
Two meetings that seemed preordained

I open my eyes…

Before me was an almost desolate street in the middle of the night. I looked around and found no signs of life. The only thing that told me there were people in the buildings were the breaths they were taking. The streetlights were either dim or completely shut off, and the only sound anyone could actually hear was the sound of a bell coming from the giant clock I see in the distance.

The people in the nearby houses didn't seem to notice that I popped out of nowhere, like I teleported or just appeared. So I came to the conclusion that my persona was very unnoticed by this town's society. Or perhaps they didn't want to recognize the fact I existed?

It also seemed he was killed because he couldn't make it home in time. He was running for his life and slipped, what arrived was a horrific looking being known as a 'Kishin' this was a demonic creature or being that had its soul entirely engulfed in evil after devouring a clean human soul.

This particular one was almost naked, the only things it wore were leather straps similar to a bondage outfit that seemed to be used like armor, it stood tall at almost three full meters with a very lean body other than its pot belly allowing for quick reflexes. It had 18" claws and metal gauntlets all of these were for some reason attached by metal rods to a bracer on its head that was locked to it mouth. It had sharp teeth almost like that of a shark, a long carrot like nose and hollow eye holes, it's hair seemed as if it were balding before turning as well. Finally a mask of skin seemed to be sown to its face with a word on its forehead, and I gave the word no mind as I didn't need to bother remembering it.

This was the famed Jack the Ripper. I thought he'd be cooler, but not in this world as he is a low level trash mob. Well… that is for professional hunters and those academy students, but for the average person only death awaits them in a fight.

After scouring my memories I take a look at my clothing and decided it wasn't standing out enough, I wanted that bastard Jack to come and hunt me. Not so I can die… BUt so I can devoir his Kishin Egg.

This may not be the best thing in the world to do, but oh well. Man's gotta eat.

Now to open this World's starter pack. But this time instead of both a readable message and Darcy's voice I only see the message.

[Open World Starter Pack: Soul Eater]

[Obtained Equipment: Sabre Turret] (Borderlands)

[Obtained Equipment: Air Gear]

[Obtained Item: Spacial Ring x1]

[Obtained Item: Evolution Vial (Mid) x2]

[Obtained Item: Equipment Transformation Talisman x5]

[Obtained Bloodline: Doppelgänger]

[Obtained Skill Set: Six Powers] (One Piece)


[Skill Set: Six Powers]


Burst of incredible speed that can resemble teleportation.

Requirements: 40.0 Agility

Sky Walk:

Ability to fly by kicking the air

Requirements: 40.0 Agility, 30.0 Wisdom, 20.0 Strength


The ability to make oneself solid enough to resemble iron. One cannot walk while in this defensive position

Requirements: 20.0 Wisdom, 20.0 Intelligence, 30.0 Endurance, 30.0 Strength


Using a kick or a weapon to create slicing winds

Requirements: 45.0 Agility, 35.0 Strength


Finger pistols. Using one's finger to pierce an opponent like a bullet

Requirements: 40.0 Strength, 30.0 Agility


Makes the user's body go limp and float like a piece of paper to avoid hits, gliding on air

Requirements: 40.0 Agility

Rokushiki Ogi: Rokuogan

This is the ultimate Rokushiki technique that can damage an opponent internally, similar to the Impact Dial, or of equal or more strength to the Reject Dial, but the technique is considered to be much more powerful, and can be performed without the side effect of great pain to the user.

Requirements: Full Master of other Six Powers, 80.0 Endurance, 80.0 Strength

Sai Dai Rin: Rokuogan

This technique is used in the same way as Rokuougan, except now with a larger attack radius and greater attack power, due to the enlarged fists of the hybrid form. The move is so powerful that the shock wave it sends out can shatter rock even after going through its intended target.

Requirements: Full Mastery of other Six Powers, Large Demi-Human Form, 100.0 Endurance, 100.0 Strength


Cool I got me an upgradable Sabre Turret, Air Gear for traveling around and a Spacial Ring for storing my items I want. But a Doppelgänger Bloodline? Now that is badass… Apparently it allows me to become the race of any Bloodline I already own. And the best is the new set of skills that I can use but I wonder where is the , even though they have quite the requirement to use them I do have that… A fucking Evolution Vial, with this I can upgrade my current stats between ten-fifty apiece depending on my computability. This will instantly shoot my strength up to a new level.

