General Lee touched his face, as his right hand traced his "X" scar on his face from left to right, while his left hand pulled his sword down from his back.

"Good... Now you know how I feel. Enough chit-chat, time to see what the marrow of your bones looks like." Verruca took a solid step in General Lee's direction.

Verruca swung her flail high, and then brought it low while casting her spell, "Phailol!" The Morning Star Flail shined brightly in the dark twilight of the underworld, as it fell in the arc it was swinging on the handle Verruca brought, it enlarged into a might golden spiked ball. It slammed into the ground, leaving a large crater.

Verruca was slightly startled, as the image of General Lee that should have been crushed, or he should have at least dodged, faded away.

She felt pressure from her back, "Underhanded!" As she was pushed forward by a step.

She turned to see her attacker, "So the fabled Tome of Hermes' Legacy is true then." Verruca spat.

General Lee landed steadily on a nearby boulder, as he looked down on Verruca, "Of course, Dear ole' dad found it in some ruins... Use to practice it on me, until I learned it, and then no more dad... Heh."

"Long story short... Who cares." Verruca softly hummed another spell, "Anxlihowug." Crackling golden lighting danced softly on her armor with a soft buzzing sound.

General Lee held both his swords in a backward grip, before disappearing.

Verruca stood still, [Where are you... AH HA!] She slammed out with her flail but met nothing but air and another crater she formed. She felt that the back of her right knee was struck by General Lee, as she kneeled on her right knee to the ground.

General Lee materialized to her left, "This is the mighty war god of Deagoth... Warmarshal Verruca... Bane of Borda... Frankly, I'm unimpressed." He looked to his right arm to see scorched marks along his forearm.

"Hold still for a few seconds and say that again," Verruca said calmly.

"I wonder how many war credits I can get by bringing your head back to the King." General Lee took an offensive stance.

"That's if you have the ability." Verruca gritted her teeth, and leaped into the air toward General Lee, smashing down where he was.

General Lee appeared behind her, "Why struggle? You can't catch me, even if you prayed for it."

"Don't mention prayer, at the moment. Though say, Lee-Boy... While you had your famous tantrum and didn't talk to anyone, I wonder? How was it feeling like an undead-child? Did you miss your daddy?" Verruca hummed another spell, "Lihowugnime," As she hunkered down, awaiting the next strike.

General Lee responded, with a cross slash on Verruca's back. She turned slightly with her left leg, swinging the flail like an unstoppable force, but she missed her mark again. Gold lightning crackled along her armor that now showed a bit of her back, and black blood oozed from her.

Lee landed further away from Verruca now, "It seems I played into that... A double edge sword." General Lee looked down at both of his arms, now colored black from the burns received by the Lightshield of Retribution. "Defense versus speed... I wonder which is better?"

"I wouldn't worry about it until the battle is over." Verruca's face bloomed into an enchanting smile on her massive frame.

"Hmmm?" General Lee didn't understand this, but he felt taunted, as Verruca took a half step.

"Alright, Daddy's boy... See if you can't hit me with your best shot." Verruca dropped her shield and flail, with a loud low thud.

General Lee vanished from his place, but in that instance, a crackling sounded from behind Verruca, as she turned to look at General Lee being held in golden chains rooted to a luminous yellow sigil on the ground.

"WHAT IN THE HELL ARE THESE CHAINS!!!" General Lee screamed out in frustration.

Verruca didn't say anything, as she reached out with her massive hands, to grip onto General Lee's upper arms.

"Got you now, your quick little bitch... Any last words before I pull you apart?" Verruca said with a laugh in her voice.


"I won't bother you about the details, but just know that Warmarshal Ken... Was faster than you, and he could never defeat me." Verruca held the smaller General Lee with her left hand, as she pulled with her right hand, feeling the resistance of the bones of General Lee. Lee was still holding his swords and kicking with his legs toward Verruca in vain. She was three times his size, and her form dwarfed his.