I quickly take out the Vial, it was a test-tube size Vial that contained a glowing green liquid. I was hesitant to down the Vial at first but do to the overwhelming wish for power I steeled my will and downed the entire thing in a single gulp.

My body shuddered due to the new substance in my body and the immediate changes. My skin felt like it was tearing itself apart and reconstructing itself over and over… Yet not a sound was let out, I could be killed by that bastard Jack if he's nearby and hears.

After what seems to be a small eternity, but was thirty minutes. I pulled my self up and smelt the air. It stuck worst than any trash… It was a pitch black liquid leaking from the pores of my skin. It is probably the waste that accumulated in my body.

I could feel it in me, a lot of new power flowing through my veins, my bones were filled with might and even my hair felt cleaner, my mind was clear and felt like I could think at an accelerated rate and finally my eyes, ears and nose could see, hear and smell farther that before. I finally check my own status.


Name: Daban

Sex: Male

Race: Immortal Human

Class': Dimensional Traveler, Strategist

Titles: Insane, Master-Mind, M/S Trainer,

Level: 0 XP: 0/100

HP: 6210/6210 -> 31050/31050 MP: 44700/44700

Str: 51.0 End: 62.1 Agi: 52.4

Per: 52.5 Int: 38.5 Wis: 44.7

Stat Points: (0) Skill Points: (0)

Blessing: <???> <???>

Spare Classes: Berzerker, Swordsman, Blacksmith, Gunner, Martial Artist, Assassin, Ninja, Actor, Singer, Spearman,

Skills: <Martial Arts 4> <Sword Arts 4> <Gun Arts 4> <Lying 6> <Acting 6> <Mental Resistance 5> <Soul Resistance 1> <Driving 2> <Sneaking 4> <Cooking 3> <Pain Resistance 6> <Speech 2> <Swimming 3> <Blacksmithing 4> <Hidden Weapons 4> <Throwing 4> <Spear Arts 3> <Computer Knowledge 3> <Sex Arts 4> <Singing 5> <Sprint 3> <Berserk 2> <Hypnotism 2> <Create Undead 1> <Genjutsu 1> <Quick Thinking 3> <Shadow Steps> <Schemer 2> <Tribulation resistance 1> <Torture 3> <Free-running 3> <Appraisal 5> <Leader 2> <Set: Six Powers>

Equipment: <Demonic Blood Clothe> <Sandai Keitsu Wazamono> <Clothes> <Sabre Turret>

Bloodlines: <Vampire> <Doppelgänger>

Summons: <Kirito> <Yoshino> <SWAT (6)>

Special: <Sharingan (One Tomoe)> <Regeneration (Low)> <Bloody Aura(Low)> <Eidetic Memory> <Echolocation> <Disease Immunity> <Gluttony> <Animal Instinct> <Bullshit Detector> <Multiple Clone> <Instant Transmission> <Dragon Slayer Magic (Shadow)> <Kings Aura(Low)>

Vehicles: <Harley Davidson>

Buildings: <Training Grounds> <Mediation Pavilion> <Safe House (Small)>

Worlds: <HotD> <Earth> <Fallout> <Pocket Dimension(D)> <Soul Eater>

Danger Rating: C-


I will admit right now, this is very OVERPOWERED!!! Like what the Hell?! My stats jumped up so many fucking times it's not even funny!! Like what the Hell was all that training for?!


I then pull out a spare Equipment Transformation Talisman and say "Akatsuki Robe" as I stick it on my Demonic Blood Clothe as I didn't like the design at the moment, like it just didn't say 'Come eat me'. You know… Just want Jack to come back and hunt me so I can feast on his soul.

As I use the Talisman my Demonic Blood Clothe began to extend a bit and the red lining melded together and created a single blood cloud, from that it began to multiply until five such clouds were on the robe. The robe itself pulled itself closer and almost attached itself but left a zipper instead, the collar area went up until it almost covered my lips and stopped completely around my head, and finally it extended to my feet almost touching the ground.

I looked at a nearby window and saw my face in the average Akatasuki outfit. I had semi-long black hair that almost covered my eyes a poker face was all that was seen and underneath were cargo pants that held supplies while my waist showed off Sandai Keitsu Wazamono; my favorite sword and in my pants sat a small box that was the new Sabre Turret.

I then smiled to myself as I came up with a brilliant Idea upon looking at the window, almost to the point of tripping on my own feet. And then I walked to the window, and placed my hand to the glass.

I sucked in air and breathed it out onto the glass leaving a bit of condensation on it. And I began to write as I talked out loud…

"Forty-two, Forty-two, Five-sixty-four. Whenever you want to knock on Death's door."

The glass began to give off a blue light and the light rippled across the glass as if it were water. And a strange beeping radiated out almost like that of a phone number… Probably because it is.

After waiting for five or so seconds, the window flashed a blight white; yet I refused to wince or back away as I knew of the danger of taking your eyes from Death.

"Hello there as you called this number you probably know who I'am, and who might you be?"

A voice came out of the window sounding like it was talking through a phone screen. It sounded strangely cheerful, yet I knew he was being wary of me. I almost got a small chuckle out of it.

Just gazing at this bastard made alarm bells ring in my head and said to run, but I knew better. I looked into his abyssal like eyes and they had the strangest navy blue swirls inside. He was a completely black figure, and I mean pitch black like the night. He wore a mask that seemed to be a joke version of a skull and had his hands were out of sight.

And strangely enough I feel I lost some MP while calling upon Death.

"Me? My name is Daban Paradox, where I come from some just say it means 'Banned from Death' (I made that up lol) and my last name well you already know."

I gave a small introduction of myself to this being known as Death in this World. I almost sounded respectful as I talked to him. It seemed he knew I cared little of his identity and didn't truly fear him.

"Hmmmm…" He held his strangely large hand that he brought out up to his non-existent chin. "Hahaha! The records on you only seem to be random things strung together! Either the fact that you were a talented individual was so well hidden even the laws of the planet couldn't see it or you got that talant over night! So? Which is it? I must know~!" He said out to me in a cheerily like manner almost as if he were a good friend of mine for ages.

"Talent such as MINE cannot be seen by the Heavens themselves if I don't want them to know. Much less these random World Laws. So… Any way Death, I'd like to make a deal… If you are interested, of course." I wanted to gain access to the school, and more so than that I want information on how to find Mifune the God of Swords in this World. I want to learn his style. The infinite Sword Style.

"Oh? A deal you say, what sort of deal?" He asked interestedly. It seems the fact that a very random person that contacts him out of nowhere but lack hostile intent is something that spikes his weird sense of interest.

"I heard that a while back you started up your own academy… How about I become either a student or teacher there for you?" "With your talent, finding a suitable partner and becoming a teacher might not become a problem… But in exchange for what? Might I ask."

"You may. I want information… I want the location of the Sword God Mifune, and as you said a nice Demon Weapon if I can get one that is." I spoke honestly and surly, as I knew he could't pass up the chance for the extra hands.

'Sigh'"I believe we can come to such a conclusion, Daban you will be under supervision for a while and in that time I don't want you to cause trouble. And in exchange on your first day of arrival I will hand over the information. But the Demon Weapon, you will only get after your students accept you as a teacher. Okay?"

"That is just fine, Death."

"It is Lord Death to all staff and students."

"I'd rather chop off my tongue." I glare at this mischievous bastard.

"Hahaha! You are quite interesting! Then I will see you soon, New Teacher Daban! Ah! I will also send one pair of my students to come pick you up in a week's time. So please enjoy your time in that town until then."

And the the window faded back to the way it was before. See through.

I then walked outside of the ally making sure to use the Shadow Steps Skill to prevent noise when I walk. Outside of the ally I found the main street that had plenty of lamp lights on.

I began to walk and I heard foot steps that were very frantic and calmer and swifter ones heading my way. I kept walking and as I made my way forward it got louder and by the time it was loud and close enough for a regular person top hear, I saw that same Kishin as the previous owner died to.

It was chasing a poor looking girl that seemed to be around eighteen years of age. She wore regular street clothes and had on a small necklace showing she was middle class. She had tears streaming down her face and was wailing and crying out for help.