Savoring the feeling of the resistance in the bones pulling away.

"AUUUUHHHHH!!!!" Lee yelled in pain, as he felt his arm dislocating from his socket. Skeletal undead felt little in terms of pain, but the feeling of having your bones pulled from their sockets, while better than zombies or geist, was one of only a few ways to inflect pain on Skeletal undead.

Soon Verruca smiled brightly, as she tore General Lee's right arm from its socket.

She crushed his left arm in her hand, as she dropped it. "Oopsie... I guess you are going to need to see a bone doctor for another arm, now. I don't think you can recover this one. Now you're lopsided... Let me even you up."

General Lee heard the sweet voice of Verruca, but in his mind, it sounded like a devil that crawled out of hell.

She gripped General Lee again with her right hand, as she started to pull on his right arm, feeling the glorious feeling of resistance.

"Warmarshal Verruca, I believe it's time for you to aid your precious city... Or else I guess Warmarshal Chaoshood will end up as the third Warmarshal to die today." A humorous voice sounded from behind Verruca. She had her back to the city, and this voice, as she turned to look who spoke.

"Former-Marquis Mark... So, we meet at last." Verruca held onto the ragdoll General Lee, who continued to struggle and yell.

"Quite you. Grown-ups are talking." Verruca's right hand crushed General Lee's rib bones. Breaking almost all of them but three.

"How brutal. Your reputation proceeds you, but I think you miss the big picture. Take a look to my left." Mark spoke as if he was chatting with a good friend.

Verruca looked up to see a giant undead gorilla rampaging in Zitergall.

"Let me remind you that General Russell is a High-level Knight Rank Nature Cultivator. I don't think that Warmarshal Chaoshood and Patriarch Furysmith will be able to hold him back for much longer if you stay. So, two things. Stay here and destroy General Lee and let Zitergall fall, oooor leave General Lee and let Zitergall fall into my hands. The choice is yours really."

Mark said while nodding his head.

"What makes you think I can't bring General Lee with me." Verruca took a step forward, though a bit shaky due to her injury on her right knee.

"Me and mine will bar your way. I'm simply here to collect General Lee. I don't want to lose him just yet, but if you want to trade your city for General Lee... I'm sure Jakahn will agree to it."

Verruca hesitated for a moment, before discarding the struggling General Lee, as he was smashed down to the ground.

She hummed a new spell as she placed her hand on her right knee, "Faxhong," and a golden light surrounded her knee in what appeared to be a brace. Verruca gave another look to Mark, before she charged toward Zitergall on foot, passing the fallen bodies of her army on her way back.

Mark watched her as she passed before he walked over to General Lee. Lee had struggled up, as he leaned against a small rock beside him.

"...Thanks..." He squeezed out.

"Don't mention it, General Lee. Generals have to look out for each other." Mark reached down to pull Lee up. General Lee slumped over slightly from his crushed ribs, as he held himself with his left arm.

"I got a bone doc back at camp. A really good one. We will have you patched up before this day ends, no cost."

"...I've been feeling some aches in that right arm, anyway." General Lee looked to the ground to his crushed arm and staggeringly made his way to his arm. He sheathed his sword and bent down to pick up his other sword from the remains of his other arm.

"Let's make our way... We have a show to watch, haha." Mark spoke, as he pointed to Zitergall.

"I'm not really in the mood," Lee spoke blandly.

"Come now. I promise this show will be a party, and even Deagoth will have a 'blast.'"

"Alright, then." Lee nodded, as soldiers of Jakahn came to his side to help him.

Voidmirage here!

Wow... Verruca is a friggin BEAST!

So beast!

Can't wait for the 'Have-a-Blast' party in Zitergall!

Song for the chapter:

Coming Undone by Korn!!!

The question is... Is the song for General Lee for obvious reasons oooooor...

Warmarshal Verruca! Comment on what you think!


This link above is my Coffee cup... So if you feel like it, pour me a cup!

Voidmiragecreators' thoughts
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