She saw me and shouted out "Please help me! Please!" And she ran toward me like I was her only chance at survival, yet I could tell her inner thoughts that said 'Finally, if I get this Demon to attack him I can escape. Only gotta get close and be for his help.' All this said with an evil internal smile.

I placed my right hand on Sandai which was hooked to my left waist and got into a drawing sword position as I was about to unsheathe Sandai and attack.

Time seemed to slow…






And by the fifth time I hear my heart beat. I slashed out Sandai.

The lady was still in the way and Jack who was behind her was shocked at my sudden movement, he immediately jumped backward and landed. At the same time he landed I sheathed Sandai and the lady also landed on the floor.

Only she was bisected and lived no more… And finally what I was waiting for occurred.

Her blue soul appeared, it said it was pure when she obviously was going to have this beast named Jack the Ripper kill me. Meaning she was quite dangerous at heart.

If she tried to just run around me and then Jack appeared and we fought, all would be good. But she ran toward me and led him straight toward me instead and also had those thoughts all up in her head of killing me using him in her place.

"MINE!!!" Jack leaped toward the blue soul.

I also jumped toward the soul and Slashed out Sandai at Jack, he saw it going to his neck and slashed out with his hand blades. The blades successfully blocked my attack yet in return they gained a small chipping in them.

Seeing that his hand blades were damaged Jack grew furious instead of wary and threw himself into the air and attempted to pounce on me. He brought his blades down upon my head and I used my imperfect Kami-e to dodge his attack, the next movement he was to do is a spinning slash attack by throwing his body in a circle and cut everything around him.

After I ducked under his swinging hands I looked up and shouted "Shadow Dragon's Roar!" and a black pillar like beam of black shadows came from my mouth and smashed into Jack sending him flying.

After being launched over 10 meters Jack created into the side of a building and as it began to fall down I saw him stand once more. The Dragon Roar seems to just cause heavy blunt damage and due to Jack being a creature who hunts in the dark he might have been able to deflect some damage from the Shadow attack.

After rising he lets out a roar of his own that seemed to be more of a screech, now I was getting a bit mad and released my Bloody Aura. My Aura filled the air surrounding me making it dense with killing intent that was almost tangible and seemed to swallow beings whole and the thought of tearing this damnable punk limb from limb crossed my mind.

I jumped forward at Jack, he seemed as if paralyzed by the sudden dense killing intent being weighed down on him that he was scared stiff like a statue. I wielded Sandai and cut deep into Jack's neck the speed far surpassed that of sound as nothing could be heard.

As I landed behind Jack I sheathed Sandai with a 'clang' and turned around to see… Jack's head had finally hit the floor, his body gave out and fell to it's knees and then finally to the street ground.

His body began to stretch and conform almost tearing itself apart in several places and then finally disappeared leaving behind a red and dirty looking soul behind. It was a Kishin Egg.

I picked up his Kishin Egg and moved to pick up the Blue Soul that was a few meters away.

Also, the reason I didn't use my new Skill Set: Six Powers that much was because as I said it was imperfect as I haven't trained in them and I could end up hammering the nails into my coffin if I'm not careful.

As I approached I saw what seemed to be a cat in a witches hat. It had purple fur and a pumpkin collar around its neck. And upon seeing the feline, I cracked a small smile that was hidden behind the Akatsuki Robe.

"Hey, little Kitty. Why are you all out and about? You should head on home." I talked to her like I didn't know who she was and gave her a small shoo of the hand to send her off. As doing so I kept walking toward the Blue Soul.

The Kitty proceeded to jump in front of me as I advanced. I put on an annoyed face looking toward while the Kitty gets into a fighting pose of hunching over its body and spiking its fur while it looks up and speaks out to me. "Stay away from this Soul, nya~, I cannot let you a bad guy have it."

I then look down at the Kitty with a surprised look on my face, I then get a serious face on and Jump back 6 feet while reaching my hand onto Sandai. "Who are you? I know of no witches in this area, therefore this cannot be your territory. So why?"

"Me, nya~? Well I'am Blair. The Magic Pumpkin Cat! And as for me stopping you? Well, that is because you reek of blood; nya~. And I also saw you kill this young lady, nya~, you just cut her down. Therefore you are a bad person, NYA~!"

I looked on the proud look on her face as she stated out the fact that I killed an innocent young lady. I had the look of being dumbfounded at her sheer inability to tell beings apart. That 'young lady' wanted to push that Kishin off to me so she could escape with her life by using me as bait!

"Little Blair, that woman was acting upon a sinister plot of hers." "NYA~! How dare you say such things! She was just a young lass!"

"No! She was a schemer! She planned to have me fight with Jack so she could escape! What if I wasn't as strong as I'am? I'd be dead! and she might have just thrown me onto the ground or tripped me up and send me to a bloody end!" I let her know of the facts, and this made her expression change many times.

"Besides… Don't you know how rude it is to converse with a human with a cat body? AH?! Now stand up straight and use your human body when you speak with me!" As I spoke these sentences I let out my King Aura and sealed my Blood Aura. This caused her to see me who was an equal of her's to now be seen as somebody above her.

"Y-Y-Yes Sir!" 'poof' a bit of smoke appeared and as it went away in front of me stood Blair in her beautiful human form that was saluting me with a hand above her head.

Her human form had a face with supple cheeks and an almost pointed yet rounded chin and her eyes were that of a cat's, he hair was a dark purple similar to that of Saeko's but she had very distinct loops in her hair and badly poking out of her hat were purple hair covered cat ears. The outfit consisted of a black top and skirt one-piece that reaches to her mid-thigh the skirt seemed to have a bit of white frills poking out from underneath, her sleeves went all the way to her wrist and then a just as long sleeve went off her arm where it dangled about on both arms. On her legs are what seemed to be stockings but upon closer inspection are actually mid thigh high boots, her boots at her feet are on three or four inch heels and the tips of the boots seem to go up and turn backwards.

Ahem- and let me tell you… both her bust and bottom are quite supple and I really want to stick my hands out and grope her. A-ahem-. Yeah, sorry about my little fantasies getting out there.

"Nya~? WAIT! WHY AM I SALUTING?! NYA~!" She shouts out while flailing her arms about.

"Well that is simple to answer Little Blair, I released my Aura of Kings upon you. Just to let you instinctively learn your place." She seemed confused at my explanation.

"Aura of Kings, nya~? What's that?" She seemed to really want to know of this knew term.

"Hah~ It is the Aura of a King, something that only real Kings can give off. This allows them to rule over their people and subordinates by making them more submissive." I obviously say with the greatest snobbish tone I could muster… made me want to throw up.

"Nya~?" She tilts her head to the side while sticking her arms back. "I thinks I get it, nya~."

I don't think she actually understands… I thought I saw a question mark appear above her head. Well anyway...


"Anyway, Little Blair. Can I have the soul or not?"

"Mmh Mmh…" She shakes her head at me while almost pouting.

While thinking of how to get the Soul while also getting close to Blair I think and think more. 'I got it.' It then hits me.

"How 'bout we make a deal Little Blair." I love making deals.

"Deal, nya~?" She tilted her head again. 'So cute.'

'Ahem'"I will offer to… Buy you fish and give you a place to call home."

"No, I also want money to shop with to you know~." Now she actually pouts.

She is a handful, at least she is a little naive when she doesn't take thing seriously.

'Sigh'"Fine, I will take care of the money you spend… Up to a limit of course. And I will give you place to call home if you'd like."

"Nya~ Home? Mm, yes I'd like to go home with a handsome boy like you." She speaks to me in a way that seems to be her flirting or even seducing me.

"Well.. uh… Would you mind if i get that floating Blue Soul now?"

She seems to be a bit embarrassed as she rubs the back of her head. She then looks back at me and at the Blue Soul.

"I'd rather not let you have it… I don't want for you to become a Kishin. Then-"

"Pfffhhht… hahahahahaha!!! Yeah right! Like I'd be stupid enough to actually let myself become one of those things! So don't worry Little Blair, I'm just gonna store it away for now."

After saying these things she looks at me in confusion as she doesn't know how one would store away a Soul. As she looks my way she sees me flip up the palm of my hand and on it appears a ring. Seeing the ring her heart actually skips a beat.

"This ring is actually a storage ring, one that has a special space inside that is separate from this world. It can store most items, and has a space separate from this world that is the size of ten kilometers cubed. So storing away a Soul is easy."

She then looks on in amazement as she sees me grab both the Kishin Egg and Blue Soul, and then made both of them disappear as they entered the ring.

"Alright then… I guess we should get going, even though I have a group coming to get me in one week's time. So, I guess we actually gotta stay in this town until then."

She then puts on a smiling face as she comes up with an idea. "You can stay at my place until then. As long as you aren't actually a bad guy that is." She then gives me a glare as she looks me up and down.

"But then again, I wouldn't really mind if you acted bad every now and again." She says while blushing a bit as she tried to seduce me once again… Let me tell you that it is working for her.

"Mmhmm… Well I'd love to stay at your place for now. So why don't yo lead the way Little Blair." I myself blush a bit at her constant advances and decide to go with her.

"Mmm, you can count on me! This way please, nya~!"

And so she lead me down the main street, and as I followed behind Little Blair I looked up in the night sky. And there it was…

A brutal grin was plastered on the eternally crescent moon of this world, it had eyes that were sharp and stared into your soul as blood dripped from its mouth. Horrifying.

And I myself grew a grin on my face as I looked at it… And for a moment I though I saw fear run through the moon's eyes.

Only to hear Little Blair call out for me. "On my way! So slow down a bit will you!"

And we were off once again. And I also caught sight of my status after the fight.

[Killed Low rank Kishin: Jack the Ripper; Gained 1000XP, Gained Finger Blades.]

[Stored away: Low rank Kishin Egg]

[Stored away: Low rank Blue Soul]


Name: Daban

Sex: Male

Race: Immortal Human

Class': Dimensional Traveler, Strategist

Titles: Insane, Master-Mind, M/S Trainer,

Level: 3 XP: 300/800

HP: 31050/31050 MP: 44700/44700

Str: 51.0 End: 62.1 Agi: 52.4

Per: 52.5 Int: 38.5 Wis: 44.7

Stat Points: (30) Skill Points: (15)

Blessing: <???> <???>

Spare Classes: Berzerker, Swordsman, Blacksmith, Gunner, Martial Artist, Assassin, Ninja, Actor, Singer, Spearman,

Skills: <Martial Arts 4> <Sword Arts 4> <Gun Arts 4> <Lying 6> <Acting 6> <Mental Resistance 5> <Soul Resistance 1> <Driving 2> <Sneaking 4> <Cooking 3> <Pain Resistance 6> <Speech 2> <Swimming 3> <Blacksmithing 4> <Hidden Weapons 4> <Throwing 4> <Spear Arts 3> <Computer Knowledge 3> <Sex Arts 4> <Singing 5> <Sprint 3> <Berserk 2> <Hypnotism 2> <Create Undead 1> <Genjutsu 1> <Quick Thinking 3> <Shadow Steps> <Schemer 2> <Tribulation resistance 1> <Torture 3> <Free-running 3> <Appraisal 5> <Leader 2> <Set: Six Powers>

Equipment: <Demonic Blood Clothe(Akatsuki Robe)> <Sandai Keitsu Wazamono> <Clothes> <Sabre Turret>

Bloodlines: <Vampire> <Doppelgänger>

Summons: <Kirito> <Yoshino> <SWAT (6)>

Special: <Sharingan (One Tomoe)> <Regeneration (Low)> <Bloody Aura(Low)> <Eidetic Memory> <Echolocation> <Disease Immunity> <Gluttony> <Animal Instinct> <Bullshit Detector> <Multiple Clone> <Instant Transmission> <Dragon Slayer Magic (Shadow)> <Kings Aura(Low)>

Vehicles: <Harley Davidson>

Buildings: <Training Grounds> <Mediation Pavilion> <Safe House (Small)>

Worlds: <HotD> <Earth> <Fallout> <Pocket Dimension(D)> <Soul Eater>

Danger Rating: C-


Ha! Look at me go!

I'm on a role with my extra chapter this week!

Also… Yes… I want Little Blair to say Nya~ a lot.

So suck it up.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed.

Oh! Also… If you like the work so far go ahead and leave me a five star review~ Thanks!

DabanCrowcreators' thoughts
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